[p2p-research] open and free games

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Tue Dec 23 19:45:42 CET 2008

Michel Bauwens wrote:
> was wondering if you; or anyone you know; would be able to
> write a short state of the art article on this emergence; for the p2p blog?

My take is probably too simple.  I am interested in:

1.) Licensing traditions and the artificial separation of code and
art. (For example, using CC for a texture or sound-effect when GNU
[A]GPL would make the program more easily distributable and also
insuring future User Freedom)

2.) Artisan defiance and sarcasm used to cut through corporate media
stronghold to expose socially important issues.  (For example,
http://Home.GNA.org/oomadness/en/slune  "'AIDS drugs are not available
in Africa. It's here they would be the most usefull, tough
pharmaceutical industries and USA has decided differently...'"

3.) What "Business Model" can be used to 'support' such activity.
More generally: How can artisans specialize interdependently without
excessive "Tit-for-Tat" value accounting.

4.) Using the best of each to make a nature simulation fostering
player-defined notions of property, law, incorporation, government,
tax, trade, etc. - so we can have a better "Mode of Production

Maybe someone from one these places would like to write such a "state
of the art article":


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