[p2p-research] Energy Storage Capacitor

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 23 00:50:00 CET 2008

With implications to P2P energy production and storage ....

via Slashdot (so take with a grain of salt):

An anonymous reader sends us to GM-volt.com, an electric vehicle enthusiast
blog, for the news that last week EEStor was granted a US
their electric-energy storage unit, of which no one outside the
(no one who is talking, anyway) has seen so much as a working prototype.
We've discussed the company on a
The patent <http://www.pat2pdf.org/patents/pat7466536.pdf> (PDF) is a highly
information-rich document that offers remarkable insight into the device.
EEStor notes "the present invention provides a unique lightweight
electric-energy storage unit that has the capability to store ultrahigh
amounts of energy." *"The core ingredient is an aluminum coated barium
titanate powder immersed in a polyethylene terephthalate plastic matrix. The
EESU is composed of 31,353 of these components arranged in parallel. It is
said to have a total capacitance of 30.693 F and can hold 52.220 kWh of
energy. The device is said to have a weight of 281.56 pound including the
box and all hardware. Unlike lithium-ion cells, the technology is said not
to degrade with cycling and thus has a functionally unlimited lifetime. It
is mentioned the device cannot explode when being charge or impacted and is
thus safe for vehicles."*
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