[p2p-research] Fwd: P2P Energy Economy: request for critical feedback

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 19:13:33 CET 2008

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:29 AM, Florent <fthiery at gmail.com> wrote:

> let scalable/distributed "city" models exist

Are you saying Capitalism (or "The Free Market", or whatever
'governance' is currently running) doesn't *let* scalable/distributed
"city" models exist?

Even if you didn't mean to say that, I think it is partially true.

The deepest failing of our current economic kernel (the way we
structure tax and trade) is the problem it has with our success.

> Also, does anyone know of virtual/software tools that can be used to
> simulate scenarios (some open source SimCity) ?

It's funny you mention that specific game, as it was recently
relicensed (Jan-10-2008) to GNU GPLv3 and renamed Micropolis. --

Here are some other Free Software games we we might harvest ideas and code from:

http://Cultivation.sf.net >>Cultivation is a game about a community of
gardeners growing food for themselves in a shared space.

http://wz2100.net >>Warzone 2100 is a real-time strategy game,
developed by Pumpkin Studios and published by Eidos-Interactive(TM).
Although comparable to Earth2150(TM) in many significant respects, it
does contain aspects that are unique. These include various radar
technologies, a greater focus on artillery and counter-battery
technologies, more frequent in-game cinematic updates as gameplay
progress, as well as a different vehicle design method. It was
released in 1999 for both PC and Playstation(R).

http://Hectigo.net/puskutraktori/oneisenough >>Economic development in
the land of the balls has rendered communism an obsolete ideology, but
one ball is ready to stand against the cruel corporate oppressors. Is
one ball enough to free the capitalist balls from their egocentric
ideology and send them to labour camps, or is the process doomed to
fail? There's only one way to find out...

http://Diameter.sf.net >>"Diameter" is an arcade game with elements of
economy and adventure.

http://Lists.Riseup.net/www/info/ropecan >>This is a discussion to
generate ideas and plans to create a computer game in which players
interact according to the principles of a Participatory Economy.

http://Feudal.sf.net >>Rules of Feudalism    Real time strategy with
small soldiers and very realistic battles (1000+ soldiers involved).
Also emphasises automation of economy rather than having to
micro-manage troops and resources.

http://spring-alpha.org >>"spring_alpha" is a networked game system
set in an industrialised council estate whose inhabitants are
attempting to create their own autonomous society in contrast to that
of the regime in which they live. The game serves as a "sketch pad"
for testing out alternative forms of social practice at both the
"narrative" level, in terms of the game story, and at a "code" level,
as players are able to re-write the code that runs the simulated
world. The original narrative is based on a series of drawings by Chad
McCail, "Spring" and "Evolution is Not Over yet", which also shape the
game's visual style. The original stories and images become a
framework that is fleshed-out by people's own ideas and experiences.
The basic aim of the game is to change the rules by which the society
in that world runs. This is done through hacking and altering the code
that simulates that world, creating new types of behaviour and social
interaction. How effective this becomes depends on the players'
ability to spread these new ideas into the society.

http://GammaLow.sf.net >>Gamma Low is a multiplayer strategy game in
which two teams of light-based life-forms fight for the dominance over
a cellular system. The roles in each team are split up into a master
commander position (called The Mind), several sub-commanders (called
Spirits) and the working/attacking force, the Lights.

http://Fortress.sf.net >>While playing The Fortress you will design,
build and defend your very own castle.  You'll need to take care of
both economical and military aspects of your kingdom.

http://VRSpace.org >>VRSpace is free cross-platform modular 3D
community software. Features include chat, with live people or
chatbots; ready-to-use application server, mail and news server
plugins; persistence in text files or database; world editor, able to
save vrml 'screenshots', and so on.

http://Common-Lisp.net/project/hansa2 >>Hansa2 is an implementation of
the trade game Hansa, invented by the economist David D. Friedman. The
game is generally similar to games like Empire and Risk: the goal is
to dominate the world.

http://FCCA.sf.net >> Free Conquest & Colonization of America

http://GNU.org/software/motti >>GNU motti is a simple multiplayer,
networked strategy game. The objective of the game is to conquer
enemies' capitals by occupying and encircling their territories. The
game map is an array of square cells.

http://UFOOT.org/liquidwar unique strategy territorial wargame and

http://Simutrans.com >>Simutrans is a freeware transportation
simulator that runs under Windows, Linux, and a few other operating
systems (Mac with Intel processors, BEOS).

http://FCCA.sf.net >> Free Conquest & Colonization of America

http://Diameter.sf.net >>"Diameter" is an arcade game with elements of
economy and adventure.

http://kralovstvi.sf.net >>8 Kingdoms is a 3D turn-based fantasy
strategic game in which players become kings, build their empires and
conquer enemy kingdoms.

http://FreeDroid.sf.net >>FreeDroidRPG is a free isometric RPG game
inspired by elements of Diablo and Fallout.
http://SilverTreeRGP.org >>This release is intended to be a fun
introduction to the Silver Tree engine. The game is heavily in
development, but most of the major intended gameplay features are
already present. Players can explore the world, build a party, fight
enemies, gain experience and assign skills, and acquire equipment.
http://COR.PlanetQuake.GameSpy.com/omen >>With over 20 enemies, 15
weapons, two character classes, ALTERIA boasts gameplay rarely found
in the  genre.  Equal parts RPG and action based 3-D shooter, this
game will entrall you with it's immersive atmosphere and gameplay.
http://UFO2000.sf.net >>UFO2000 is free and opensource turn based
tactical squad simulation multiplayer game.  It is heavily inspired by
the famous X-COM: UFO Defense game.
http://FaerieMUD.org >>a not-for-profit effort to create a new
multi-user online role-playing game, one with a high degree of
immersiveness and believability, depth of character, and, above all,
an emphasis on Story.
http://sf.net/projects/nightfist >>NightFist is a 3D Game.  Mixed
between RPG and FPS.  Szenario is timed after the last nuclear war
(remember MadMax).  The mankind attempts to survive.
http://GalaxyMage.sf.net >>A tactical RPG is a type of role-playing
game where turn-based battles are fought on a 3D map. Examples of
commercial tactical RPGs include Final Fantasy Tactics, Vandal Hearts,
and Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.
http://DccNiTghtmare.sf.net >>DccNiTghtmare is a project to make a 3d
realtime RPG with batles in turns schema. The story will be a
sarcastic post apocalyptic view of the student's life in a Computer
Science Department (look at story on the menu for more details). Any
sugestions are welcome, just put them at our forum.
http://Proj-Kilo.sf.net >>What this is, is hopefully a movement to
create RPG games that Linux users would be proud of. Games that would
have Windows users drooling, instead of the other way around.
http://sf.net/projects/gearhead2 >>GearHead2 is a giant robot
roguelike role playing game set five years after the events of GH1.
Features include random plot generation, detailed character creation,
tactical/RPG modes, graphical/ASCII interfaces, and many kinds of
mecha to play with.
http://Zero-projekt.net >>Das Zero-Projekt ist nach einigen Umwegen
(siehe "Geschichte von Zero") im Februar 2006 mit dem Ziel gestartet
wurde, ein nichtkommerzielles Computer-Rollenspiel (cRPG) zu
entwickeln, dessen Szenerie in einem postnuklearen Deutschland
angesiedelt ist.
http://MagMap.sf.net >>Magic Master Project is aimed to be a modular
lightweight game development toolkit, based on Python and PyGame, for
making turnbased or realtime strategy and RPG games (single and
multiplayer).  First goal is a remake of the famous classic "Master of
Magic" game, with a better emphasize on tactical combat and network
multiplayer support.
http://sf.net/projects/gamemundo >>3D MMORPG multiplatform, Object
Oriented and Extreme Programmed using GPLDevKit, FreePascal and OpenGL
http://Ex-Naryan.sf.net >>The Expanses of Naryan will be a fully
fledged 3D Role playing game, and, possibly, a MMORPG. It uses
Irrlicht and the great modeler Blender.
http://VirtualCitizenship.org continuing where Ryzom.org left off.
http://Ryzom.org >>Help us make Ryzom a Free MMORPG! Donate now to
help us purchase the source code, artwork and other game data
associated with Ryzom, so we can breathe new life into it as an open,
democratically run player project.
http://Exitium.org >>- it's an idea of creating a computer game,
MMORPG, which is placed in cyberpunk reality. Application is being
created for network playing, where hundreds of people can compete in
this uneasy realm. All You need to play is Internet connection and
Client application.
http://Peragro.org >>Peragro Tempus is a unique MMORPG developed by a
dedicated group of contributors. It features a rich story coupled with
exciting gameplay for a truly immersive experience. It is set in a
lavish world with dark forests, flourishing wildlife, flowing rivers,
and rolling hills. It is a world ripe for exploration.
http://Kwirk.cx RPG

==2-2.5D (Ultima, nethack, rougelike, dungeon crawl)
http://RogueLikeDevelopment.org >>Welcome to the Dungeondweller
homepage for roguelike development and my own roguelike hobby
projects. This site is intended as an entrypoint for anyone interested
in the development roguelike games. If you are unfamiliar with the
roguelike game genre a good definition is (modified definition taken
from Balrog and originally from ADOM)
http://ChaosForge.org many Roguelikes
http://SoulFu.org From AaronBishopGames.com, the creator of
Egoboo.sf.net comes a cartoonish 3D rougelike
http://Tower.sf.net >>Tower is a roguelike game for Mac, Linux (x86),
and Windows. (Java)
http://Allacrost.org >>Hero of Allacrost is a single player, 2D
sprite-based role playing game. Hero of Allacrost is also often
referred to as simply "Allacrost" or "HoA".
http://Densetsu.sf.net >>Densetsu Online is an online RPG With 2D top
down style game play. The engine will be nice enough that you can have
live action battles, turn based seperate battles a la Final Fantasy 6.
Or even no battles and have a completely unique style of game play
(Harvest Moon). People will be able to run their own server, There
will be official and non-official servers. The difference is only in
name really. also it means that the Densetsu Online project officially
endorses the server.
http://FFTrader.sf.net >>Final Frontier Trader is a 2D single player
space strategy, combat, and trading game. looks idle.
http://Home.no.net/egoboo >>Egoboo is a top down rpg in the spirit of
Nethack and other games of the Roguelike genre.  It uses Open GL
graphics and will have randomly generated maps and customizable
characters.  The objective of the project is to bring the fun and
depth of roguelike gameplay, kicking and screaming,  into the third
dimension.  It is still in development, but is at a playable state.
http://Egoboo.sf.net and zippy-egoboo.sf.net >>Egoboo is a 3d dungeon
crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack.
http://FreeCol.org >>This is the homepage of FreeCol, an open source
project that aims to provide a free Colonization clone (released under
the GPL). fkg java
http://LostLabyrinth.com >>Lost Labyrinth is a coffeebreak dungeon
crawling game!
http://ToDoom.sf.net >>Warp Rogue is a gothic science fantasy roguelike game.
http://CrossFire.Real-Time.com >>cooperative multiplayer graphical RPG
and adventure game
http://CFExtended.sf.net >>Crossfire-Extended is a successor project
to the RPG crossfire. It contains all the maps, features and objects
of crossfire but adds 50% to the world and aims at a higher rate of
media creation.
http://Daimonin.net and Daimonin.sf.net >>Daimonin is a FREE online
role playing game (MMORPG).    In the game you will meet many other
people in our big, persistent virtual heroic fantasy world! Explore,
fight, meet friends and enemies - JOIN NOW!
http://Nazghul.sf.net >>Ultima-like game engine (2D tile graphics)
http://Adom.de >>Ancient Domains of Mystery
http://FreeCiv.org >>'Cause civilization should be free!
http://OpenCity.info >>3D city simulator, based on the original ideas
of the FreeReign project. also OpenCity.sf.net
http://CityScapeGame.com looks closed
http://Exult.sf.net Ultima 7 emulator
http://Emhsoft.net/dh.html Dragon Hunt
http://GNURobbo.sf.net >>GNU Robbo    It's popular Atari XE/XL game
ported to Linux.
http://EmptyClip.sf.net >>top-down 2D Action RPG

http://AGIStudio.sf.net >>AGI (Adventure Game Interpreter) is the
adventure game engine used by Sierra On-Line to create some of their
early games. QT AGI Studio, formerly known as Linux AGI Studio, is a
program that allows you to view, create and edit AGI games. Basically,
it is an enhanced port of the Windows AGI Studio originally developed
by Peter Kelly.
http://Sarien.sf.net >>merged with SCUMMVM.org
http://SCUMMVM.org >>ScummVM is a program which allows you to run
certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided
you already have their data files.  The clever part about this:
ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the game, allowing
you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
http://FEAGS.sf.net >>Invoke Adventure Game Goddess and she will bring
hundreds of AGS games to your GNU/Linux
http://Epiar.net >>space adventure/combat game In Epiar, you begin as
a shuttle pilot in a galaxy generally ruled by anarchy, with few
stable governments and numerous rebel factions.
http://Advent.nonGNU.org >>A Graphical Adventure Game System
http://Pipmak.sf.net >>An open-source cross-platform game engine and
authoring environment, the Pipmak Game Engine enables you to create
point-and-click adventure games in the style of the Myst series,
including panoramic ones like Myst III: Exile.
http://Siriel.sf.net >>Siriel4 is game engine for adventure, arcade or
maze games.
http://HollowWorks.com/apz >>Adventures on Planet Zephulor
http://FF2.CurvedInfinity.com >>Welcome to Finity Flight II, an
open-source periodical game.  Every week a new episode of Finity
Flight II is released, packed full of new adventures.
http://DimensioneX.net >>It is a freeware, open source software kit
for developing and running multiplayer adventure games.
http://Mad-Project.sf.net >>The Mad Project is an attempt to create an
adventure game engine capable of creating adventure games similar to
old Sierra games such as the Quest for Glory series, the Space Quest
Series, and the King's Quest series.  The MAD engine is being
developed as an open-source, cross-platform, highly customizeable,
script-driven adventure game interpreter.  MAD itself is not a game,
but an engine that will allow people to create their own adventures
with much less effort.

==Interactive Fiction (IF), Text Adventures
http://BrassLantern.org >>the adventure game website
http://TADS.org >>Text Adventure Development System
http://IFComp.org >>The competition for short text adventures.
http://Inform-Fiction.org Inform 6 and 7 >>A Design System for
Interactive Fiction Based on Natural Language
http://IFArchive.org, IFComp.org, IFiction.org
http://Phantasmal.sf.net >>The Phantasmal MUDLib is a DGD MUDLib under
active development.
http://Eblong.com/zarf/glulx >>Glulx is a portable VM, like the Z-machine.
http://GeneralCoffee.com/hugo.html >>Hugo is a complete design system
for developing interactive fiction. It has been used for creating
classic text adventure games in the Infocom tradition, for developing
commercial games, and for prototyping other applications. In addition
to an extremely sophisticated full-sentence-cognizant interface, Hugo
also allows a developer to incorporate graphics and video (which are
optional for those who lack either the hardware or inclination to view
them) as well as sound effects, music, and mouse control.
http://TextAdventure.org.uk >>This is a collaborative project of The
Guardian's gamesblog community. The aim is simply to create the
greatest group-generated text adventure in the world ever.
http://LoonyBoi.com/if/quake >>IF Quake is a recreation of id
Software's Quake using the Inform programming language. Inform is a
language for creating Interactive Fiction games, or simply IF.
http://WikiRPS.org >>Welcome to WikiRPS, the totally online,
community-developed role-playing system.
http://GodsMonsters.com >>Journey deep into abandoned castles, solve
intricate puzzles, fight strange creatures, and wield arcane power.
Adventure with a group of intrepid companions in the tradition of "The
Three Musketeers" or "The Lord of the Rings."

http://www.MOO.MUD.org >>LambdaMOO is both the name of a MUD and the
name of MUD server software. This page is about the server software,
not the particular MUD.
http://P2PMUD.com and P2PMUD.sf.net
http://blissed.org:4243 ComMOOnity
http://ahynes1.homeip.net:9999/62 LogMOO
http://lingua.utdallas.edu/encore "online multi-user environment
specifically designed for educational applications"

==3D, Quake*
http://XreaL.sf.net >>XreaL will be a non-commercial multiplayer only
first person shooter based on a heavily modified Quake 3 Arena engine
(id Tech 3).  The aim is to push the rendering technology until it can
be compared with current commercial titles and then to produce a
playable Total Conversion.  Quake 3 Arena's gameplay will be only
slightly modified.  The simpleness of the original game will stay but
the game media will be replaced completely with high quality assets
that match the new engine's technology.
http://Warsow.net >>A Fast Paced First Person Shooter Game
http://Sauerbraten.org, Sauerbraten.sf.net replaces CubeEngine.com
http://Quadropolis.us >>Cube mapping, modding, and mayhem
http://EisenStern.com >>Eisenstern is a novel RPG game built on the
Sauerbraten engine. We are currently in the preproduction phase.
http://BloodFrontier.com, sf.net/projects/bloodfrontier >>Blood
Frontier is a total conversion modification of the Sauerbraten engine
which will provide a deeper single player experience, effective AI,
new game modes, and more online features.
http://PoliceForces.sf.net >>Police Forces - the free
CounterStrike-Clone.  The game engine is Sauerbraten.
http://EDM-FPS.net >>EDM is a fork of the Sauerbraten FPS engine which
adds new gameplay and engine features. Sauerbraten was written by
Wouter van Oortmersen and others. Sauerbraten data was created by
several authors, see the included readme files for more info. EDM code
and data is maintained and hacked on mostly by Johannes Kroll,
contributions are welcome.
http://WolfGL.sf.net >>Some time ago ID Software released the source
code for their old Wolfenstein game, it was the first FPS game I can
remember, with very cool graphics at the time it was released but not
very nice for today's standards.  I don't know the reason why nobody
had any interest in it, I've seen several ports of Hexen, Heretic and
Doom but nobody did a Wolfenstein port.
http://icculus.org/duke3d >>Duke3D runs natively on Linux now, thanks
to 3DRealms releasing the game source. requires original game files.
http://Transfusion-Game.com >>Transfusion plunges you into a world
originally created in 1997 by Monolith Productions. Created with the
BUILD game engine (Duke Nukem, Shadow Warrior), Blood was a tour de
force of horror that has yet to be matched, in which you battled
minions of evil in a lightning-paced, blood splattered quest for
http://NosferatuTheGame.com >>2 teams, vampires and slayers, they have
to kill each other - simple eh ?
http://DXX-Rebirth.de >>Hello and welcome to the DXX Rebirth project
page.  This project is dedicated to one of the best first-person
shooters of the nineties:    DESCENT
http://Descent2.de >>Welcome to the home of D2X-XL, a D2X version for
MS Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, containing a host of bug fixes,
improvements and enhancements compared to standard D2X.
http://OpenFrag.org >>framework for a Multiplayer FPS (First Person
Shooter). Built on the base of yake.org
http://Uni-Verse.org >>multi-user, interactive, distributed,
high-quality 3D graphics and audio
http://Eternal-Lands.net >>Eternal Lands is a FREE MMORPG (massively
multiplayer online role playing game) currently under development.
http://Dreams.sf.net being reborn as CrystalCore.CrystalSpace3D.org
http://Tremulous.net >>Tremulous is a free, open source game that
blends a team based FPS with elements of an RTS.
http://Marathon.sf.net >>Aleph One is an open-source descendent of
Bungie's Marathon 2
http://Iris2.de >>Ultima Online client
http://Interreality.org >>The Interreality project is a collection of
Open Source,  Free Software projects based on the Virtual Object
System (VOS) platform. The primary goal of the Interreality project is
to develop a free and open platform for multiuser 3D virtual reality
and interactive, collaborative 3D virtual spaces, and collaborative
data systems in general. As part of this effort we have developed the
Virtual Object System, a powerful networking platform with many
applications in and beyond virtual reality. The VOS community is small
but growing and we invite you to join us.
http://sf.net/projects/nucleargrave >>N-Grave is an on-line 3D single
or multi-player strategy game.  It's like Quake and Tremulous except
it's pseudo-turn based, you control a squad, and there are specific
mission objectives.  There is also an advanced AI to play against.
http://NGrave.pbWiki.com >>Nuclear Graveyard is a 3D squad-based
strategy game.  In brief, it's Quake with strategy and action points,
and it runs on Windows or Linux.  It used to be called Laser Squad 3D,
but has been changed considerably since it was renamed.
http://sf.net/projects/lastremaining >>Last Remaining is a first
person shooter and role-playing game in the same vein as Deus Ex.
There will be an engrossing storyline, and the player must take
whatever action is necessary to get to the bottom of the mystery.
http://Camelot.HomeDNS.org/~michalis VRML engine and some games for
it, mostly using FreePascal.org

http://FreeDoom.sf.net >>The Freedoom project aims to create a
complete Doom-based game which is Free Software.
http://PrBoom.sf.net >>PrBoom is the culmination of years of work by
various people and projects on the Doom source code.
http://Industri.sf.net >>Industri is a First Person Shooter single
player game modification using the Doom 3 engine.
http://DoomsdayHQ.com >>The aim is to create versions of Doom, Heretic
and Hexen that feel the same as the original games but are implemented
using modern techniques such as 3D graphics.
http://ZDOOM.sf.net >>ZDoom is an enhanced port of the official DOOM
source code to Win32. As such, it not only works with (and requires)
Windows 95/NT 4.0, but it also adds new features not found in the
version published by id Software.
http://DEng.sf.net >>Windows/Unix/Mac OS X source port of Doom,
Heretic and Hexen. Lets you enjoy the original games using modern
technology.  Supports e.g. OpenGL, Direct3D, DirectSound3D, 3D models,
unlimited framerate, high-resolution graphics, simulated radiosity.

http://ezQuake.sf.net >>This is the right place to start playing
QuakeWorld(R) --- the fastest first person shooter action game ever.
http://OpenQuartz.sf.net >>We are developing GPL-compatible content -
including models, maps, sounds and textures - which are required for a
fully GPL game using the GPL Quake source.
http://Quake-Engine.com >>Unofficial Quake Engine
http://FaceLift.QuakeDev.com >>.: The Quake Revitalization Project :.
http://Inside3D.com/prydongate >>Prydon Gate is a hack and slash
action adventure role playing game similar in game play to some giants
in the history of games such as Diablo.
http://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces >>Dark Places is a Quake
modification I have built over the course of 6 years on and off
experimenting, it got somewhat of an overhaul when the Quake engine
source code was released, and I began developing a custom OpenGL-only
engine for it and other mods, which supports Windows WGL and Linux
GLX, and has greatly improved graphics and image quality.
http://Tenebrae.sf.net >>Tenebrae is a modification of the quake
source that adds stencil shadows and per pixel lights to quake.
Stencil shadows allow for realistic shadow effects on every object in
the game world.  Per pixel lighting allows you to have fine surface
details correctly lit.  These are essentially the same algorithms as
used by the new Doom game.
http://Telejano.berliOS.de >>Telejano is a modified Quake engine.
Derived from the TomazQuake engine, Telejano is bigger, badder, and
better.  Telejano adds in so much more new effects that it is over
1000 kilobytes in size: More than twice the size of TomazQuake.  It
may not have as much super-effects as Tenebrae, but I don't think the
Quake monsters would keep the wall/floor that squeaky clean
http://QuakeOne.com/qrack Quake 1 mod
http://Blood.sf.net Quake1 remake
http://QuakeForge.net >>QuakeForge is a 3D graphics game engine based
on id Software's legendary Quake and QuakeWorld game engine.

http://Quake2World.net >>Quake2World is an unsupported, unofficial,
multiplayer-only iteration of id Software's Quake II. It aims to blend
the very best aspects of the entire Quake series to deliver an
enjoyable FPS experience in a free to download, stand-alone game.
http://PaintBall2.sf.net Quake2 total conversion
http://jdolan.dyndns.org/trac/wiki/Quetoo Quake 2 mod
http://EGL.QuakeDev.com advanced Quake2 engine

http://Nexuiz.com >>Welcome to the Nexuiz project website. Nexuiz is a
3d deathmatch game project, created online by a team of developers
called Alientrap
http://Alientrap.org/index.php?module=zymotic >>Zymotic is a single
player first person action game being developed by Alientrap software.
http://Red.PlanetArena.org >>This game combines some of the very best
aspects of such games as Quake III and Unreal Tournament and wraps
them up with a retro alien theme, while adding tons of original ideas
to make the game quite unique. AlienArena.org
http://OpenArena.ws >>A completely free game for the FOSS Quake 3(TM) Engine
http://WorldOfPadman.com Quake3 total conversion.  Some data files may
not be free.  see also sf.net/projects/wop-gamecode and
http://FightWinPrevail.sf.net >>The game is set in an imaginary
universe where fearless pilots fight to the death with their
futuristic vehicles. Gameplay lies somewhere between the
Mechwarrior-series and Quake 3. It is faster and more
action-orientated than in Mechwarrior, but tries to avoid the
known from Quake 3.
http://WesternQuake3.net >>Now I'm not saying that the current team
will take this game to a new level, but who knows what might happen
once the source is released?
http://UrbanTerror.net; source at
http://ProMode.org Quake3 replacement data
http://ioquake3.org >>Our permanent goal is to create the open source
Quake 3 distribution upon which people base their games and projects.

===Lower Tech 3D
http://Cytadela.sf.net >>This is a home page of the Citadel (Cytadela)
project - a conversion of an Amiga Doom clone "Cytadela".  The
original was created in mid 1990's by Virtual Design, and released
firstly in Poland and then in other countries.
http://AlphaShooter.sf.net >>Alpha Shooter was born as a project for
the Computer Graphics course at the University of Bologna. The main
objective was to develop a very simple 3D game using the OpenGL, GLU
and GLUT libraries only (and some creativity). Emphasis was not placed
on the game itself, rather on learning how to use the libraries to
produce a 3D environment and interact with it; it was thus required to
build a suitable scenery using polygonal meshes and quadric surfaces,
appropriate textures and materials, lights, and effects.
http://TRIPTICO.com/splumber >>Space Plumber is a first-person 3d
game, not much different to Doom and Quake. The main goal is to reach
the extraction pumps before the water level increases swamping
everything. Each of the 30 levels that conform the game have
progressive difficulty by adding more pumps and consoles that you must
deactivate first, and by making the map bigger. There are no enemies,
you fight against time and misorientation, and you only have your
skills to move inside the maze.

==Real Time Strategy (RTS)
http://TASpring.clan-sy.com >>Welcome to the Spring Project. This is
an open source project developing a new realtime strategy game.

http://UniCorp.sf.net >>Site undergoing maintainence, to be continued.
http://GDP.sf.net >>Global Domination Project
http://Borax.sf.net >>A CrystalSpace template game
http://Siegium.com >>You may sell additional units, models, scenarios,
etc, but modifications to the core game must remain open source.
http://Fearannmuin.org >>medieval-fantasy setting and standard rule
sets; but trying to be focused on community and roleplay instead of
other aspects.
http://Interverse.sf.net >>It is the evolution and combination of the
web, chat, instant messaging, and voice communication. It is not just
a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface
(IUI). The interverse is a virtual universe running on top of the
http://LightBringer.sf.net >>Bringer of Light is a free and
open-source single-player roleplaying game set in a mythological

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