[p2p-research] Fwd: P2P Energy Economy: request for critical feedback

Florent fthiery at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 14:29:47 CET 2008


I humbly wanted to thank Marc for the interesting initiative regarding
the conception and simulation/experimentation of the proposed
alternative currency model.

While not directly in the line of Marc's work, the following is merely
a placeholder/portable for items that let are close to be applicable
to tomorrow's real context.

I was wondering if anyone knowing other resources that would let
scalable/distributed "city" models exist (like distributed power
generation) could participate to the inter-linking in the wiki (in
P2PFoundation Links).

While i am deeply convinced that alternative models and uses will
progressively rise up, under economical constraints or not, i have
begun looking at them and listing them as building blocks.

Also, does anyone know of virtual/software tools that can be used to
simulate scenarios (some open source SimCity) ?



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