[p2p-research] Fwd: Memos to Obama #1: by Gary Dorrien, Bob Edgar, Carol Lee Flinders, Kabir Helminski and Bill Moyer

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 10:58:11 CET 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Belden <DaveBelden.tikkun at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 6:01 AM
Subject: Memos to Obama #1: by Gary Dorrien, Bob Edgar, Carol Lee Flinders,
Kabir Helminski and Bill Moyer
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

   In the January issue of Tikkun, you'll find an amazing array of thinkers
writing "Tikkunish" memos to Obama. Unfortunately, we couldn't fit them all
in, so we had some dynamite material that can only be found on the web. In
this and two subsequent emails we are calling your attention to those that
you'll find exclusively on our website.

*Gary Dorrien,* eminent writer on social ethics at Union Theological
Seminary and Columbia University, outlines how Obama's New Deal needs to do
a great deal more than FDR's did. "I do not doubt that Obama will lead this
country with intelligence, dignity, discipline, integrity, and eloquence. I
do worry that he will be too cautious." Click
Gary Dorrien's memo.

*Bob Edgar,* president of Common Cause, former head of the National Council
of Churches, writes, "President Obama, many Americans have lost faith in our
government. Polls consistently show that Americans believe special interests
come first in Washington. Many voters believe their vote will not be counted
on Election Day or that our elections are rigged. I write to ask you to take
advantage of this unique wave of change in our country that elected you and
commit to fixing our system of elections…" Click
Bob Edgar's memo.

*Carol Lee Flinders,* medieval scholar and feminist author, whose *Enduring
Lives: Portraits of Women and Faith in Action* included a profile of Sister
Helen Prejean (portrayed in the Oscar-winning film "Dead Man Walking") asks
Obama if execution is not a form of torture. Click here
Carol Lee Flinders' memo.

Leading Sufi author and educator, *Kabir Helminski, *outlines America's new
possibilities under the Obama administration for cooperation with the
world's Muslims. "The vast majority of the world's Muslims, if accorded the
dignity they deserve and approached with respect, will respond positively to
the possibility of friendship and cooperation with the United States, to the
extent that it shows some signs of actually pursuing justice and peace." Click
Kabir Helminski's memo.

*Bill Moyer,* the Executive Director and co-founder of the Backbone
Campaign, writes, "For the last five years I have led an organization that
has called on citizens and elected officials to show "backbone" for
progressive values and policies. We work from the axiom that "If the people
lead, the leaders will follow…. This is a time when prophets and visionaries
are needed, and there seem to be too few of those in your immediate circle
of advisors. Therefore, I would like to use this opportunity to suggest a
few people who will not be hounding your transition team or submitting
applications on your website." Moyer names progressive activists who could
be invaluable in the Obama administration in his memo (click

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