[p2p-research] Introduction (and apology)

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 15:23:59 CET 2008

Dear Jeremy,

thanks for this update and indeed, this is a very worthwhile project, though
I think that quite a few people are trying out similar projects, not knowing
about each other ...

I think your proposal to introduce this project through our blog is a good
idea and we would be glad to publish it,

In addition, if Cies has any specific issues he wants to share, feel free to
write them up and I will forward to interesting/potentially
interested people,

I'm already copying this to our largest distribution list, so people have
already a general idea of this project, i.e. http://truetopiaproject.org

I would also appreciate an article on your consumer project,


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 11:57 PM, Jeremy Malcolm <jeremy at ciroap.org> wrote:

> Hi Michel,
> I promised some time ago to write an entry for your P2P Foundation blog,
> which I haven't yet - so I apologise for that!  I have been very busy with a
> move to Malaysia and a new job with Consumers International.
> I am coordinating two related projects for Consumers International on
> Access to Knowledge which you might find interesting.  Our activities
> include drafting an A2K Watch List of countries whose IPR laws are harmful
> to consumers (to counterbalance the USA's equivalent 301 watch list of
> countries with weak IPR regimes), and a survey of barriers faced by
> consumers in accessing copyright material.  I am attaching a brief terms of
> reference document that explains more.
> However, that's not why I am emailing you.  I'm emailing you to introduce
> you to Cies Breijs, the lead developer of the Truetopia project (see
> http://truetopiaproject.org), which is a system for grassroots
> decision-making that seems to me to be well aligned with the ideals of the
> P2P Foundation.  Cies is interested in taking his work to the next level,
> and it struck me that hooking up with some of the P2P Foundation community
> might be a good way of doing that.  If you have time, perhaps you could have
> a look at his ideas and let us know what you think.
> With my experience of how dysfunctional the IGF and some other Internet
> governance institutions are, in my view work like this is worth taking
> seriously and maybe securing some funding for - I know that the IDRC for
> example is  currently preparing a new strategic plan to fund projects around
> the theme of "openness", with which this fits in well.  (There is even an
> outside chance that Consumers International could propose a project to IDRC
> around grassroots governance on P2P principles, but I have my hands full
> with our existing projects just now!)
> Since I have failed to come up with the blog post I promised, maybe I could
> work on writing something with Cies about what he is doing, if both of you
> think that would be worthwhile.  Anyway, for now I just I would put the two
> of you in touch and you can follow up from there if you are interested.
> All the best.
> Project Coordinator
> for Asia Pacific and the Middle East
> Consumers International (CI) is the only independent global campaigning
> voice for consumers. With over 220 member organisations in 115 countries, we
> are building a powerful international consumer movement to help protect and
> empower consumers everywhere. For more information, visit
> www.consumersinternational.org.

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