[p2p-research] sustainment military strategies

Athina Karatzogianni athina.k at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 12:48:34 CET 2008

Hi MIchel and All,

I think there is a trend in the literature and research at the moment on the
sustainability issue and it is everywhere. I d love to have a look at this
generaly or  regarding military power and the US and blog for you, but I
have to leave it for April if that is ok, there is a lot on until then.
Perhaps what would be a good idea, since I would have time form April
onwards, is for you to think of various things that you need comment on,
make a list if its not too much to ask and I ll have a go at blogging for
them in one go. Alternatively, I could start and blog on my new book on
which should be in by march and kickstart a discussion main issues as i see
them there.



Dr Athina Karatzogianni
Lecturer in Media, Culture and Society
The University of Hull
United Kingdom
phone: ++44 (0) 1482 46 5790

Check out Athina's work:





Press interviews:


'Today the problem is that the glaciers are melting too quickly, and the
ideas that constructed world politics not quickly enough' Ken Booth 2007.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 3:55 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Athina,
> if you're ever inspired for a blog comment on this, it would be welcome,
> John: have you written on this?
> Michel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Nicholas Roberts <nicholas at themediasociety.org>
> Date: Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Great Depression 2.0 + Climate Crisis = Climate War (Cold War
> 2 + WW3)
> To: Noam Chomsky <chomsky at mit.edu>
> fyi
> *A Grand Strategy of Sustainment*
> *By Shawn Brimley, Small Wars Journal
> *
> http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/2008/03/a-grand-strategy-of-sustainmen/
> A grand strategy of sustainment would be more selective in the use of
> American force. Sustaining a global system will at times require the use of
> military power, but would shun the preventive use of force. As a global
> leader, the United States should invest sufficient resources to ensure it
> continues to field the world's most dominant military. When force must be
> used, a strategy of sustainment would accept some risk to ensure the
> participation of allies. Working by, with, and through security alliances
> helps sustain American legitimacy and moral authority and are not
> deleterious to success, especially when ideational dimensions are central to
> modern conflict.
> *Shawn Brimley <http://www.cnas.org/en/cms/?133> is the Bacevich Fellow at
> the Center for a New American Security. <http://www.cnas.org/>*
> ----
> *SWJ Editors' Links (Updated)*
> A Grand Strategy of Sustainment<http://matthewyglesias.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/03/a_grand_strategy_of_sustainmen.php>- Matthew Yglesias,
> *The Atlantic*
> Sustainment <http://www.democracyarsenal.org/2008/03/sustainment.html> -
> Ilan Goldenberg, *Democracy Arsenal*
> Sustainment<http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2008/03/strategy-of-sus.html#more>- Andrew Sullivan,
> *The Atlantic*
> Kinder, Gentler Superpower<http://www.julescrittenden.com/2008/03/22/kinder-gentler-superpower/>- Jules Crittenden,
> *Forward Movement*
> A Grand Strategy of Sustainment<http://www.d-n-i.net/dni/2008/03/20/a-grand-strategy-of-sustainment/>- Chet Richards,
> *Defense and the National Interest*
> 4GW: A Solution of the Second Kind<http://fabiusmaximus.wordpress.com/2008/03/22/grand-sustainment/>-
> *Fabius Maximus*
> On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 5:04 AM, Noam Chomsky <chomsky at mit.edu> wrote:
>>  You might be right.  I don't have the technical competence to judge.  I
>> know that highly regarded engineers here at MIT think there are
>> technological fixes, particularly solar.  Not nuclear of course, another
>> wasting resource apart from numerous other problems.
>> Thanks for the reference to Beevor.  It's been on my reading list.  On the
>> Latin American efforts, I doubt that there's much systematic work -- too
>> recent.  Mark Weisbrot of CEPR is likely to know, if anyone does.
>> Hard to judge whether the global justice and related movements are more
>> marginalized than they've been since the beginning.  What's really important
>> is whether they can flourish.  To an extent they do.  But it's also not easy
>> to evaluate.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>  *From:* Nicholas Roberts (by way of Noam Chomsky <chomsky at mit.edu>)<chomsky at mit.edu%3E%29>
>> *To:* Noam Chomsky <chomsky2 at mit.edu>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:02 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: Great Depression 2.0 + Climate Crisis = Climate War (Cold
>> War 2 + WW3)
>> hi
>> Nathon Lewis really deserves more attention...mostly because he seems to
>> prove (to me at least) that we have no technological fix for energy supply
>> going forward... from any know source.. even if we did decide to use ALL the
>> nuclear material available for instance...
>> just like the Cold War framework was containment, the new Climate War
>> framework will be sustainment... as in the US counter-insurgency manual..
>> supply of basic services for life directly from the military, indeed the
>> disaster capitalism complex
>> http://books.google.com.au/books?id=FHy5Ev8yg20C&pg=PT156&lpg=PT156&dq=sustainment+counter+insurgency&source=web&ots=03gqEL1V0C&sig=kVfxJMQgjFa9crZScofTMseAcPw&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result
>> my intuition is that a green technocracy will convert the world capitalist
>> system (which is based on the military industrial system anyway) into a
>> sustainable world military industrial system with a focus on carbon trading
>> and ecosystem services financialisation, privatisation, genetically modified
>> organisisms, nuclear power, (some renewables), massive surveillance,
>> geo-enigneering, social engineering, and a massive epansion of the
>> entertainment and other de-carbonised, service based industries where
>> complex growth can still occur. In Revenge of Gaia Lovelock talks about a
>> new low-carbon economy where most people live in cities and spend their time
>> eating GMO fungi and entertaining themselves consuming digital and
>> de-carbonised services... Lovelock is closely connected to various
>> conservatives and captains of industry and has a big effect on the UK
>> environmentalists such as Monbiot and also the new scheme Kyoto2
>> www.kyoto2.org. Kyoto2 is market bases, advocates GMO, nuclear,
>> geo-engineering... and is backed by many 'radicals'. It contains 4 quotes
>> about climate change by Margaret Thatcher ! 2 more than Lovelock. The UK
>> environmental movement is being subsumed by the Vote Blue Go Green campaign
>> of the Tories under David Cameron which is an front for the broader green
>> consumerism. Kind of a UK equivalent to the guilt-free green Governator in
>> California.
>> capitalism is trying to create markets in these de-carbonised complex
>> growth modalities... finance, entertainment, education.. .largely around the
>> internet.. for instance you can buy Second Life consumer objects, and other
>> games online. although, its largely a fraud right now, supposedly Second
>> Life uses more electricity than Brazil.
>> http://www.roughtype.com/archives/2006/12/avatars_consume.php
>> regarding libertarian socialism or anarcho syndicalism you might be
>> insterested in new research referenced in The Battle for Spain: The Spanish
>> Civil War 1936-1939 which suggests that the anarcho-syndicalist sections of
>> the country had more efficient and productive economies than ceratinly
>> Monarchist Spain, Francoist Spain, and probably the Socialist/Communist
>> sectors. Has there been any good work done of the economic productivity,
>> efficiency of the Bolivarian Revolution with its heavy emphasis on
>> participation ?
>> http://books.google.com.au/books?id=_Mt_AAAACAAJ&dq=the+battle+for+spain&ei=fqIHSZKjH4WYsgOt8eDdDQ
>> having worked in some large organisations (NEws Ltd in Australia had 2000
>> people in its HQ) and within the internet, it makes intuitive sense that
>> collective, cooperative, particpiatory and social economies are best
>> described by idea of anarcho syndicalism, libertarian socialism, or the
>> participatory economics
>> the hype around the particpation age in the internet is revolting, but it
>> is really significant that such free software projects such as Linux and
>> free content projects such as Wikipedia can be organised with a social and
>> cooperative framework and are based on voluntary associations and
>> affinities....
>> there seem to be principles common to all historical examples past,
>> present and emerging and its only some minor parameters that are different
>> my feeling is the global justice movement and the peoples revolutions are
>> being increasingly marginsalised like during the Spanish Civil War..
>> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 4:52 PM, <minqi.li @economics.utah.edu> wrote:
>>  Dear Nicholas Roberts:
>>  Thanks a lot for your interest in my work and thanks for bringing Nathan
>> Lewis's work to my attention.
>>  I am all participatory socialism or communism (though I'd hesitate to
>> call it libertarian socialism).  But I tend to think that participatory
>> democracy is more likely to grow out of the practice of workers' struggle
>> than from theoretical schemes.  Theoretical analysis can only help to
>> illustrate the broad historical possibilities and necessities.
>>  It is a real possibility that the system's elites would pursue
>> environmental/resources war economy as their preferred solution.  But I
>> suspect the outcome is likely to accelerate the bankruptcy of the system.  A
>> military-industrial economy cannot be be sustained for very long for
>> economic, social, and ecological reasons.
>>  The ruling elites cannot just have whatever system they want.  A viable
>> system, even an exploitative one, has to meet the following criteria:
>> (1)ecological sustainability (so the economy must not pursue growth, either
>> for more consumption or for more military); (2)meet people's "basic needs".
>> It can starve some people but the percentage of starvation has to be limited
>> - this will not be easy for the current and future elites; (3) the political
>> constraints imposed by the historical context - in our case, bourgeois
>> democracy in some countries and socialist legacy in some other parts of the
>> world as well as the global working class.
>>  I think ultimately people will not wait to die, but will rise up to save
>> themselves, though things probably will first get worse before a new path is
>> opened.
>> Minqi
>> Quoting Nicholas Roberts < nicholas at themediasociety.org>:
>>  hi Minq Li
>> I have become an avid reader of your work after seeing you on The Real
>> News
>> talking about New Left in China, climate change etc
>> am just reading your article regarding needing a kind of global socialism
>> to
>> deal with global climate change,
>> http://www.monthlyreview.org/080721li.php
>> regarding energy futures you might find the work of Nathan Lewis at
>> Caltech
>> useful, regarding the lack of technology for world energy.. Nathan Lewis'
>> work is seriously under-reported, I guess mostly because it portrays a
>> very
>> grim picture going forward.. http://nsl.caltech.edu/energy.html
>> I also wonder whether you have considered Libertarian Socialism or
>> Participatory Economics in your advocacy for socialism or the 21st century
>> Certainly some of the leading radical left intellectuals in the US and the
>> Bolivarian Revolution are heavily based on participation
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parecon
>> http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Venezuela
>> http://books.google.com.au/books?id=CI5d2CpL60oC&dq=Economic+Justice+and+Democracy:+From+Competition+to+Cooperatio&pg=PP1&ots=zNUSctPrY6&source=bn&sig=cdMrXNJ14XAFyEKzn19Z-X4amZQ&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=4&ct=result#PPA139,M1
>> it seems to me that we could possibly switch from neo-liberal
>> corporate-state "environmental un-sustainability", to a neo-socialist
>> corporate-state "environmental sustainability" but human development would
>> suffer
>> my worry is that we will be placed in a Permanent Environmental War
>> Economy... a military industrial sustainability, Sustainment, you can find
>> threads of this future everywhere; Revenge of Gaia, Thomas Friedman, Tim
>> Flannery's chapter The Carbon Dicatorship, Naomi Klein's Disaster
>> Capitalism, even Climate Code Red (Friends of the Earth co-opted), Gore
>> Vidal's essay "Cue the Green God, Ted", David F Noble's The Corporate
>> Climate Coup, reports by the Pentagon, UN security council etc etc
>> "Environmental War Economy
>> Governments have left it late to deal with climate change and have been
>> forced to rationalise whole industry sectors and take control of many
>> aspects of citizens' lives.They build dams and powerful sea wall defences
>> to
>> protect land from the raging oceans, yet growing numbers of environmental
>> refugees must find new countries willing to accommodate them. Greenhouse
>> gases are beginning to decline, but the cost to individual liberty has
>> been
>> great." http://www.forumforthefuture.org/projects/climate-futures
>> a book that explores the converagance of these themes is American
>> Theocracy:
>> The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the
>> 21stCentury (Hardcover)
>> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/067003486X/leftbusinessobseA/
>> for a while, I've been researching a book idea: Climate War: Apocalypse,
>> Sustainment or Liberation, which explores these ideas, and your work is
>> exteremely useful
>> I was working a News Corp when the War on Terror was re-announced after
>> S11,
>> and many people trusted our glorious leaders, it seemed like a just war,
>> it
>> seems to me, that we are making the same mistake, when we rush to support
>> the new war on climate change
>> we need to ask who are we fighting for ? what kind of war are we fighting
>> ?
>> are we setting-up a new Green technocratic elite ? or is this a war of
>> liberation ? is more war even the right way to frame and to act ?
>> keep up the good work
>> cheers
>> --
>> Nicholas Roberts
>> [im] skype:niccolor
>> Australian Social Forum
>> http://www.AustralianSocialForum.org
>> "The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the
>> new
>> cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms
>> appear.
>>   * Gramsci. Prison Notebooks
>> Minqi Li, Assistant Professor
>> Department of Economics, University of Utah
>> Salt Lake City, UT 84112
>> Phone: 801-581-7697; Fax: 801-585-5649
>> --
>> --
>> Nicholas Roberts
>> [im] skype:niccolor
>> Australian Social Forum
>> http://www.AustralianSocialForum.org
>> "The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the
>> new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms
>> appear.
>>   * Gramsci. Prison Notebooks
> --
> --
> Nicholas Roberts
> [im] skype:niccolor
> http://www.Permaculture.TV
> http://www.WorkerCooperatives.com
> http://www.AustralianSocialForum.org
> --
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