[p2p-research] Fwd: Draft: Building Global Info Commons paper

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 06:12:38 CET 2008

Dear friends,

I cannot help andrew right now, so I'm hoping that the community can pitch
in with suggestions, and share it with the list so we all can learn from it,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: andrew garton <ag at apc.org.au>
Date: Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 7:47 AM
Subject: Draft: Building Global Info Commons paper
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

Hi Michel,

It's been a long while between emails, so I'm hoping your good, safe and
as resourceful as ever...

I've got something akin to a draft that I'm working through now that
I've had feedback from a few APC people... and time to complete it.


As I near a final draft, there are some additional elements I've been
asked to add and as such, am seeking further consultation with people
such as yourself.

If you can spare the time, I'm hoping you can given me some brief
pointers / advice on the following more policy related questions. You
input through the early process was invaluable...

+ Policy, regulation

What do you see as the main trends, challenges and opportunities in
policy and regulation related to the information commons globally and

+ Policy spaces

Michel, are you aware of any specific policy spaces/ instruments and
frameworks that impact on the commons? Outside of CC that is...

+ Advocacy and campaigns

And finally, what do you consider as the most important advocacy /
campaigns dealing with the commons that would be strategic for APC to be
aligned with?


Let me know what you think is possible?

Look forward to hearing from you... Oh, and if you feel there are
specifics I should look at, that are yet to be covered (noting this is a
draft and not representative of a completed document), I would value
your input...

Kind regards,


andrew garton

Tel. +43 (0) 680 2139551 (Austria)

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