[p2p-research] barriers to post-industrial transition

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 14:13:49 CEST 2008

I wonder if anybody would be interested in writing a 500 word article for
the following call for submissions below, and be willing to sign with
p2pfoundation as well?

thanks for considering it,

 Bridges to the Post Industrial Planet

Our future well-being requires that in twenty years' time we should be
living in a manner that differs markedly from the way we've lived in the
past century and a half. It seems likely we'll consume less energy, use
physical resources more sparingly, moderate the waste we generate, make
fewer long journeys, rely more on local produce, repair things we'd
currently replace, share objects we might currently own. Other implications
are less obvious but potentially significant. Will be the role of
corporations change? How will our societies be governed? What civil
liberties can we expect?

The better we're able to imagine a post industrial world, the better we can
identify the barriers to getting there and prepare bridges to get over them.

We're inviting people to write a few paragraphs, no more than 500 words,
outlining the greatest difficulty you think we face in making the transition
to a post industrial world. This might be a technological issue, a cultural
barrier, an economic factor or something else. If you have ideas about how
the barrier could be overcome go ahead and outline them too.

Send your submission to
open at CIRCUS-foundation.org<//open at CIRCUS-foundation.org>along with a
couple of lines about who you are. The results will be compiled
in a book that will be published free on the web and form the basis of a
seminar to be held in London later in 2008.

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