[p2p-research] Fwd: Clarifying Open Everything and WOC in 2008

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 12:33:27 CEST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Web of Change <info at webofchange.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 7:11 AM
Subject: Clarifying Open Everything and WOC in 2008
To: Michaeel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Hi everyone,

I trust you're enjoying your summers. For those of us on the
west coast, this has been one of the sunniest, warmest, and most
enjoyable in recent memory!

I'm writing to clarify a few things about Web of Change in 2008,
and to ensure you all know about an amazing upcoming event that
Web of Change is co-producing this year. It's the Open
Everything conference at Hollyhock, and it's only 2 weeks away.

As many of you know, we decided to spin the Web of Change a
little differently this year, and we're not hosting our "normal"
WOC conference at Hollyhock this September. Some of the reasons
were personal, and some organizational.

Partly, it was because we put a lot into a massive new event
this spring – the Social Tech Training, which we created in
partnership with the Social Innovation Group at MaRS in Toronto.
It was incredibly successful, fully sold out, and resulted in
97% of the 65 participants reporting that the event met or
exceeded their expectations. It was a lot of work for our
organizing team, but it paid off in a big way.

The other reasons were big new personal life changes for two of
WOC's main conveners. I (Jason) am having my first baby
(due date = original start date of WOC) and Jodie has taken on
an exciting new job in the US working with social change
leadership guru Robert Gass. Finally, we wanted to give our
American friends no distractions from the critical task they
have at hand in the US election this November.

The good news is that Hollyhock junkies needn't despair, because
we partnered this year with our friend and 3 year Web of Change
co-convenor Mark Surman, on an entirely new and very exciting
new event: Open Everything, Sept 3-6. Mark is now the Executive
Director at the Mozilla Foundation (owners of Firefox, among
other properties) and has been evangelizing and exploring the
meme of "open" for almost a decade now. Now is the time to look
beyond technology and into other disciplines: education, philan-
thropy, finance, government, and more. We have seen how trans-
formative the open values have been to technology – so the
question for this retreat is, how do they affect and transform
bigger and broader playing fields?

Over half of the participants at Open Everything are at critical
juncture in some big project with 'open' at the core. We know
from experience that Hollyhock is a great place to reflect,
share wisdom and get advice from friends, especially at moments
of invention or transition.

So if you are seeing "open" reflected in your own work, we're
sending out the call to remind you of this opportunity to return
to Hollyhock in 2008, next month. You'll connect with other like
minded folks, as well as deepening your awareness and practices
in this important emerging space.

More information is on our conference wiki:

If you wish to attend, please email gang at openeverything.net
with some information about yourself.

In the spirit of open,

Jason Mogus
(on behalf of other Open Everything co-convenors Mark Surman,
David Eaves, Michael Lewkowitz, and Allen Gunn and WOC
organizers Sarah Pullman and Julia Watson)

P.S. Thanks to our sponsors, Renewal Partners, Google Summer
of Code, and GrowthWorks Capital for their support.

P.P.S. Here is a list of the people who have confirmed so far
for Open Everything:

   1. Allen Gunn, Aspiration and participatory event innovator
   2. Ahrash Bissell, CC Learn director, Creative Commons global
   3. David Eaves, negotiation and public policy expert
   4. Erika Bjune, VP Technology, Tides Foundation
   5. Gale Moore, Knowledge Media and Design Institute, UofToronto
   6. Jason Cote, Freeform Solutions and prospective open leader
   7. Joel Solomon, Renewal Partners/Endswell/Tides Canada
   8. Julia Watson, Communicopia, Web of Change, and meditation teacher
   9. Helen King, Shuttleworth Foundation CEO
  10. Jennifer Bell, found of VisableGovernment.ca
  11. Leslie Hawthorn, Google Summer of Code
  12. Mark Graham, iVillage, VP of Technology
  13. Mark Surman, Shuttleworth Foundation
  14. Michael Lewkowitz, accomplished venturer
  15. Paul Biondich, Open Medical Records System
  16. Scott Mattoon, Sun and Open Architecture Network
  17. Steve Wright, Salesforce.com Foundation
  18. Wayne Mackintosh, Commonwealth of Learning and WikiEducator.org
  19. Zak Greant, Mozilla Foundation and free software evangelist

There is also a list of people who have said 'yes, I am coming'
but have not yet registered. They include:

   1. Heather Ford, executive director of iCommons.org
   2. Danese Cooper, OSI / Intel
   3. Jeff Balin, executive coach
   4. Hugh McGuire, LibriVox
   5. Ian Pringle, Commonwealth of Learning
   6. Kevin Jones, Good Capital, xigi.net, champion of investing in good
   7. Jim Vollett, Organization development guru
   8. Holmes Wilson, Participatory Culture Foundation
   9. John Wonderlich, Sunlight Foundation
  10. Leslie Chan, open access pioneer, University of Toronto
  11. Phillip Smith, simplifier of technology at Community Bandwidth
  12. Ross McMillan, CEO, Tides Canada Foundation

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