[p2p-research] Fwd: [ox-en] Re: Role of markets

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 17:24:52 CEST 2008

Paul's table is here:


I did not see where this was orginally referenced, so not sure what "A" and
"B" represent. And, some of the "examples" were not present, so I just
placed "??" in there. But now you can easily edit, or move to where you'd

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> From a discussion at the oekonux list, about property forms, Paul Cockshott
> provided a table.
> It would be a great boon to our page on Property, see
> http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Property
> If anybody feels called to include it and perhaps fill it out with more
> examples, it would be much appreciated,
> Michel Bauwens
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: adam <adam at diamat.org.uk>
> Date: Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 7:10 PM
> Subject: Re: [ox-en] Re: Role of markets
> To: list-en at oekonux.org
> Hi,
>  Paul Cockshott wrote:
>> I see my table did not reproduce well
>>>  A uses B A can    A can A can
>>>         sell B   buy B inherit B examples
>>> 0 no     no       no    no (slave, American law)
>>> 1 yes    no       no    no (collective farm and land)
>>> 2 no     yes      no    no (hired worker and labour)
>>> 3 yes    yes      no    no
>>> 4 no     no       yes   no
>>> 5 yes    no       yes   no (consumer and electricity)
>>> 6 no     yes      yes   no (commodity trader and
>>> commodity)
>>> 7 yes    yes      yes   no (capitalist firm/factory)
>>> 8 no     no       no    yes
>>> 9 yes    no       no    yes (traditional peasant and land)
>>> 10 no    yes      no    yes
>>> 11 yes   yes      no    yes
>>> 12 no    no       yes   yes
>>> 13 yes   no       yes   yes
>>> 14 no    yes      yes   yes
>>> 15 yes   yes      yes   yes (full bourgeois right)
> Where would you think that a company like Glas Cymru would fit in to the
> array above
>  Glas Cymru is a single purpose company formed to own, finance and manage
>> Welsh Water. It is a 'company limited by guarantee' and because it has no
>> shareholders, any financial surpluses are retained for the benefit of Welsh
>> Water's customers.
> http://www.dwrcymru.co.uk/English/Company/Glascymru/index.asp
> -- adam
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Sam Rose
Social Synergy
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