[p2p-research] Knolicules

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 17:00:00 CEST 2008

What I am thinking is that Google could aggregate things that people
semantically tag as a "knolicule". Google could offer their own web
interface as they already do, but also aggregate and present stuff from
other sites, so long as it has a few minimum elements. A few small code
changes could allow all pages on p2p foundation to become "knol" pages,
residing both on knol and p2pwiki for instance.

This could work in much the same way that
http://search.creativecommons.org/?q=knol works, except not just being
search but also being a sort of mirroring of certain elements. What I am
talking about will probably nver happen, but it could be increadibly easy to
do :-)

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:00 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> three advantages I think:
> - the individual control, you're not subject to crowd politics
> - you can make money through adsense
> - you have google's prestige to back you up
> The individual aspect is critiqued by some, but I think it just adds to the
> diversity,
> Michel
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Thanks Jon,
>> I am kind of curious about why google wants to re-create wikipedia, and
>> what the goals of Knol are? I suppose the idea is to tie-in with (google)
>> search eventually...
>> What would be really cool is you could write "knols" anywhere, and google
>> and anyone else could aggregate, index and serve them with reference to the
>> original.
>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Jon Awbrey <jawbrey at att.net> wrote:
>>> o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o
>>> Hi Y'all ...
>>> My Current Knols on Logic and Semiotics ---
>>> http://knol.google.com/k/jon-awbrey/differential-logic/3fkwvf69kridz/2
>>> http://knol.google.com/k/jon-awbrey/logical-graphs/3fkwvf69kridz/3
>>> http://knol.google.com/k/jon-awbrey/semeiotic/3fkwvf69kridz/4
>>> http://knol.google.com/k/jon-awbrey/logic-of-relatives/3fkwvf69kridz/5
>>> http://knol.google.com/k/jon-awbrey/pragmatic-maxim/3fkwvf69kridz/6
>>> http://knol.google.com/k/jon-awbrey/hypostatic-abstraction/3fkwvf69kridz/7
>>> These are works-in-progress, of course, but
>>> some of them are more ingressive than others.
>>> Early days, and there are the usual species of bugs in the system,
>>> but I am quite impressed with the potential of the environment as
>>> it appears so far.
>>> Jon Awbrey
>>> CC: Arisbe, Conceptual Graphs, Corpora, Cybernetics, Inquiry, P2P
>>> o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o
>>> inquiry e-lab: http://stderr.org/pipermail/inquiry/
>>> mwb: http://www.mywikibiz.com/Directory:Jon_Awbrey
>>> knol: http://knol.google.com/k/-/-/3fkwvf69kridz/1
>>> mathweb: http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
>>> p2p <http://www.mathweb.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbreyp2p> wiki:
>>> http://www.p2pfoundation.net/User:JonAwbrey
>>> planet math: http://planetmath.org/?op=userobjs;id=15246
>>> semantic web: http://semanticweb.org/wiki/User:Jon_Awbrey
>>> ontolog: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?JonAwbrey
>>> c: http://www.altheim.com/ceryle/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JonAwbrey
>>> wp review: http://wikipediareview.com/index.php?showuser=5619
>>> o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~~~~o
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>> Sam Rose
>> Social Synergy
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> --
> The P2P Foundation researches, documents and promotes peer to peer
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Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
AIM: Str9960
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samrose
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

Related Sites/Blogs/Projects:
OpenBusinessModels: http://socialsynergyweb.net/cgi-bin/wiki/FrontPage
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