[p2p-research] Fwd: P2P search workshop

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 23:34:30 CEST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jean-yves le moine <jylemoine at jcp-consult.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 4:19 AM
Subject: P2P search workshop
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

hi michel
 i read your blog with interest
 could you transfer this mail to some who could be interested

 This first workshop on peer to peer architectures for multimedia
retrieval (1P2P4mm) is arranged by the CHORUS Coordination Action
(http://www.ist-chorus.eu) at Infoscale 2008
(http://www.infoscale.org/), to discuss what challenges must be met
and what bottlenecks must be addressed by research and engineering
efforts in the near future, and what the respective roles of
industrial partners, content providers, research institutions and
public bodies will and should be. The goal of the workshop is to
provide input to a comprehensive gap analysis and recommendations for
future action on the part of academic researchers, industrial
developers, and public funding agencies, most notably the European

 We want to gather a group of committed researchers and practictioners
in a working meeting where we can share opinions and discuss
challenges and how they might be met: p2p technology has obvious
potential to become a useful technology for multimedia retrieval - the
question is whether adoption of p2p solutions will have wider
ramifications on the design of search and on interaction with
information systems in view of other foreseen advances in services and
technology. This workshop is intended to provide answers to whether
there is need for future actions and how those actions best might be
 We would be very pleased if you would accept to join us for 1p2pmm on
June 6. It will be colocated with InfoScale 2008, Vico Equense, Italy!
A 1 page position paper or a short and substantial statement to engage
strong discussion in the workshop is welcomed - send it to us before
May 15 for inclusion in the working notes for the workshop! We will
put them on a website accessible to all the participants.

 Contact jean-yves le moine
 jylemoine at jcp-consult.com

 thanks a lot michel

 jean-yves le moine

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