[p2p-research] Fwd: Terranet's P2P mobile phone technology

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 09:18:12 CEST 2008

Interesting comment for our blog on this one?

 Here is a news item which you might have seen already.  If not you may
 want to pass on to your readers:

 "Look Mum, no hand-offs: Swedish start-up pushes peer-to-peer mobile"
 by Ian Scales, TelecomTV, 8 April 2008

 "Swedish start-up TerraNet has revealed further detail around its
 mobile phone technology that it claims could play a big role in taking
 telephone penetration to the missing half of the global population:
 the remaining 4 billion with their near zero disposable income and their
 near zero literacy... 'The biggest cost for mobile operators is
 says [TerraNet  CEO and founder, Anders] Carlius, 'so if you can get
 rid of it, or diminish it, you're on your way. Our peer-to-peer system
 abolishes infrastructure investment so you can really get the calling
 prices down.'  Terranet's peer-to-peer technology turns each handset
 into a switching node, passing on calls from other handsets within a
 1 kilometre range. Each handset can simultaneously transit 7 calls and
 each call can make 7 hops before the switching delay starts to make
 conversation difficult..."


 From: "Michel Bauwens" <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
 To: "Robert Horvitz" <horvitz at vol.cz>
 Subject: Re: Flying to Bangkok on 20 March
 Date: 27.3.2008 - 8:19:00

 > Hi Robert,
 > I'm in sydney airport, waiting for my return flight
 > ... should be home by tomorrow afternoon ...
 > do you have the right phone number, i.e. 081/784.7291
 > ?
 > Michel

 Robert Horvitz
 Stichting Open Spectrum
 Slavikova 11, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
 Gelderlandplein 75 L, 1082 LV Amsterdam, Nederland
 mailto:bob at openspectrum.info
 mob: +420 775024705
 tel/fax: +420 222967456

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