[p2p-research] Keele University

Phoebe Moore P.Moore at salford.ac.uk
Fri Apr 4 02:20:42 CEST 2008

http://education.guardian.co.uk/universitiesincrisis/story/0,,2269756,00.html <http://education.guardian.co.uk/universitiesincrisis/story/0,,2269756,00.html> 
i was in keele all day with the UCU Left (which i'm a member of). there were about 500 people from all over the country there which was great.. 
the issue is as you'll see from the link above is that keele university plans to turn its economic and management studies, which includes courses on industrial relations (old school IR), into a business school department rather than allow it to remain within the remit of the faculty of humanities and social sciences. as is stands, this is the only IR subject group that's NOT in a management school left in the country...  
keele management are also planning to lay off 35 lecturers. 
so their council met today to discuss this, and so we marched all round the campus with whistles and placards, and then there were a few speakers in this auditorium from different unions, as well as a lecturer in the IR dept there. it was a really good rally. i am hoping it helps because it has implications for the entire university system and the recent onslaught of managerial decisionmaking that has no place in the public sector.

Dr Phoebe Moore

Lecturer in International Relations UG Pgm Leader, Politics & International Relations  Politics and Contemporary History , ESPaCH <https://staffwebmail.salford.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/politics/irp.php> http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/politics/irp.php <http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/politics/irp.php European>  European Studies Research Institute (ESRI)http://www.esri.salford.ac.uk <https://staffwebmail.salford.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.esri.salford.ac.uk/>   University of Salford Crescent House, Salford Manchester, M54WT T: 0161 295 6033 F: 0161 295 5077


Profile: http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/politics/staff/moore.php <https://staffwebmail.salford.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/politics/staff/moore.php> 

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Capital and Class editorial board: http://www.cseweb.org.uk/ <https://staffwebmail.salford.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.cseweb.org.uk/>  <https://staffwebmail.salford.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.cseweb.org.uk/> 


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