[p2p-research] list admin settings

Ned Rossiter ned at nedrossiter.org
Fri Nov 30 00:11:16 CET 2007

dear all

I'm getting a number of postings automatically bounce to the list  
admin address (mine) because some of you are either:

- posting from an address you are not subscribed to the list with
- attachments are included in the post
- postings are more than the 100k setting (which is large for ascii/ 
plain text)

The reasons for these standard/automated list settings were outlined  
in my first post, abbreviated below:

From: 	  ned at nedrossiter.org
Subject: 	[p2p-research] welcome to p2p research list
Date: 	21 November 2007 23:45:50 GMT+00:00
To: 	  p2presearch at listcultures.org


you are all seasoned list-serv folks, I'm certain. nonetheless,
perhaps it is worth signaling the defaults of this mailing list:

- in most instances attachments will automatically be rejected due to
size (100kb limit)
- but please do not send attachments to the list: they will not be
registered in the archives, and they are a good way of spreading
potential viruses.
- so attachments - like the fantastic free beer that Athina kindly
passed around - are best mailed through the cc list.
- in other words: keep text plain/ascii.


So please take note of them (the reasons are valid in my view), and  
if you have attachments, then send via the cc. list of emails.



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