[p2p-research] Fwd: enemybook and cyberbullying

Paul B. Hartzog paulbhartzog at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 16:41:54 CET 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dc Christopoulos <Dc.Christopoulos at uwe.ac.uk>
Date: Nov 24, 2007 11:04 AM
Subject: enemybook and cyberbullying
To: SOCNET at lists.ufl.edu

An article on the Financial Times a couple of weeks ago on negative
ties and cyberbullies.

As only a casual observer of online communities I was not aware of the
existence of enemybook, snubster & hatebook.  We know our online
'friends' but are we aware of our online 'enemies'?


Maybe of more than just entertainment interest to this community.


Dr Dimitris C Christopoulos
Senior Lecturer
Department of Politics
Coldharbour Lane
Bristol  BS16  1QY

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PaulBHartzog at PaulBHartzog.org
PaulBHartzog at panarchy.com
PHartzog at umich.edu
The Universe is made up of stories, not atoms.
                 --Muriel Rukeyser

See differently, then you will act differently.
                 --Paul B. Hartzog

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