[p2p-research] Reviews of Presentations

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 06:04:19 CET 2007

Done, sorry that I forgot that.

here an update of what we already have, and also of presentations still


   1. Stefan Merten (Oekonux <http://www.oekonux.org/>): Free
   The Most Mature P2P Economy. 1) Text version of key Oekonux

   2. Adam Arvidsson: Review: The Ethical
   3. Yuwei Lin <http://www.ylin.org/>: Women's collective action in the
   free software world
   4. Paul Hartzog <http://paulbhartzog.org/> and Richard Adler,
   Oort-Cloud <http://www.oort-cloud.org/>: Social Publishing in a Peer
   to Peer World.
   5. Henrik Ingo <http://www.openlife.cc/>, Do we want Direct
   6. Dr Athina Karatzogianni, University of Hull, author of
   Cyberconflict <http://p2pfoundation.net/Cyberconflict> and Dr George
   Michaelides Institute of Work Psychology, University of Sheffield: *
   Soft Control and Group Polarization in Networked Communities.*
   7. Cosma Orsi. Roskilde University Centre. The Political Economy of
   Reciprocity and the Partner

   8. Tere Vadén <http://nuvatsia.terevaden.net/>. A Critique of
   9. Ned Rossiter. Economic Options for Organizing Networks in

Presentations not yet provided

   1. Sam Rose <http://blog.socialsynergyweb.com/>
   2. Hervé Le Crosnier <http://cfeditions.com/>
   3. Henrik Ingo <http://openlife.cc/>

On Nov 22, 2007 2:32 AM, Wittel, Andreas <andreas.wittel at ntu.ac.uk> wrote:

> hi michel, could you include here a link to the ntu web site? might be
> useful...
> best andreas
> ________________________________
> From: Michel Bauwens [mailto:michelsub2004 at gmail.com]
> Sent: Mon 19/11/2007 18:53
> To: Samuel Rose
> Cc: Wittel, Andreas; henrik.ingo at gmail.com; smerten at oekonux.de;
> paulbhartzog at gmail.com; n.rossiter at ulster.ac.uk; tere.vaden at uta.fi;
> G.N.Dafermos at tudelft.nl; adam Arvidsson; cosma at ruc.dk; athina.k at gmail.com;
> Hervé Le Crosnier; yuwei at ylin.org; Lynch, Siobhan; Green, Cheryl
> Subject: Re: Reviews of Presentations
> provisional page here at
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Nottingham_Peer_Production_Workshop
> please send me links to your presentations, and any supporting material
> you want this to be linked to,
> Michel
> On Nov 20, 2007 12:50 AM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com> wrote:
>        Hi all,
>        Andreas, Michele, Siobhan, everyone who participated, thank you so
> much for your amazing effort to put this workshop/conference together.
>        I am visually mapping out, and blogging reviews of everyone's
> presentations at Nottingham Trent. If you can email me, or send me a link to
> your presentations, I'll be sure to post a review on:
>        P2P foundation blog
>        http://cooperationcommons.com <http://cooperationcommons.com/>
>  blog
>        http://smartmobs.com <http://smartmobs.com/>  blog
>        http://blog.socialsynergyweb.com <http://blog.socialsynergyweb.com/
> >
>        the first review is of Adam Arvidsson's Ethical Economy
> presentation (only because my notes of his were most complete)
>        http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/ethical-economy/2007/11/19
>        I intend to post reviews of each of your presentations, so please
> do send me your slides, papers, or an overview. Thanks!
>        --
>        Sam Rose
>        Social Synergy
>        Cel: +1-517-974-6451
>        AIM: Str9960
>        Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samrose
>        skype: samuelrose
>        email: samuel.rose at gmail.com
>        http://socialsynergyweb.com/services
>        http://blog.socialsynergyweb.com <http://blog.socialsynergyweb.com/
> >
>        Related Sites/Blogs/Projects:
>        OpenBusinessModels:
> http://socialsynergyweb.net/cgi-bin/wiki/FrontPage
>        http://p2pfoundation.net <http://p2pfoundation.net/>
>        http://blog.p2pfoundation.net <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/>
>        http://www.cooperationcommons.com <
> http://www.cooperationcommons.com/>
>        http://barcampbank.org <http://barcampbank.org/>
>        http://bfwatch.barcampbank.org <http://bfwatch.barcampbank.org/>
>        http://communitywiki.org <http://communitywiki.org/>
>        http://extinctionlevelevent.com <http://extinctionlevelevent.com/>
>        Information Filtering:
>        http://socialsynergyweb.com/gregarius/
>        http://ma.gnolia.com/people/srose/bookmarks
>        http://del.icio.us/srose
>        http://twitter.com/SamRose
> --
> The P2P Foundation researches, documents and promotes peer to peer
> alternatives.
> Wiki and Encyclopedia, at http://p2pfoundation.net <
> http://p2pfoundation.net/> ; Blog, at http://blog.p2pfoundation.net <
> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/> ; Newsletter, at
> http://integralvisioning.org/index.php?topic=p2p
> Basic essay at http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499; interview at
> http://poynder.blogspot.com/2006/09/p2p-very-core-of-world-to-come.html
> http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=4549818267592301968&hl=en-AU
> KEEP UP TO DATE through our Delicious tags at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens
> The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by
> http://www.ws-network.com/04_team.htm
> This email is intended solely for the addressee.  It may contain private
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The P2P Foundation researches, documents and promotes peer to peer

Wiki and Encyclopedia, at http://p2pfoundation.net; Blog, at
http://blog.p2pfoundation.net; Newsletter, at

Basic essay at http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=499; interview at

KEEP UP TO DATE through our Delicious tags at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens

The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by
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