[p2p-research] welcome to p2p research list

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 05:56:01 CET 2007

Thank you so much Ned for this assistance!

I have announced the initiative here at

Paul, could you write up something similar for the socialtext wiki forum?

For the people on the other p2p lists in cc: p2presearch is where the more
substantial discussions about topics will take place, please consider

Subscription is possible at


On Nov 22, 2007 6:45 AM, Ned Rossiter <ned at nedrossiter.org> wrote:

> hi all, great to meet all of you who could make it to the p2p meeting
> in nottingham.  and for those who couldn't make it - greetings.
> you are all seasoned list-serv folks, I'm certain. nonetheless,
> perhaps it is worth signaling the defaults of this mailing list:
> - in most instances attachments will automatically be rejected due to
> size (100kb limit)
> - but please do not send attachments to the list: they will not be
> registered in the archives, and they are a good way of spreading
> potential viruses.
> - so attachments - like the fantastic free beer that Athina kindly
> passed around - are best mailed through the cc list.
> - in other words: keep text plain/ascii.
> You probably noticed a fairly generic summary of the list in the auto-
> generated welcome you received:
> p2p research is a mailing list that investigates the political,
> economic and social dimensions of peer-to-peer networks.
> if anyone wants that changed, feel free to write a new line.
> And if anyone would rather be taken off this list, just let me know
> (or unsubscribe yourself). Or if you would rather not have more mail
> dropping into your inbox, or filtered to whatever box, then you can
> always select the option to receive no mail, but still be able to
> post to the list, reading through an rss of the archive:
> http://listcultures.org/pipermail/p2presearch_listcultures.org/
> looking forward to seeing how this research group develops then,
> Ned - with thanks to the Institute of Network Cultures for hosting
> the list
> _______________________________________________
> p2presearch mailing list
> p2presearch at listcultures.org
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org

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