[p2p-research] welcome to p2p research list

Ned Rossiter ned at nedrossiter.org
Thu Nov 22 00:45:50 CET 2007

hi all, great to meet all of you who could make it to the p2p meeting  
in nottingham.  and for those who couldn't make it - greetings.

you are all seasoned list-serv folks, I'm certain. nonetheless,  
perhaps it is worth signaling the defaults of this mailing list:

- in most instances attachments will automatically be rejected due to  
size (100kb limit)
- but please do not send attachments to the list: they will not be  
registered in the archives, and they are a good way of spreading  
potential viruses.
- so attachments - like the fantastic free beer that Athina kindly  
passed around - are best mailed through the cc list.
- in other words: keep text plain/ascii.

You probably noticed a fairly generic summary of the list in the auto- 
generated welcome you received:

p2p research is a mailing list that investigates the political,  
economic and social dimensions of peer-to-peer networks.

if anyone wants that changed, feel free to write a new line.

And if anyone would rather be taken off this list, just let me know  
(or unsubscribe yourself). Or if you would rather not have more mail  
dropping into your inbox, or filtered to whatever box, then you can  
always select the option to receive no mail, but still be able to  
post to the list, reading through an rss of the archive:


looking forward to seeing how this research group develops then,

Ned - with thanks to the Institute of Network Cultures for hosting  
the list

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