[p2p-research] [asiacommoners] Open Source Business Resource

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 12:53:40 CET 2007


This is a brilliant resource and i went through all the issues in the

It allowed me to update:


I would also like to work on a list of p2p/commons friendly politicians and
policy advisors, worldwide, and thus also for Asia, on the budding model of
this page here:

All assistance to make such a list per Asian country, would be most

Do you know of any Asian politicians in your country sympathetic to the
issues, and the experts who could advice them?

Many thanks for your assistance,

Michel Bauwens

On Dec 24, 2007 1:45 AM, Frederick Noronha [फ़रेदरिक नोरोनया] <
fred at bytesforall.org> wrote:

> FROM TONY BAILETTI bailetti at ichu.com
> Hello.  The December edition of the Open Source Business Resource is
> now available in PDF and HTML formats at http://www.osbr.ca.
> The theme of the December issue is "Clean intellectual property". This
> issue includes two articles written by senior company executives, two
> articles from academics, one from a lawyer, and one from an
> independent consultant.
> In addition to the six articles, the issue includes a call for
> proposals from the Talent First Network and a letter asking OSBR
> readers to join the Canadian Software Innovation Association, a
> coalition currently concerned about the negative consequences of
> importing US-style digital copyright legislation to Canada.
> In this issue:
> Doug Levin, CEO of Black Duck Software, identifies the best practices
> for managing IP in development environments that use open source
> components, commercial off-the-shelf components, and proprietary
> components.
> Mahshad Koohgoli & Richard Mayer, Protecode's CEO and Vice President
> of Marketing respectively, discuss the current generation of solutions
> for managing software IP cleanliness.
> Andy Kaplan-Myrth from the University of Ottawa argues that Canada
> needs copyright laws that support the open source model.
> G.R. Gangadharan from the University of Trento and Michael Weiss from
> Carleton University introduce the attributes of rights expression
> languages.
> Eric Smith, a lawyer with the firm Fraser Milner Casgrain, highlights
> the changes between version 2 and version 3 of the GNU General Public
> License.
> Russell McOrmond, an Internet and F/LOSS consultant, outlines the new
> copyright legislation which is before the Canadian Parliament.
> We hope you enjoy this issue of the OSBR and look forward to your
> feedback.  To contribute insightful articles to the OSBR, please
> contact the editor Ms. Dru Lavigne at dru at osbr.ca
> Happy holidays!
> Regards
> Tony Bailetti
> Please contribute insightful articles to www.osbr.ca
> Tony Bailetti, Director
> Talent First Network
> (http://www.ottawatechwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Talent_First_Network)
> email: Bailetti at sce.carleton.ca
> phone: 613 829 8885
> fax: 613 520-5727
> Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
> Mackenzie Buildings Office 4476
> Carleton University
> Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6
> This is the mailing list of the UNESCO Open Educational Resources
> Community.
> Using the "Reply" buton sends your message to the entire list.
> Please use individual addresses for responses intended for specific
> people.
> To unsubscribe or join, send a message to c.savage at unesco.org.
> --
> Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490
> Links from Goa: http://goalinks.livejournal.com/
> Dgroups is a joint initiative of Bellanet, DFID, Hivos, ICA, ICCO, IICD,
> OneWorld, UNAIDS and World Bank
> --- You are currently subscribed to asiacommoners as:
> michelsub2004 at gmail.com
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