[p2p-research] Two new university presses and a 'co-publishing' model

Paul B. Hartzog paulbhartzog at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 19:08:06 CET 2007

It seems to me that teaching OJS's how to think through social publishing,
what it takes to be a successful OJS
a way that Rick and I could really help people.

Sam (and p2presearch lurkers),  any chance you could help us get that
ball rolling?

much thx,

On Dec 21, 2007 12:51 PM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com> wrote:
> Richard,
> I've wondered if it might be possible for academic authors and interested
> scholoars to adopt some of the methods of OJS http://pkp.sfu.ca/?q=ojs
> particularly enabling peer review.
> This seemed to me to have some promise as a University press alternative,
> especially if tools can be developed to publish via print-on-demand.
> Similar "co-publishing" cost sharing models could work for some form of
> "Open" Academic Press. I also think that such an "open" model press system
> could gain credibility, mostly by producing high quality works over time.
> Right now, I am in the process of building two different "commons"-based
> education platforms, for projects that want to pursue education outside of
> the University systems. I know that others are doing this, too. One of the
> platforms that I am building is in conjunction with
> http://www.openfarmtech.org/  the open source ecology project, to create
> project and knowledge commons spaces, and eventually education material
> based on open licensed technology. This means that technical, and scientific
> research is going to be done in an open way, and that scientific research
> will be applied to open design, and technological development processes.
> I think as this type of activity increases, there will be a growing
> alternative path for people who want to educate themselves. And,  there will
> be a growing alternative path for academics who want to research/develop,
> and publish for different areas.
> Co-publishing could actually become "distributed" publishing, incorporating
> ideas like the http://socialsynergyweb.net/cgi-bin/wiki/MicroBook idea Print
> on demand and "Micro book" publishing can *cut* costs dramatically (entry
> cost is close to zero)
> Everyone in the network could make volumes available, and "cost sharing"
> could extend to everyone who uses the network, including all business
> entities, though not required for using it digitally by individuals, for
> instance.
> If you go to a location, you could get your book sections from a print on
> demand machine, or access online. Full books could still be published and
> sent to libraries of course
>  On Dec 21, 2007 12:06 PM, Richard Adler <RichardAdler at oort-cloud.org>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > There's an interesting piece in today's 'Inside Higher Ed' concerning the
> newly founded Webster University Press and Lee University Press:
> >
> > http://insidehighered.com/news/2007/12/21/upress
> >
> > Collaboration may not be an entirely new phenomenon among university
> presses, but a term like 'co-publishing' raises interesting possibilities in
> the current publishing environment.  While their vision is not what Paul
> Hartzog and I have in mind when we speak of 'social publishing,' it might,
> at least, suggest that some in the world of traditional publishing may be
> more open to alternative models than they would have been in the past.
> >
> > Richard Adler
> > Electronic Records Archivist
> > Michigan State University
> >
> >
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> Sam Rose
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PaulBHartzog at PaulBHartzog.org
PaulBHartzog at panarchy.com
PHartzog at umich.edu
The Universe is made up of stories, not atoms.
                 --Muriel Rukeyser

See differently, then you will act differently.
                 --Paul B. Hartzog

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