[p2p-research] crowdsourcing is not peer production

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 16:09:10 CET 2007

Hi Paul,

here is a citation on peer production's difference with crowdsourcing,

How Crowdsourcing differs from Peer

Peer production is defined by:

- voluntary engagement

- a participatory process

- universal access property regimes

- there is no direct link between input and output (non-reciprocal character
of peer production)

Most corporate-driven crowdsourcing will only apply the very first
principle, i.e. voluntary engagement; they will aim to drive the production
process; and the results will be proprietary. Finally, they will introduce
payment or Revenue Sharing
<http://p2pfoundation.net/Revenue_Sharing>schemes. In terms of the
hierarchy of engagement, crowdsourcing is more akin
to swarming than to the collective intelligence of an intentional community.

A Critique of the Crowdsourcing meme

Hugh McGuire how it differs from community production:

"Apart from the unfortunate outsourcing connotation, crowdsouring completely
misses this point (which is something I have thought a lot about at

that what goes *in* is more important than what comes *out*.

crowdsourcing sounds like it is about extracting resources from a crowd
(like a strip mine, exploiting resources)… when in fact the real power (and
beauty) is in creating a community that wants to contribute *into*

I think you will find common elements that crowdsourcing doesn't catch:

   1. people want to contribute to the public sphere (with idealist
   2. participating in the project becomes a highly social, almost
   family-like activity

in short, the opposite of crowd, and the opposite of sourcing" (
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