[p2p-research] disagreement by deletion/addition

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 19:07:10 CET 2007

Very good question Paul.

My first reply is that the way you pose the question. Of course there is no
'always', but a constant tension between both. The evidence would be the
thousands of open wiki's around.

While it is true that Wikipedia is reverting to a scarcity-based paradigm in
its deletionist degeneration, I still think that the whole dynamic is one of
self-organization, not of traditional hierarchical allocation or
bureaucracy. In other words, it is a shadow of peer governance itself, not a
traditional problem of bureaucracy.

Through the creation of an artificial scarcity, the deletionists created a
power base for themselves, but the process is quite different from a
hierarchical bureaucracy in the traditional sense.

There are two issues: 1) addressng the degeneration to pluralist design; 2)
finding support amongst Wikipedia users to do so ... Regarding to question
two: do we have any record about how the Wikipedia 'decided' to go to that
disastrous road?

1) the scarcity processes could be avoided through design, see the concept
of Knowing Networks, http://p2pfoundation.net/Knowing_Networks, by Stephen
Dowes, about how to design for autonomy and diversity and go against the
Power Law, http://p2pfoundation.net/Power_Law

It is part of a broader movement to use Value Conscious Design,
http://p2pfoundation.net/Value_Sensitive_Design, against the new
protocollary power that is typical of distributed networks,

You'd have to go in the links to follow my argument in more detail, but as
I'm on the road, I have to be short,


On Dec 7, 2007 12:31 AM, Paul B. Hartzog <paulbhartzog at gmail.com> wrote:

> conversation starter:
> Deletionism, or Disagreement by Deletion
> long time ago in my naive days
> Sunir Shah and I got talking about what was good about wikis.
> one of the key things was:
> 1) disagreement by deletion
> vs.
> 2) disagreement by addition
> DbD was the old-school political philosophy of exclusive practice,
> i.e. deciding who is "in" and who is "out"
> DbA was the new-school of pluralization, pluralism, and conversation,
> i.e. including perspectival acknowledgement as part of the process
> I actually used to lecture that this was a KEY reason why wikis are
> politically revolutionary, which is that by using DbA they
> 1) mesh with a multivocal world
> 2) function on inclusion instead of fragmentation (echo chamber)
> Now we see the "new" spaces, turning into "old" spaces
> by adopting the same rules as the old.
> Question:
> Is this a historical inevitability.  Will new open spaces that emerge,
> ALWAYS become co-opted by the old rules systems?  Will they
> ALWAYS be forced (as they scale?) to adopt the old rules?
> thoughts?
> -p
> --------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.PaulBHartzog.org
> http://www.panarchy.com
> PaulBHartzog at PaulBHartzog.org
> PaulBHartzog at panarchy.com
> PHartzog at umich.edu
> --------------------------------------------------------
> The Universe is made up of stories, not atoms.
>                 --Muriel Rukeyser
> See differently, then you will act differently.
>                 --Paul B. Hartzog
> --------------------------------------------------------
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