{ "translatorID": "039338fc-d84f-44bf-99e4-693cc91b569f", "label": "WIPO", "creator": "Sebastian Karcher", "target": "^https?://patentscope\\.wipo\\.int", "minVersion": "3.0", "maxVersion": "", "priority": 100, "inRepository": true, "translatorType": 4, "browserSupport": "gcsbv", "lastUpdated": "2013-04-15 18:04:37" } /* WIPO Translator Copyright (C) 2012 Sebastian Karcher an Avram Lyon This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ function detectWeb(doc,url) { var xpath='//meta[@content="Patent Application"]'; if (ZU.xpath(doc, xpath).length > 0) { return "patent"; } if (url.match(/\/search\/.+&filter=PCT&/)) { return "multiple"; } return false; } function fixCase(content){ if(content.toUpperCase() == content || content.toLowerCase() == content) { return ZU.capitalizeTitle(content, true); } else return content; } function doWeb(doc,url) { if (detectWeb(doc, url) == "multiple") { var hits = {}; var urls = []; var results = ZU.xpath(doc,'//td[contains(@id, "resultListTableColumnTitle")]'); for (var i in results) { hits[ZU.xpathText(results[i], './a/@href')] = results[i].textContent; } Z.selectItems(hits, function(items) { if (items == null) return true; for (var j in items) { urls.push(j); } ZU.processDocuments(urls, function (myDoc) { doWeb(myDoc, myDoc.location.href) }, function () {}); }); } else { var language = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//tr/td[b[contains(text(), "Publication Language:")]]/following-sibling::td'); var patentno = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//td[@id="detailPCTtableWO"]'); var appno = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//td[@id="detailPCTtableAN"]'); var assignee = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//meta[@scheme="assignee"]/@content'); var abstract = ZU.xpathText(doc, '//tr/td[b[contains(text(), "Abstract:")]]/following-sibling::td/div/span'); // We call the Embedded Metadata translator to do the actual work var translator = Zotero.loadTranslator("import"); translator.setTranslator("951c027d-74ac-47d4-a107-9c3069ab7b48"); translator.setHandler("itemDone", function(obj, item) { item.itemType = "patent"; if (language) item.language = language; if (abstract) item.abstractNote = abstract; if (assignee) item.assignee = assignee; if (appno) item.applicationNumber = appno; if (patentno) item.patentNumber = patentno; if (item.abstractNote) item.abstractNote = fixCase(item.abstractNote); for (var i in item.creators){ item.creators[i].lastName = fixCase(item.creators[i].lastName); item.creators[i].firstName = fixCase(item.creators[i].firstName); item.creators[i].creatorType = "inventor"; } for (i in item.tags){ item.tags[i] = fixCase(item.tags[i]); } item.title = fixCase(item.title); item.extra = ''; item.complete(); }); translator.getTranslatorObject(function (obj) { obj.doWeb(doc, url); }); } } /** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ var testCases = [ { "type": "web", "url": "http://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/WO2010111344", "items": [ { "itemType": "patent", "creators": [ { "firstName": "Adam", "lastName": "Lawrence", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Jacobus", "lastName": "Pronk", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Antonius", "lastName": "Van Maris", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Rintze", "lastName": "Zelle", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Kevin", "lastName": "Madden", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Jacob", "lastName": "Harrison", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Joshua", "lastName": "Trueheart", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Carlos", "lastName": "Gancedo Rodriguez", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Carmen-lisset", "lastName": "Flores Mauriz", "creatorType": "inventor" }, { "firstName": "Stanley", "lastName": "Bower", "creatorType": "inventor" } ], "notes": [], "tags": [ "Methods and Microorganisms for Production of C4-Dicarboxylic Acids" ], "seeAlso": [], "attachments": [ { "title": "Snapshot" } ], "abstractNote": "Methods and recombinant microorganisms for the biological production of C4-dicarboxylic acids are described. The recombinant microorganisms have increased production of OAA as compared to unmodified microorganisms. In some cases, the recombinant microorganisms have been modified to reduce production of pyruvate and/or reduce conversion of pyruvate to acetaldehyde. Thus, the microorganisms are modified to reduce the activity of pyruvate kinase and/or pyruvate decarboxylase., La présente invention concerne des procédés et des microorganismes recombinants pour la production biologique d'acides dicarboxyliques en C4. Comparés aux microorganismes non modifiés, les microorganismes recombinants produisent beaucoup plus d'OAA. Dans certains cas, les microorganismes recombinants ont été modifiés pour réduire la production de pyruvate et/ou réduire la conversion du pyruvate en acétaldéhyde. Les microorganismes sont ainsi modifiés pour réduire l'activité de la pyruvate kinase et/ou de la pyruvate décarboxylase.", "url": "http://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/WO2010111344", "language": "English (EN)", "assignee": "DSM IP Assets B.V., LAWRENCE, Adam, PRONK, Jacobus, Thomas, VAN MARIS, Antonius, Jeroen Adriaan, ZELLE, Rintze, Meindert, MADDEN, Kevin, T., HARRISON, Jacob, C., TRUEHEART, Joshua, GANCEDO RODRIGUEZ, Carlos, FLORES MAURIZ, Carmen-lisset, BOWER, Stanley", "applicationNumber": "PCT/US2010/028429", "patentNumber": "WO/2010/111344", "title": "Methods and Microorganisms for Production of C4-Dicarboxylic Acids", "issueDate": "2010/10/01" } ] } ] /** END TEST CASES **/