README ====== ucam_ps3.pde displays the videostream from a modded ps3eye microscope via USB, accepts mouse clicks and drags as user input, and controls a 2-axis servo-powered microscope slide stage via an arduino w/ firmata firmware requirements ------------ - processing ide: - video, serial, and arduino libraries for processing (included by default): . - arduino ide: - ucam hardware platform: - modded ps3eye: (I used a small spot of superglue to lightly secure the inverted lens to the lens mount). setup ----- 1. upload ServoFirmata_9_11.pde to your arduino and connect the servo control wires to the +5v, ground, and digital pins 9 and 11. You will want a breadboard to breakout the power bus to the servos. On TPro SG90 or HTX900 microservos, the wiring colors correspond to: - yellow: control - red: 5 volts - brown: ground 2. run ucam_ps3.pde in processing and click around. last updated: 20 Jul 2010