/******************************************************************************************** * BlueShoes Framework; This file is part of the php application framework. * NOTE: This code is stripped (obfuscated). To get the clean documented code goto * www.blueshoes.org and register for the free open source *DEVELOPER* version or * buy the commercial version. * * In case you've already got the developer version, then this is one of the few * packages/classes that is only available to *PAYING* customers. * To get it go to www.blueshoes.org and buy a commercial version. * * @copyright www.blueshoes.org * @author Samuel Blume * @author Andrej Arn */ var ie = document.all != null;var moz = !ie && document.getElementById != null && document.layers == null;function bs_isNull(theVar) { if (typeof(theVar) == 'undefined') return true;if (theVar == null) return true;return false;} function bs_isObject(theVar) { ret = false;if (typeof(theVar) == 'object') { ret = !bs_isNull(theVar);} return ret;} function bs_isEmpty(theVar) { if (bs_isNull(theVar)) return true;if (theVar == '') return true;return false;} function bs_typeOf(theVar) { ret = 'undefined';switch (typeof(theVar)) { case 'boolean': ret = 'boolean'; break;case 'number': ret = 'number'; break;case 'string': ret = 'string'; break;case 'function': ret = 'function'; break;case 'object': if (bs_isNull(theVar)) { ret = 'null';break;} if (theVar.concat && theVar.join && theVar.sort && theVar.pop) { ret = 'array';break;} break;case 'undefined': default: ret = 'undefined';} return ret;} function bs_arrayMerge(obj1, obj2) { if (!bs_isObject(obj1) || !bs_isObject(obj2)) return false;for (var key in obj2) {obj1[key] = obj2[key];} return obj1;} function bs_arrayFlip(aArray) { var aHash = new Object();type = bs_typeOf(aArray);if (type == 'array') { for (var i=0; i 10) { goOn = false;if (!doReturn) { goOn = confirm("There have been 10 recursive calls so far. Maybe you have an endless loop. Do you want to continue?");} if (!goOn) { _out += _indent + "error/warning: nesting levels too deep (>10 times)!\n";} else { _numCall = 0;} } if (goOn) { switch (typeof(theVar)) { case 'object': for (var key in theVar) { switch (typeof(theVar[key])) { case 'function': if (typeof(showFunctions) == 'boolean') { if (showFunctions) { _out += _indent + 'function "' + key + '" => ' + theVar[key] + "\n";} else { _out += _indent + 'function "' + key + "\n";} } else { if (showFunctions == 2) { _out += _indent + 'function "' + key + '" => ' + theVar[key] + "\n";} else if (showFunctions == 1) { _out += _indent + 'function "' + key + "\n";} else { } } break;case 'undefined': break;case 'object': _out += _indent + key;if (theVar[key] instanceof Array) { _out += ' (Array) => \n';} else if (theVar[key] instanceof Date) { _out += ' (Date) => '+ theVar[key] +'\n';} else{ _out += ' (Object) => \n';} _out = dump(theVar[key], doReturn, showFunctions, _out, _indent + " ", _numCall+1);break;case 'number': if (theVar instanceof Date) alert('date');default: _out += _indent + typeof(theVar[key]) + ' "' + key + '" => ' + theVar[key] + "\n";} } break;default: _out += _indent + typeof(theVar) + ' => ' + theVar + "\n";} } } if (isInternal || doReturn) { return _out;} else { alert(_out);return;} } function Position(x, y) { this.x = x;this.y = y;};function getAbsolutePos(el, stopIfAbsolute) { if (bs_isNull(el)) { var res = new Position(0, 0);return res;} var res = new Position(el.offsetLeft, el.offsetTop);if (el.offsetParent) { if ((stopIfAbsolute != true ) || ((el.offsetParent.currentStyle.position != 'absolute') && (el.offsetParent.currentStyle.position != 'relative') && (el.offsetParent.currentStyle.overflow != 'auto') && (el.offsetParent.currentStyle.overflow != 'scroll'))) { var tmp = getAbsolutePos(el.offsetParent, stopIfAbsolute);res.x += tmp.x;res.y += tmp.y;} } return res;};if ("undefined" != typeof(HTMLElement)) { if ("undefined" == typeof(HTMLElement.insertAdjacentElement)) { HTMLElement.prototype.insertAdjacentElement = function(where, parsedNode) { switch(where){ case 'beforeBegin': this.parentNode.insertBefore(parsedNode,this) break;case 'afterBegin': this.insertBefore(parsedNode,this.firstChild);break;case 'beforeEnd': this.appendChild(parsedNode);break;case 'afterEnd': if (this.nextSibling) this.parentNode.insertBefore(parsedNode,this.nextSibling);else this.parentNode.appendChild(parsedNode);break;} } } } if (moz) { extendEventObject();emulateAttachEvent();emulateEventHandlers(["click", "dblclick", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup"]);emulateCurrentStyle(["left", "right", "top", "bottom", "width", "height"]);emulateHTMLModel();Event.LEFT = 1;Event.MIDDLE = 2;Event.RIGHT = 3;} else { Event = {};Event.LEFT = 1;Event.MIDDLE = 4;Event.RIGHT = 2;} function extendEventObject() { Event.prototype.__defineSetter__("returnValue", function (b) { if (!b) this.preventDefault();return b;});Event.prototype.__defineSetter__("cancelBubble", function (b) { if (b) this.stopPropagation();return b;});Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("srcElement", function () { var node = this.target;while (node.nodeType != 1) node = node.parentNode;return node;});Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("fromElement", function () { var node;if (this.type == "mouseover") node = this.relatedTarget;else if (this.type == "mouseout") node = this.target;if (!node) return;while (node.nodeType != 1) node = node.parentNode;return node;});Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("toElement", function () { var node;if (this.type == "mouseout") node = this.relatedTarget;else if (this.type == "mouseover") node = this.target;if (!node) return;while (node.nodeType != 1) node = node.parentNode;return node;});Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("offsetX", function () { return this.layerX;});Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("offsetY", function () { return this.layerY;});} function emulateAttachEvent() { HTMLDocument.prototype.attachEvent = HTMLElement.prototype.attachEvent = function (sType, fHandler) { var shortTypeName = sType.replace(/on/, ""); fHandler._ieEmuEventHandler = function (e) { window.event = e;return fHandler();};this.addEventListener(shortTypeName, fHandler._ieEmuEventHandler, false);};HTMLDocument.prototype.detachEvent = HTMLElement.prototype.detachEvent = function (sType, fHandler) { var shortTypeName = sType.replace(/on/, ""); if (typeof fHandler._ieEmuEventHandler == "function") this.removeEventListener(shortTypeName, fHandler._ieEmuEventHandler, false);else this.removeEventListener(shortTypeName, fHandler, true);};} function emulateEventHandlers(eventNames) { for (var i = 0; i < eventNames.length; i++) { document.addEventListener(eventNames[i], function (e) { window.event = e;}, true);} } function emulateAllModel() { var allGetter = function () { var a = this.getElementsByTagName("*");var node = this;a.tags = function (sTagName) { return node.getElementsByTagName(sTagName);};return a;};HTMLDocument.prototype.__defineGetter__("all", allGetter);HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("all", allGetter);} function extendElementModel() { HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("parentElement", function () { if (this.parentNode == this.ownerDocument) return null;return this.parentNode;});HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("children", function () { var tmp = [];var j = 0;var n;for (var i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) { n = this.childNodes[i];if (n.nodeType == 1) { tmp[j++] = n;if (n.name) { if (!tmp[n.name]) tmp[n.name] = [];tmp[n.name][tmp[n.name].length] = n;} if (n.id) tmp[n.id] = n } } return tmp;});HTMLElement.prototype.contains = function (oEl) { if (oEl == this) return true;if (oEl == null) return false;return this.contains(oEl.parentNode);};} function emulateCurrentStyle(properties) { HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("currentStyle", function () { var cs = {};var el = this;for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { cs.__defineGetter__(properties[i], encapsulateObjects(el, properties[i]));} return cs;});} function encapsulateObjects(el, sProperty) { return function () { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(sProperty);};} function emulateHTMLModel() { function convertTextToHTML(s) { s = s.replace(/\&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/\n/g, "
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