#!/usr/bin/python #iges2png.py input.iges output.png #leaves behind: output.png, output.png.pov, output.png.pov.inc import sys, os from OCC.Utils.DataExchange.IGES import IGESImporter from OCC.Utils.DataExchange.STL import STLExporter from OCC.BRepPrimAPI import * from OCC.StlAPI import * import skdb.thirdparty.optfunc as optfunc #http://freshmeat.net/projects/stl2pov/ #http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/software/stl2pov-2.4.3.tar.gz def iges2png(iges_file, png_file): '''usage: %prog converts from IGES to PNG stuff it leaves behind: input.iges.stl input.iges.pov input.iges.pov.inc output.png''' print "iges2png: loading iges file." my_iges_importer = IGESImporter(iges_file) my_iges_importer.ReadFile() the_shapes = my_iges_importer.GetShapes() main_shape = the_shapes[0] print "iges2png: saving iges as stl." stl_exp = StlAPI() stl_exp.Write(main_shape, iges_file + ".stl") print "iges2png: converting stl to pov" stl2pov(iges_file + ".stl", iges_file + ".pov") print "iges2png: converting pov to png" pov2png(iges_file + ".pov", png_file) print "iges2png: done" def stl2pov(stl_file, pov_file): '''usage: stl2pov.py input.stl output.pov makes both output.pov and output.pov.inc''' os.system("stl2pov -s %s > %s.inc" % (stl_file, pov_file)) pov_template = '''#include "%s.inc" background{color rgb 1 } object{ m_facet rotate 90*x texture{ pigment{ color rgb <1,0.5,0> } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 specular 0.3 } } } light_source { <-20,100,20> color rgb 2} camera { perspective angle 0 right x*image_width/image_height location <-100,50,10> look_at y }''' % (pov_file) pov_file = open(pov_file, "w") pov_file.write(pov_template) pov_file.close() def pov2png(pov_file, png_file): '''usage: %prog converts from pov to a png file''' print "pov2png: starting" print "pov_file is: ", pov_file print "png_file is: ", png_file os.system("povray -d %s +O%s" % (pov_file, png_file)) print "pov2png: done" if __name__ == "__main__": optfunc.run(iges2png)