from import * from OCC.Precision import * from OCC.BRepBuilderAPI import * import OCC.Utils.DataExchange.STEP from OCC.BRepPrimAPI import * from OCC.TopoDS import * #for BoundingBox from OCC.Bnd import * from OCC.BRepBndLib import * #for exploring shapes from OCC.BRep import BRep_Tool from OCC.BRepTools import BRepTools_WireExplorer from OCC.Utils.Topology import WireExplorer #wraps BRepTools_WireExplorer from OCC.TopExp import TopExp_Explorer from OCC.TopAbs import TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_WIRE, TopAbs_EDGE from skdb import Connection, Part, Interface, Unit, FennObject, prettyfloat import os, math from copy import copy, deepcopy from string import Template #where should this go? def extend(first, second, overwrite=False): '''adds items in the second dictionary to the first overwrite=True means that the second dictionary is going to win in the case of conflicts''' third = first.copy() for second_key in second.keys(): if first.get(second_key) is not None and overwrite: third[second_key] = copy(second[second_key]) elif first.get(second_key) is None: third[second_key] = copy(second[second_key]) return third def move_shape(shape, from_pnt, to_pnt): trsf = gp_Trsf() trsf.SetTranslation(from_pnt, to_pnt) return BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(shape, trsf, True).Shape() def point_shape(shape, direction): '''rotates a shape to point along origin's direction. this function ought to be unnecessary''' shape = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(shape, point_along(Direction(direction)), True).Shape() return shape def angle_to(x,y,z): '''returns polar coordinates in radians to a point from the origin el rotates around the x-axis; then az rotates around the z axis; r is the distance''' azimuth = math.atan2(y, x) #longitude elevation = math.atan2(z, math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) radius = math.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) return((azimuth-math.pi/2, elevation-math.pi/2, radius)) #glRotatef(az-90,0,0,1) #glRotatef(el-90,1,0,0) def point_along(direction): ox, oy, oz = 0, 0, 0 dx, dy, dz = Direction(direction).Coord() (az, el, rad) = angle_to(dx-ox, dy-oy, dz-oz) #print "az: %s, el: %s, rad: %s... dx: %s, dy: %s, dz %s)" % (az, el, rad, dx, dy, dz) trsf = gp_Trsf() trsf.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(0,0,0), gp_Dir(1,0,0)), el) trsf2 = gp_Trsf() trsf2.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(0,0,0), gp_Dir(0,0,1)), az) trsf2.Multiply(trsf) return trsf2 def build_trsf(point, x_vec, y_vec): point, x_vec, y_vec = Point(point), Direction(x_vec), Direction(y_vec) z_vec = Direction(x_vec.Crossed(y_vec)) trsf=gp_Trsf() #from heekscad/src/Geom.cpp, sorta #TODO make sure x,y,z are orthonormal o, x, y, z = point.Coord(), x_vec.Coord(), y_vec.Coord(), z_vec.Coord() trsf.SetValues( x[0], y[0], z[0], o[0], x[1], y[1], z[1], o[1], x[2], y[2], z[2], o[2], #0, 0, 0, 1, #for you math types 0.0001, 0.00000001) #angular tolerance, linear tolerance return trsf class OCC_triple(FennObject): '''simplifies wrapping pythonOCC classes like gp_Pnt, gp_Vec etc''' doc_format = Template('''wraps $occ_class: $cls(1,2,3) or $cls([1,2,3]) or $cls($occ_name(1,2,3)) Caution: assigning an attribute like "x" will not affect the underlying $occ_name, you have to make a new one instead.''') wrapped_classes = gp_Pnt, gp_Vec, gp_Dir, gp_XYZ def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, z=None): if isinstance(x, self.__class__): #Point(Point(1,2,3)) self.__dict__ = copy(x.__dict__) #does this use the same gp_Pnt object? (it shouldnt) for cls in OCC_triple.wrapped_classes: if isinstance(x, cls): #Point(gp_Pnt()) or Point(Vector(1,2,3)) self.x, self.y, self.z = (x.X(), x.Y(), x.Z()) self.post_init_hook(); return if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): self.x, self.y, self.z = float(x[0]), float(x[1]), float(x[2]) elif x is not None and y is not None and z is not None: self.x, self.y, self.z = float(x), float(y), float(z) self.post_init_hook() def post_init_hook(self): #for instantiating from yaml try: self.__class__.occ_class.__init__(self,self.x,self.y,self.z) except AttributeError: self.__class__.occ_class.__init__(self) #return a null point def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__.occ_class): return False else: return (self.IsEqual(other, Precision().Confusion()) == 1) def __cmp__(self, other): if other.x==self.x and other.y==self.y and other.z==self.z: return 0 elif other.x>self.x and other.y>self.y and other.z>self.z: return -1 elif self.x>other.x and self.y>other.y and self.z>other.z: return 1 else: return None #not really meaningful def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, prettyfloat(self.X()), prettyfloat(self.Y()), prettyfloat(self.Z())) def yaml_repr(self): return [prettyfloat(self.X()), prettyfloat(self.Y()), prettyfloat(self.Z())] def transformed(self, transformation): '''transform is a verb''' return self.__class__(self.occ_class.Transformed(self, transformation)) def reversed(self): return self.__class__(self.occ_class.Reversed(self)) #TODO: Point from a TopoDS_Vertex please #Point(TopoDS_Vertex()) -> Point(BRep_Tool().Pnt(TopoDS_Vertex())) but only if the vertex.Location().IsDifferent(TopLoc_Location())==1 class Point(OCC_triple, gp_Pnt): yaml_tag='!point' occ_class = gp_Pnt #other_occ_class = OCC.BRep.BRep_Tool.Pnt(TopoDS_Vertex) -> gp_Pnt __doc__ = OCC_triple.doc_format.safe_substitute(occ_class=occ_class, cls='Point', occ_name = occ_class.__name__) class XYZ(OCC_triple, gp_XYZ): occ_class = gp_XYZ __doc__ = OCC_triple.doc_format.safe_substitute(occ_class=occ_class, cls='XYZ', occ_name = occ_class.__name__) def __repr__(self): return "[%s, %s, %s]" % (self.X(), self.Y(), self.Z()) class Vector(OCC_triple, gp_Vec): yaml_tag='!vector' occ_class = gp_Vec __doc__ = OCC_triple.doc_format.safe_substitute(occ_class=occ_class, cls='Vector', occ_name = occ_class.__name__) def __eq__(self, other): '''vec needs LinearTolerance and AngularTolerance''' if not isinstance(other, self.__class__.occ_class): return False else: return self.IsEqual(other, Precision().Confusion(), Precision().Confusion()) == 1 class Direction(OCC_triple, gp_Dir): yaml_tag='!direction' occ_class = gp_Dir __doc__ = OCC_triple.doc_format.safe_substitute(occ_class=occ_class, cls='Vector', occ_name = occ_class.__name__) class Transformation(gp_Trsf): '''wraps gp_Trsf for stackable transformations''' def __init__(self, parent=None, description="root node"): gp_Trsf.__init__(self) self.children = [] self.description = description if parent: self.parent = parent def __repr__(self): '''see also Transformation.get_children''' return self.description def process_result(self, trsf, description=""): '''hides some redundancy from the other methods''' new_transformation = Transformation(gptrsf=trsf, parent=self, description=description) self.children.append(new_transformation) return new_transformation def get_children(self): '''returns a list of all children''' if self.children == []: return None return_list = copy(self.children) for each in self.children: more = each.get_children() if more: return_list.append(more) return return_list def run(self, result=None): '''multiplies all of the Transformations together''' if self.children == []: return self if result == None: result = Transformation() for each in self.children: result.Multiply( return result def Invert(self): '''wraps gp_Trsf.Inverted''' result = gp_Trsf.Inverted(self) return self.process_result(result, description="inverted") def Multiplied(self, *args): '''wraps gp_Trsf.Multiplied''' result = gp_Trsf.Multiplied(self, args) return self.process_result(result, description="multiplied") def SetRotation(self, pivot_point=Point([0,0,0]), direction=Direction([0,0,1]), angle=Unit("pi/2 radians")): '''SetRotation(pivot_point=Point(), direction=Direction(), angle=Unit())''' new_transformation = Rotation(parent=self, description="rotated", pivot_point=pivot_point, direction=direction, angle=angle) self.children.append(new_transformation) return new_transformation def SetTranslation(self, point1, point2): '''SetTranslation(point1=Point(), point2=Point())''' new_transformation = Translation(parent=self, description="translated", point1=point1, point2=point2) self.children.append(new_transformation) return new_transformation def SetMirror(self, point): '''wraps gp_Trsf.Mirror -- mirror about a point''' self_copy = copy(self) result = gp_Trsf.SetMirror(self_copy, Point(point)) desc = "mirrored about %s" % (point) return self.process_result(result, description=desc) class Rotation(Transformation): '''a special type of Transformation for rotation Rotation(pivot_point=Point(), direction=Direction(), angle=Unit())''' def __init__(self, pivot_point=Point([0,0,0]), direction=Direction([0,0,1]), angle=Unit("pi/2 radians"), parent=None, description=None): if not pivot_point and not direction and not angle: raise NotImplementedError, "you must pass parameters to Rotation.__init__" self.pivot_point = pivot_point self.direction = direction self.angle = angle Transformation.__init__(self, parent=parent, description=description) gp_Trsf.SetRotation(self, gp_Ax1(pivot_point, direction), float(angle)) def __repr__(self): '''just a guess for now, please test''' xyz = gp_Trsf.RotationPart(self) return "Rotation[%s, %s, %s]" % (xyz.X(), xyz.Y(), xyz.Z()) class Translation(Transformation): '''a special type of Transformation for translation Translation(point1=, point2=) Translation(vector=) (not implemented)''' def __init__(self, point1=None, point2=None, vector=None, parent=None, description=None): if not point1 and not point2 and not vector: raise NotImplementedError, "you must pass parameters to Translation.__init__" if vector: raise NotImplementedError, "Translation.__init__ doesn't yet take a vector (sorry)" #FIXME self.point1 = point1 self.point2 = point2 self.vector = vector self.parent = parent self.description = description self.children = [] Transformation.__init__(self, parent=parent, description=description) gp_Trsf.SetTranslation(self, point1, point2) def __repr__(self): xyz = gp_Trsf.TranslationPart(self) return "Translation[%s, %s, %s]" % (xyz.X(), xyz.Y(), xyz.Z()) def mate_connection(connection): '''returns the gp_Trsf to move/rotate i2 to connect with i1. should have no side effects''' import math i1, i2 = connection.interface1, connection.interface2 if i1.part.transformation is None: i1.part.transformation = gp_Trsf() opposite = gp_Trsf() opposite.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(Point(i1.point), Direction(i1.x_vec)), math.pi) #rotate 180 so that interface z axes are opposed t = gp_Trsf() t.Multiply(i1.part.transformation) t.Multiply(opposite) t.Multiply(i1.get_transformation()) t.Multiply(i2.get_transformation().Inverted()) return t class GayError(Exception): pass def naive_coincidence_fixer(parts, cgraph=None): '''connects compatible interfaces that happen to be in the same place; think lego. this is slow because it compares every interface to every other interface.''' all_i = set() for brick in parts: for i in brick.interfaces: all_i.add(i) for i in all_i: for j in all_i: if i is j: break ipt = Point(i.point).transformed(i.part.transformation) jpt = Point(j.point).transformed(j.part.transformation) if ipt.IsEqual(jpt, 1): #within 1 mm if i.get_z_vec().transformed(i.part.transformation).IsEqual( j.get_z_vec().transformed(i.part.transformation).reversed(), 1, 0.01): #within 1mm and some angle #interfaces lined up if i.compatible(j): if i.connected and j.connected: break Connection(i, j).connect(cgraph=cgraph)'GREEN');'RED') else: raise GayError, "your nubs are touching" #skdb.Interface def get_transformation(self): #i wish this were a property instead '''returns the transformation to align the interface vector at the origin along the Z axis''' trsf = gp_Trsf() z_vec = self.get_z_vec #find the interface vector return build_trsf(self.point, self.x_vec, self.y_vec) Interface.get_transformation = get_transformation def get_z_vec(self): '''return the interface mating vector relative to the part''' return Vector(Vector(self.x_vec).Crossed(Vector(self.y_vec))) Interface.get_z_vec = get_z_vec #skdb.Part def load_CAD(self): '''load this object's CAD file. assumes STEP.''' if not hasattr(self, "package"): return #assert hasattr(self,"package"), "Part.load_CAD doesn't have its package loaded (load_package)." #FIXME: assuming step for file in self.files: full_path = os.path.join(self.package.path(), str(file)) #TODO: silence STEPImporter my_step_importer = OCC.Utils.DataExchange.STEP.STEPImporter(full_path) my_step_importer.ReadFile() self.shapes = my_step_importer.GetShapes() for i in range(len(self.shapes)): self.shapes[i] = self.shapes[i] self.compound = my_step_importer.GetCompound() #set the bounding box self._bounding_box = BoundingBox(self.shapes[0]) return Part.load_CAD = load_CAD def make_face(shape): face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(shape) face.Build() return Face(face.Face()) def make_edge2d(shape): spline = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge2d(shape) spline.Build() return Edge(spline.Edge()) def make_edge(shape): spline = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(shape) spline.Build() return Edge(spline.Edge()) class OCC_shape(TopoDS_Shape): occ_class = TopoDS_Shape #just a default def __init__(self, incoming=None): if isinstance(incoming, self.__class__): #Face(Face()), Shape(Shape()), etc. #if self.occ_class is not TopoDS_Shape: TopoDS_Shape.__init__(self) self.occ_class.__init__(self) #yes, no? dunno self.__dict__ = extend(self.__dict__, incoming.__dict__, overwrite=False) self.TShape(incoming.TShape()) elif isinstance(incoming, self.occ_class): #if self.occ_class is not TopoDS_Shape: TopoDS_Shape.__init__(self) self.occ_class.__init__(self) self.__dict__ = extend(self.__dict__, incoming.__dict__, overwrite=False) other_shape = incoming.TShape() self.TShape(other_shape) elif isinstance(incoming, TopoDS_Shape): TopoDS_Shape.__init__(self) self.occ_class.__init__(self) self.__dict__ = extend(self.__dict__, incoming.__dict__, overwrite=False) other_shape = incoming.TShape() self.TShape(other_shape) def __copy__(self): '''copies only the shape and returns a Shape with the shape''' #note that occ uses TopoDS_Shape().TShape() for some reason. current_shape = copy(self.TShape()) new_shape = Shape() new_shape.TShape(current_shape) return new_shape def get_wires(self): '''traverses a face (or a shape) for wires you might want get_edges instead? returns a list of wires''' wires = [] #if isinstance(self, Shape): to_explore = self #else: to_explore = Shape(self) to_explore = self explorer = TopExp_Explorer(to_explore, TopAbs_WIRE, TopAbs_EDGE) explorer.ReInit() while explorer.More(): #edge = TopoDS().Edge(explorer.Current()) #wire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(edge).Wire() wire = TopoDS().Wire(explorer.Current()) wire1 = Wire(wire) wires.append(wire1) explorer.Next() return wires def get_edges(self): '''sometimes what you really want is get_edges instead of get_wires. (a wire will not have points, but an edge will) can someone make sense of this please?''' edges = [] explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self, TopAbs_EDGE) explorer.ReInit() while explorer.More(): edge = TopoDS().Edge(explorer.Current()) edge1 = Edge(edge) edges.append(edge1) explorer.Next() return edges def get_faces(self): '''returns a list of faces for the given shape note that it could be that the entire shape is really just a face, so don't be upset if this returns []''' faces = [] explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self, TopAbs_FACE) while explorer.More(): face = Face(TopoDS().Face(explorer.Current())) faces.append(face) explorer.Next() return faces def get_points(self, edges=True, wires=True): '''returns a list of points defining the shape based off of wires and faces''' points = [] #wires = self.wires faces = self.faces #for wire in wires: # print "get_points: processing a wire" # points.extend(wire.points) for face in faces: points.extend(face.get_points(edges=edges,wires=wires)) points = list(set(points)) #filter out the repeats return points def get_shape(self): '''returns the TShape object occ only, this probably isn't useful anywhere else''' return self.TShape() def set_shape(self, value): '''sets the TShape''' if isinstance(value, Handle_TopoDS_TShape): self.TShape(value) elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.TShape(value.TShape()) elif isinstance(value, self.occ_class): self.TShape(value.TShape()) elif isinstance(value, self.occ_class_handler): #set_shape(Handle_TopoDS_TFace) self.TShape(value.GetObject().TShape()) else: raise ValueError, "OCC_shape.set_shape: not sure what to do, possibilities exhausted for %s" % (value) wires = property(fset=None, fget=get_wires, doc="a list of wires (partially) defining the shape") edges = property(fset=None, fget=get_edges, doc="a list of edges (partially) defining the shape") faces = property(fset=None, fget=get_faces, doc="a list of faces (partially) defining the shape") points = property(fset=None, fget=get_points, doc="a list of points (partially) defining the shape") shape = property(fset=set_shape, fget=get_shape, doc="wraps occ TopoDS_Shape TShape") class Wire(OCC_shape, TopoDS_Wire): occ_class = TopoDS_Wire occ_class_handler = Handle_TopoDS_TWire def get_points(self): '''takes a wire and extracts points returns a list of points''' vertices = [] #the short version: #vertices.extend(WireExplorer(self).ordered_vertices()) #return vertices my_wire = self #my_wire = TopoDS().Wire(self) #my_wire = TopoDS().Wire(Shape(self.shape)) #my_wire = Wire(self) #explorer = BRepTools_WireExplorer(self) explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self, TopAbs_VERTEX) while explorer.More(): vertex = TopoDS().Vertex(explorer.Current()) xyz = Point(BRep_Tool().Pnt(vertex)) #if not xyz == Point(): vertices.append(xyz) explorer.Next() return vertices points = property(fget=get_points, fset=None, doc="a list of points defining this wire") faces = None wires = None class Edge(OCC_shape, TopoDS_Edge): occ_class = TopoDS_Edge occ_class_handler = Handle_TopoDS_TEdge def get_points(self): '''returns a list of points making up this edge''' points = [] explorer = TopExp_Explorer(self, TopAbs_VERTEX) while explorer.More(): vertex = TopoDS().Vertex(explorer.Current()) point = Point(BRep_Tool().Pnt(vertex)) #one day: point = Point(vertex) where vertex is of type TopoDS_Vertex #if not point == Point(): points.append(point) explorer.Next() return points points = property(fget=get_points, fset=None, doc="a list of points defining this edge") faces = None wires = None class Face(OCC_shape, TopoDS_Face): occ_class = TopoDS_Face occ_class_handler = Handle_TopoDS_TFace def get_points(self, edges=True, wires=True): points = [] wirelist = self.wires #get_wires() edgelist = self.edges #get_edges() wire_pts = [] edge_pts = [] if wires == True: for wire in wirelist: wire_pts.extend(wire.points) if edges == True: for edge in edgelist: edge_pts.extend(edge.points) #if len(wire_pts) == 0: points.extend(edge_pts) #elif len(edge_pts) == 0: points.extend(wire_pts) #else: points.extend(wire_pts) #just choose one points.extend(edge_pts) points.extend(wire_pts) return points points = property(fget=get_points, fset=None, doc="a list of points defining this wire") faces = None #can we call this something else please? class Shape(OCC_shape): occ_class = TopoDS_Shape occ_class_handler = Handle_TopoDS_TShape def __repr__(self): return "some shape" def yaml_repr(self): return "unyamlifiable" def __eq__(self, other): #woah wtf return True if not isinstance(other, TopoDS_Shape): return False else: return True #self.IsEqual(other) class BoundingBox: '''finds the extents of an object along each axis. useful for checking against sorted coordinates. implements axis-aligned bounding box: use this after applying rotations and translations to your shape ''' def __init__(self, shape=None, point1=None, point2=None): '''please either provide only shape or provide only minimums and maximums if given both, the values are recomputed''' if shape is not None: assert isinstance(shape, TopoDS_Shape) #compute the box from the shape = Bnd_Box() BRepBndLib().Add(shape, self.x_min, self.y_min, self.z_min, self.x_max, self.y_max, self.z_max = self.point1, self.point2 = self._determine_points() else: x1, y1, z1 = point1.Coord() x2, y2, z2 = point2.Coord() self.x_min, self.x_max = min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2) self.y_min, self.y_max = min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2) self.z_min, self.z_max = min(z1, z2), max(z1, z2) def _determine_points(self): point1 = Point(self.x_min, self.y_min, self.z_min) point2 = Point(self.x_max, self.y_max, self.z_max) return [point1, point2] def make_box(self): '''returns a Shape representing this bounding box. maybe useful for visualization?''' self._determine_points() return Shape(BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(self.point1, self.point2).Shape()) def interferes(self, other): '''if one object's left or right bound lies between the other object's left and right bounds, then the two objects have overlapping X ranges. if two objects overlap along all three axes, they have collided.''' #this relies on point1 and point2 being used properly, which i don't particularly like if self.point1.X() > other.point2.X(): return False if self.point1.Y() > other.point2.Y(): return False if self.point1.Z() > other.point2.Z(): return False if self.point2.X() < other.point1.X(): return False if self.point2.Y() < other.point1.Y(): return False if self.point2.Z() < other.point1.Z(): return False return True def contains(self, other): '''uses OCC Bnd_Box method''' if return false else: return True def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.__class__(point1=Point(self.x_min, self.y_min, self.z_min), point2=Point(self.x_max, self.y_max, self.z_max)) def __repr__(self): return "BoundingBox(x=[%s, %s], y=[%s, %s], z=[%s, %s])" % (self.x_min, self.x_max, self.y_min, self.y_max, self.z_min, self.z_max) def shape_extractor(part): '''breaks up a shape into a number of separate shapes ultimately the plan is to let users click on individual interfaces in the gui returns a list of shapes''' raise NotImplementedError, "bryan hasnt got to this yet" shape = part.shape #or part.shapes[0] faces = shape.get_faces() for face in faces: #points = face.get_points() #turn this face into a shape new_shape = Shape(face) #draw all the faces, wires, and points to make the same overall OCC_shape ? def shape_nearest(point, shapes): '''returns which shape out of the list is closest to the specified point ideally this can help figure out which surface is closest to an Interface point on a part''' pass