import yaml, re def add_yaml_resolvers(classes): for cls in classes: #only one at a time works so far? if hasattr(cls, 'yaml_pattern') and cls not in implicit_resolved: yaml.add_implicit_resolver(cls.yaml_tag, re.compile(cls.yaml_pattern)) implicit_resolved.append(cls) implicit_resolved=[] def load(string): global implicit_resolved tmp = yaml.load_all(string) rval = #this might be tag_hack if type(rval) == tag_hack: other_return_value = #a document listing which tags to ignore comes before the real metadata #now remove the tag_hack tags from the system for tag in rval.tags: rval.undo_tag_hack_for_tag(tag) return other_return_value else: return rval def dump(value, filename=None): retval = yaml.dump(value, default_flow_style=False) if filename is not None: f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(retval) else: return retval class FennObject(yaml.YAMLObject): '''so i dont repeat generic yaml stuff everywhere''' #TODO fix bad characters spaces etc @staticmethod def setify(var): '''converts whatever to a set; dicts become a set of their values''' if not hasattr(var, '__iter__'): var = set([var]) if isinstance(var, dict): var = set([var.values()]) #that's right, not keys if isinstance(var, list): var = set(var) return var def overlay(self, other): if type(other)==dict: attrs = other.iteritems() else: attrs = other.__dict__.iteritems() for (k, v) in attrs: setattr(self, k, v) @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, dumper, data): if hasattr(data, "yaml_flow_style"): flow = data.yaml_flow_style else: flow=None if hasattr(data, 'yaml_repr'): repr, tag = data.yaml_repr(), data.yaml_tag if isinstance(repr, list) or isinstance(repr, tuple): return dumper.represent_sequence(tag, repr, flow) elif isinstance(repr, dict): return dumper.represent_mapping(tag, repr, flow) else: return dumper.represent_scalar(tag, repr) else: #return the default yaml dump if len(data.__dict__) > 0: return dumper.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, data.__dict__.iteritems()) else: return dumper.represent_scalar(cls.yaml_tag, data) @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): '''see''' if type(node)==yaml.ScalarNode: data = loader.construct_scalar(node) return cls(data) #assuming that the class has one positional arg elif type(node) == yaml.MappingNode: data = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) #will this break path_resolver? rval = cls() #stuff data into object's attributes for (key, value) in data.iteritems(): if value is not None: setattr(rval, key, value) #this isn't actually used anywhere: if hasattr(rval, "post_init_hook"): rval.post_init_hook() return rval elif type(node) == yaml.SequenceNode: data = loader.construct_sequence(node, deep=True) return cls(data) else: raise ValueError, "node type must be scalar, mapping, or sequence; got: " + str(cls.yaml_type) class Dummy(object): def __init__(self, node): if hasattr(node, 'iteritems'): for (k,v) in node.iteritems(): setattr(self, k,v) else: self = node @staticmethod def multi_constructor(loader, tag_suffix, node): #if the real class is actually loaded, return it #so search through the classes that inherit from YAMLObject and hasattr(blah,"yaml_type") and the right yaml_type #if # tag_hack.yaml_loader.yaml_constructors.. # return .. the correct object .. if type(node) == yaml.ScalarNode: data = loader.construct_scalar(node) elif type(node) == yaml.MappingNode: data = loader.construct_mapping(node) elif type(node) == yaml.SequenceNode: data = loader.construct_sequence(node) else: raise TypeError, 'I dont know what to do with this node: ' + str(node) return Dummy(data) #foo = yaml.load_all('!!python/object:skdb.tag_hack \n tags: "!hello"\n---\n test: !hello\n 1234') class tag_hack(FennObject): '''allows loading of a template file containing tags that do not exist yet. prepend something like this to the actual document: !tag_hack tags: ["!one", "!two", "!three"]\n---\n''' yaml_tag="!tag_hack" tags=[] def __init__(self): pass def __setstate__ (self, attrs): for i in attrs['tags']: yaml.add_multi_constructor(i, Dummy.multi_constructor) self.tags.append(i) def undo_tag_hack_for_tag(self, tag): '''undoes a tag hack for a particular tag''' #for key in yaml.YAMLObject.yaml_loader.yaml_constructors.keys(): # if key: # if key[:1] == "!": # print key if tag in self.yaml_loader.yaml_multi_constructors: self.yaml_loader.yaml_multi_constructors.pop(tag) self.tags.remove(tag) #this might need to be indented return