from yamlcrap import FennObject import re, os from string import Template from copy import copy combined_dat_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'combined.dat') if not os.access(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "combined.dat"), os.F_OK): #build the new db for our custom units f1 = open('/usr/share/misc/units.dat').read() current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) f2 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'supplemental_units.dat')).read() f3 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'combined.dat'), 'w') f3.write(f1+f2) f3.close() #unum looks rather immature, perhaps I will write a wrapper for GNU units instead #scientific.Physics.PhysicalQuantities looks ok-ish class UnitError(Exception): pass class NaNError(Exception): pass class Unit(FennObject): sci = '([+-]?\d*.?\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?)' #exp group leaves turds.. better way to do regex without parens? yaml_tag = "!unit" '''try to preserve the original units, and provide a wrapper to the GNU units program''' units_call = "units -f %s -t " % (combined_dat_path) #export LOCALE=en_US; ? def __init__(self, string=None): #simplify(string) #check if we have a good unit format to begin with. is there a better way to do this? self.string = str(string) self.simplify() #has no side effects, just raise any exceptions early #e_number = '([+-]?\d*\.?\d*([eE][+-]?\d+)?)' #engineering notation #match = re.match(e_number + '?(\D*)$', string) #i dunno wtf i was trying to do here #match = re.match(e_number + '?(.*)$', string) #if match is None: raise UnitError, string #try: self.number = float( #except ValueError: self.number = 1.0 #self.unit = def __repr__(self): return str(self.string) def yaml_repr(self): if hasattr(self, 'uncertainty'): u = self.uncertainty.yaml_repr() #TODO delete this else: u = '' return self.string +u @staticmethod #is this right? def sanitize(string): '''intercept things that will cause GNU units to screw up''' if hasattr(string, 'string'): string = string.string #egads. in case i accidentally pass a Unit or something if string is None or str(string) == 'None' or str(string) == '()': string = 0 #so we can play nice with the 'quantities' package: if hasattr(string, "units"): string = string.units.dimensionality.string #so we can play nice with sympycore #could be more robust if you import sympycore first if string.__class__.__module__ == "sympycore.physics.units": if string.__class__.__name__ == "Unit": #first strip out the variables by assuming they have a value of 1 symbols = list(string.symbols) remove_these = [] for sym in symbols: if sym.__class__.__name__ == "Calculus": remove_these.append(sym) temp = copy(string) for sym in remove_these: temp = temp.subs(sym, 1) #substitute the variable/symbol with a "1" string = str(temp) print "symbols were: ", symbols print "the new string is: ", string for i in ['..', '--']: if str(string).__contains__(i): raise UnitError, "Typo? units expression '"+ string + "' contains '" + i + "'" return '('+str(string)+')' #units -1 screws up; units (-1) works def units_happy(self, call_string, rval): '''the conversion or expression evaluated without error''' error ='Unknown|Parse|Error|invalid|error', rval) if error: raise UnitError, str(call_string) + ': ' + str(rval) nan ='^nan', rval) #not sure how to not trip on results like 'nanometer' if nan: raise NaNError, rval return True #well? what else am i gonna do def units_operator(self, a, b, operator): if str(a)=='None' or str(b)=='None': return None s = Template('($a)$operator($b)') expression = s.safe_substitute(a=str(a), b=str(b), operator=str(operator)) rval = Unit(expression) return rval def __mul__(self, other): return self.units_operator(self, other, '*') __rmul__ = __mul__ def __div__(self, other): return self.units_operator(self, other, '/') __rdiv__ = __div__ def __add__(self, other): return self.units_operator(self, other, '+') __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): return self.units_operator(self, other, '-') __rsub__ = __sub__ def __eq__(self, other): if hasattr(other, 'string'): other = other.string if self.simplify() == Unit(other).simplify(): return True else: return False def __ne__(self, other): if self.__eq__(other): return True else: return False def __cmp__(self, other): #i should probably be using __lt__, __gt__, etc #neither does this work for nonlinear units like tempF() or tempC() if self.compatible(other): conv = self.conv_factor(other) #print conv #god what a mess if conv == 1: return 0 if conv < 1 and conv > 0: return -1 if conv > 1: return 1 if conv <0 and conv > -1: return -1 if conv <-1 : return 1 if conv == -1: return 1 if conv == inf: return 1 if conv == 0: return -1 def conv_factor(self, destination): '''the multiplier to go from one unit to another, for example from inch to mm is 25.4''' conv_factor = os.popen(self.__class__.units_call + "'" + self.sanitize(self.string) + "' '" + self.sanitize(destination) + "'").read().rstrip('\n') if self.units_happy(self.string, conv_factor): return float(conv_factor) else: raise UnitError, conv_factor, destination def convert(self, destination): if self.compatible(destination): return str(self.conv_factor(destination)) +'*'+ str(destination) #1*mm def to(self, dest): return Unit(self.convert(dest)) def simplify(self, string=None): '''returns a string''' if string is None: string = self.string rval = os.popen(self.__class__.units_call + "'" + self.sanitize(string) + "'").read().rstrip('\n') if self.units_happy(string, rval): return rval else: raise UnitError, self.string def check(self): try: self.simplify() except UnitError or NaNError: return False return True def simplified(self): '''returns a Unit in simplified format. note that it may actually look more complicated due to the lack of default units''' return Unit(self.simplify()) def compatible(self, other): '''check if both expressions boil down to the same base units''' try: self.simplify(self.string + '+' + self.sanitize(other)) except UnitError: return False else: return True def number(self): '''return the number portion of the unit string''' return 'not yet implemented, sorry!' def unit(self): '''return the unit portion of the unit string''' return 'not yet implemented, sorry!' class Range(FennObject): yaml_tag = "!range" sci =Unit.sci #expression should look something like: 1e4 m .. 2km yaml_pattern = sci+'\s*(\D?.*)?\s*\.\.\s*'+sci+'\s*(\D?.*)$' def __init__(self, min=None, max=None): self.min = min self.max = max def __repr__(self): return "Range(%s, %s)" %(self.min, self.max) def yaml_repr(self): return "%s .. %s" %(self.min, self.max) def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self.min == other.min and self.max == other.max else: return None @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node): '''see''' data = loader.construct_scalar(node) match =, data) a, crap, units1, b, crap2, units2 = match.groups() if units2 != '': if units1 != '': a = Unit(a+units1) b = Unit(b+units2) else: a = Unit(a+units2) b = Unit(b+units2) else: #double yuck. maybe i should just pass this to units instead? a = eval(a) b = eval(b) return cls(min(a,b), max(a,b)) class Uncertainty(Range): '''predicted or observed range of error in the measurement''' yaml_tag = "!uncertainty" #ehh.. going to do something with this eventually sci =Unit.sci yaml_pattern = '^\+-' + sci + '\s*(\D?.*)$' #+-, number, units #TODO from_yaml method using existing __init__ #TODO args should be (min, max), assert isinstance Unit def __init__(self, string=None): match = re.match('^\+-(.*)', string) if match: unit = else: raise SyntaxError, "'"+ string +"'" + ": uncertainty must begin with +-, for now at least" #got any better ideas? Unit.__init__(self, unit) def __repr__(self): return 'Uncertainty('+ Unit.__repr__(self) +')' def yaml_repr(self): return "+-%s" % (self.string)