Lasercut RepRap from Bits from Bytes ==================================== This directory contains the designs done by Bits from Bytes for their lasercut RepRap, which Bits from Bytes sell as a kit. All the lasercutter files are in the directory DXFs-for-laser-cutter. The parts are tight-packed, with common edges and no gaps. This means that if you cut them as they are the laser-cutter will waste a little time cutting some lines twice. Most laser-cutter driver software has an option to edit such lines so that they are only cut once. A few parts need to be engraved to get partial-thiknesses. You will almost certainly have to experiment with your particular cutter to get those right. Almost all the parts can be cut in 3mm, 5mm and 8mm acrylic; the file names give the thickness and material you need. Two parts are better made in acetal because they need to be slightly flexible. Because the shapes are laminar (a few have steps) they can, of course, all also be made on a RepRap machine. The STL files for this will be in the directory STLs-for-reprapping, though only the extruder is there at the moment; we are in the preocess of translating the rest. Some STL files are two or more combined separate laser-cut shapes, as the RepRap machine can make these in one go, unlike a laser cutter. Those file names are combinations of the parts with the word AND in. Thus: bearing-floating-plate-AND-bearing-lower-clamp-plate.stl is bearing-floating-plate.stl together with bearing-lower-clamp-plate.stl Ian Adkins & Adrian Bowyer 22 July 2008