// Yep, this is actually -*- c++ -*- #ifndef INIT_H_ #define INIT_H_ // Prints debug output on the serial port - makes stuff slower #define DEBUG 1 // define the parameters of our machine. #define X_STEPS_PER_INCH 5080 #define X_STEPS_PER_MM 200 #define X_MOTOR_STEPS 200 #define Y_STEPS_PER_INCH 5080 #define Y_STEPS_PER_MM 200 #define Y_MOTOR_STEPS 200 #define Z_STEPS_PER_INCH 5080 #define Z_STEPS_PER_MM 200 #define Z_MOTOR_STEPS 200 //our maximum feedrates #define FAST_XY_FEEDRATE 1000.0 #define FAST_Z_FEEDRATE 50.0 // Units in curve section #define CURVE_SECTION_INCHES 0.019685 #define CURVE_SECTION_MM 0.5 // Set to one if endstop outputs are inverting (ie: 1 means open, 0 means closed) // RepRap opto endstops are *not* inverting. #define ENDSTOPS_INVERTING 0 // Optionally disable max endstops to save pins or wiring #define ENDSTOP_X_MIN_ENABLED 1 #define ENDSTOP_X_MAX_ENABLED 0 #define ENDSTOP_Y_MIN_ENABLED 1 #define ENDSTOP_Y_MAX_ENABLED 0 #define ENDSTOP_Z_MIN_ENABLED 1 #define ENDSTOP_Z_MAX_ENABLED 0 // How many temperature samples to take. each sample takes about 100 usecs. #define TEMPERATURE_SAMPLES 5 // The *_ENABLE_PIN signals are active high as default. Define this // to one if they should be active low instead (e.g. if you're using different // stepper boards). // RepRap stepper boards are *not* inverting. #define INVERT_ENABLE_PINS 1 // If you use this firmware on a cartesian platform where the // stepper direction pins are inverted, set these defines to 1 // for the axes which should be inverted. // RepRap stepper boards are *not* inverting. #define INVERT_X_DIR 0 #define INVERT_Y_DIR 1 #define INVERT_Z_DIR 0 // Defines in which logical direction to move when using the G30 command // (home to physical reference switches). 1 is positive, 0 is negative #define REFERENCE_X_DIR 0 #define REFERENCE_Y_DIR 0 #define REFERENCE_Z_DIR 0 /**************************************************************************************** * digital i/o pin assignment * * this uses the undocumented feature of Arduino - pins 14-19 correspond to analog 0-5 ****************************************************************************************/ //cartesian bot pins #define X_STEP_PIN 15 #define X_DIR_PIN 18 #define X_ENABLE_PIN 19 #define X_MIN_PIN 20 #define X_MAX_PIN 21 #define Y_STEP_PIN 23 #define Y_DIR_PIN 22 #define Y_ENABLE_PIN 19 #define Y_MIN_PIN 25 #define Y_MAX_PIN 26 #define Z_STEP_PIN 29 #define Z_DIR_PIN 30 #define Z_ENABLE_PIN 31 #define Z_MIN_PIN 2 #define Z_MAX_PIN 1 //extruder pins #define EXTRUDER_MOTOR_SPEED_PIN 13 #define EXTRUDER_MOTOR_DIR_PIN 10 #define EXTRUDER_HEATER_PIN 12 #define EXTRUDER_FAN_PIN 3 #define EXTRUDER_THERMISTOR_PIN 4 //NB! analog pin, -1 disables thermistor readings #define EXTRUDER_THERMOCOUPLE_PIN -1 //NB! analog pin, -1 disables thermocouple readings // Enable/disable features #define ENABLE_ARCS 0 enum Axis { X_AXIS = 0, Y_AXIS = 1, Z_AXIS = 2 }; struct AxisConfig { uint8_t step_pin; uint8_t dir_pin; uint8_t min_pin; uint8_t max_pin; uint8_t enable_pin; bool invert_dir; bool reference_dir; bool min_endstop_enabled; bool max_endstop_enabled; uint16_t steps_per_inch; uint16_t steps_per_mm; uint16_t motor_steps; }; extern AxisConfig axes[3]; #endif // INIT_H_