#!/usr/bin/python # # Peteris Krumins (peter@catonmat.net) # http://www.catonmat.net -- good coders code, great reuse # # A Google Search Python library. v1.0 # # http://www.catonmat.net/blog/python-library-for-google-search/ # import re import urllib from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup from browser import Browser, BrowserError class SearchError(Exception): """ Base class for Google Search exceptions. """ pass class ParseError(SearchError): """ Parse error in Google results. self.msg attribute contains explanation why parsing failed self.tag attribute contains BeautifulSoup object with the most relevant tag that failed to parse Thrown only in debug mode """ def __init__(self, msg, tag): self.msg = msg self.tag = tag def __str__(self): return self.msg def html(self): return self.tag.prettify() class SearchResult: def __init__(self, title, url, desc): self.title = title self.url = url self.desc = desc def __str__(self): return 'Google Search Result: "%s"' % self.title class GoogleSearch(object): SEARCH_URL_0 = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%(query)s&btnG=Google+Search" NEXT_PAGE_0 = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%(query)s&start=%(start)d" SEARCH_URL_1 = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%(query)s&num=%(num)d&btnG=Google+Search" NEXT_PAGE_1 = "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%(query)s&num=%(num)d&start=%(start)d" def __init__(self, query, random_agent=False, debug=False): self.query = query self.debug = debug self.browser = Browser(debug=debug) self.results_info = None self.eor = False # end of results self._page = 0 self._results_per_page = 10 self._last_from = 0 if random_agent: self.browser.set_random_user_agent() @property def num_results(self): if not self.results_info: page = self._get_results_page() self.results_info = self._extract_info(page) if self.results_info['total'] == 0: self.eor = True return self.results_info['total'] def _get_page(self): return self._page def _set_page(self, page): self._page = page page = property(_get_page, _set_page) def _get_results_per_page(self): return self._results_per_page def _set_results_par_page(self, rpp): self._results_per_page = rpp results_per_page = property(_get_results_per_page, _set_results_par_page) def get_results(self): """ Gets a page of results """ if self.eor: return [] page = self._get_results_page() search_info = self._extract_info(page) if not self.results_info: self.results_info = search_info if self.num_results == 0: self.eor = True return [] results = self._extract_results(page) if not results: self.eor = True return [] if self._page > 0 and search_info['from'] == self._last_from: self.eor = True return [] if search_info['to'] == search_info['total']: self.eor = True self._page += 1 self._last_from = search_info['from'] return results def _maybe_raise(self, cls, *arg): if self.debug: raise cls(*arg) def _get_results_page(self): if self._page == 0: if self._results_per_page == 10: url = GoogleSearch.SEARCH_URL_0 else: url = GoogleSearch.SEARCH_URL_1 else: if self._results_per_page == 10: url = GoogleSearch.NEXT_PAGE_0 else: url = GoogleSearch.NEXT_PAGE_1 safe_url = url % { 'query': urllib.quote_plus(self.query), 'start': self._page * self._results_per_page, 'num': self._results_per_page } try: page = self.browser.get_page(safe_url) except BrowserError, e: raise SearchError, "Failed getting %s: %s" % (e.url, e.error) return BeautifulSoup(page) def _extract_info(self, soup): empty_info = {'from': 0, 'to': 0, 'total': 0} div_ssb = soup.find('div', id='ssb') if not div_ssb: self._maybe_raise(ParseError, "Div with number of results was not found on Google search page", soup) return empty_info p = div_ssb.find('p') if not p: self._maybe_raise(ParseError, """

tag within

was not found on Google search page""", soup) return empty_info txt = ''.join(p.findAll(text=True)) txt = txt.replace(',', '') matches = re.search(r'Results (\d+) - (\d+) of (?:about )?(\d+)', txt, re.U) if not matches: return empty_info return {'from': int(matches.group(1)), 'to': int(matches.group(2)), 'total': int(matches.group(3))} def _extract_results(self, soup): results = soup.findAll('li', {'class': 'g'}) ret_res = [] for result in results: eres = self._extract_result(result) if eres: ret_res.append(eres) return ret_res def _extract_result(self, result): title, url = self._extract_title_url(result) desc = self._extract_description(result) if not title or not url or not desc: return None return SearchResult(title, url, desc) def _extract_title_url(self, result): #title_a = result.find('a', {'class': re.compile(r'\bl\b')}) title_a = result.find('a') if not title_a: self._maybe_raise(ParseError, "Title tag in Google search result was not found", result) return None, None title = ''.join(title_a.findAll(text=True)) title = self._html_unescape(title) url = title_a['href'] match = re.match(r'/url\?q=(http[^&]+)&', url) if match: url = urllib.unquote(match.group(1)) return title, url def _extract_description(self, result): desc_div = result.find('div', {'class': re.compile(r'\bs\b')}) if not desc_div: self._maybe_raise(ParseError, "Description tag in Google search result was not found", result) return None desc_strs = [] def looper(tag): if not tag: return for t in tag: try: if t.name == 'br': break except AttributeError: pass try: desc_strs.append(t.string) except AttributeError: desc_strs.append(t) looper(desc_div) looper(desc_div.find('wbr')) # BeautifulSoup does not self-close desc = ''.join(s for s in desc_strs if s) return self._html_unescape(desc) def _html_unescape(self, str): def entity_replacer(m): entity = m.group(1) if entity in name2codepoint: return unichr(name2codepoint[entity]) else: return m.group(0) def ascii_replacer(m): cp = int(m.group(1)) if cp <= 255: return unichr(cp) else: return m.group(0) s = re.sub(r'&#(\d+);', ascii_replacer, str, re.U) return re.sub(r'&([^;]+);', entity_replacer, s, re.U)