Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 11FA21061 for ; Mon, 28 Oct 2019 10:33:34 +0000 (UTC) X-Greylist: whitelisted by SQLgrey-1.7.6 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 1498342D for ; Mon, 28 Oct 2019 10:33:32 +0000 (UTC) Received: by with SMTP id n1so1814188wra.10 for ; Mon, 28 Oct 2019 03:33:32 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=subject:references:to:from:openpgp:autocrypt:message-id:date :user-agent:mime-version:in-reply-to:content-language; bh=WsmPYqiop/lMckw9ggSCINUGKL1jMXT2nYzgxV6e+YI=; b=e7KnSenb1W7JImXIZIge4WijEfjk648gkeltERM//F8q0Pn+L5ZpDU0vrqYrC4rDuz 0+nVoLAEJHWO9wcpaYnBLLDjlby1xpLJpcukwgl7ps4mUP1LB+CEfJyc3u8wMyGYTKgb WQXWCErTULc7KmKUW/m6kWz0D5TBnsFPrijxC7sariffZAbq1qItzLgi65A3aOaW2Iie gxiS1NN0RcVLGfSuMb4RmTY+3yXXdkkzY/sbQlVy7IwjoNNEiQ/l9I8bP29OPrw2kT4E kCZVOkySgf3CZ99b47qEikUqf6OaV7LAgcmulAaH2nV5WfjfAQjokb6m6Z5HZ9/zmUwY 5PyQ== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:subject:references:to:from:openpgp:autocrypt :message-id:date:user-agent:mime-version:in-reply-to :content-language; bh=WsmPYqiop/lMckw9ggSCINUGKL1jMXT2nYzgxV6e+YI=; b=nYIiynV4muSvMcoMVqMFhchRK/qnbgvL/PyBIPlaY07LHPMXfZs1M++0K5xArFuWfg BakPQDeqM0Ydo4XLc5X7yHAOi1EE/BE3yFODUAv0Gtfn4g8lTGcxYJlC75Ywal5bTO97 gQfoj10k/WsaM6XTV/edVv0hbR5KcxLf18P0D6QN+jnbGTz8cgwg7yUyD9VvnVjU3uZe WvQuk31mC+XnRGmbcGPdw35rmaXnIN5ppT1za9Or3UT0Xd0N080TPFtr7+g5A/sPSqa/ ErBVT4TGoidxKzqHqrTjU3xHU8BMdei/MwnCvBJCEKxx/CZOK1uLQ6XnnC1kAteZPgCW Gbxw== X-Gm-Message-State: APjAAAWA+WzP1MIqAsMHT49FY+pVxifBIVVrCqgq3RA39QQompEQ7JMZ Up41IUHQwS3tBhR8IucC/9VdJvI9 X-Google-Smtp-Source: APXvYqzLGkIM7ITNroLCKgjzC5w+RujNXFqHeEx3p8duWEtjJ9mkvWSCL8ziAY29mnl2HO+dbIB7mw== X-Received: by 2002:adf:f44e:: with SMTP id f14mr13795390wrp.56.1572258811401; Mon, 28 Oct 2019 03:33:31 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ?IPv6:2a01:cb1d:44:6500:9d6d:71b2:cb71:cb17? ([2a01:cb1d:44:6500:9d6d:71b2:cb71:cb17]) by with ESMTPSA id o73sm11413445wme.34.2019. for (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128); Mon, 28 Oct 2019 03:33:30 -0700 (PDT) References: To: Bitcoin Dev From: Aymeric Vitte Openpgp: preference=signencrypt Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= mQINBFdW8uABEAC7HJScbB2d/lmYoY5Cn9loEjJwfLs1LC3om030bWFGiH3Ceo5XeHUT94rw Pi+HaHU8ea94425SXIFsnqp/ouoT/8Ffn6vED0OoRmK0jE4fqDApXSpoL2mHX9PAGdUItMtD YrxBiBZNfMkctEsm4NrQ4TCvB3Yrm6Fc69inXJjUoYgPw5tHafEeI8Qwh0j99JZZDKcAqIra JF3MPc59rATz0qOJtRP9EpsPVFwjJe13zN6CHILwiVgrL8EtT5WKCVO6ATxh60LHi8+MwPxV V31zp/NNI5Hck+XocEMO98ZvUu9X8ZxmnOk/+9pBxXEwUqSGUNWdmPJLncpI23Usce3u/MOo M2C4T4rD4J0XrXiyBvbeTvwq4qVNlyggeWzlBH+YpEYgDctPq4gNh4eoTtAkf8URtBeke5bQ CGdaZt/jxv8nvmxs9V/iSyg5ldJLQktHStXOo0OZ7FEB2C6Ggtymm4hm2MHYg07Q1MGJrFLa oJZkJ3JeXnVsZMam7ypQtld6rRa96CvH+llXwux6aQ5hKdzmBBMQ10LlkZhkExgTawbeqdiG RMP2DjD5go6TPdAHS4NN34SBkrTWLqgWOjN/lnG77bbLnpMl0P+xBTuqw1oSXaDbcdHE2nGY lRno/ZZIfr+1Bq56DZLBX/WpnAT4f5WtofL4CxQM9SbG6byyewARAQABtCJBeW1lcmljIFZp dHRlIDxheW1lcmljQHBlZXJzbS5jb20+iQI/BBMBCAApBQJXVvLgAhsjBQkJZgGABwsJCAcD AgEGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQKh17NCYnrDm3WhAAlYmgtSmtfqjBvQMqkmtqiQJA aZkzFZWt6+zroduHH5/Tp8jh73gFqCUyRrl/kcKvs2+XQhfrOwk1R6OScF25bpnrZSeuyJnZ MZu4T0P2tGS8YdddQvWUHMtI9ZnQRuYmuZT23/hgj1JnukuGvGLeY0yDUa1xFffPN39shp5X FPMcpIVOV3bs+xjAdsyfRyO3qJAD1FGiR7ggJeoaxUbKZ6NtcVUPPRMjVTKfopkuDwKY318m BE0epfxSZ/iRhsJ0/sREUWgbgq4/QvCFwBKzgz7fTikGmf8OELWSdofmXs7gOtmMc3el8fJu W8PVa/OsIQHDmwSzvxmE8ba5M8bdwOYEraTWFArIymAAtRXKxmuYpkqKfeSlbCwae3W+pgNT 8nKYRVAFlMtIxYkmPYyMTk9kCscmSqugGWbWdnqe/dhVaa31xa1qO1tDH24D2/tjCJRQt4Jk AEWNSmjCmjfeArMEFTGlZwMTAjVXErLSPbLOsZiZhD9sjvSbfzrtJiMli2h9+Dvds+AJk1PM O8LW7cCNyFoCk4OdAxzJHobZ25G+uy4NSQEHgxLC2iuh/tugz1tOHnQczPc/3AkVVI9A5DF1 gbVRBJh6rI7sAcwuR76uoOs0Rpp7r6I66xqU/5eq8g1OsJp89tw0ppSIa0YmaxNqQZ0l3rVX o/ZwpBjtNQS5Ag0EV1by4AEQANhlz3Ywff4dY1HTdn05v0wVUxZzW2PUih+96m6EhpUrD9BT vxriKtbgxm/zl+5YAlThbrk9f0QyVTHJ95Z1/M5qjuksP9Zn3qZ/8ylANDkN2s3z8Bq/LJA+ u7+APhMqyFWK0FqNCOogClvijiKPEzkU6tmDGO6wZ5pR/u8Fdq7DGQgwgyGZZc7qstte0M7l yx7bVRlPBqvd6kyX3YubQHzkctf46nFjiYZgKawdWFsA3PCdSBupbhixL5d/t1UK9ZTiQJcf 0uhHzT06qwolFrm/ugkLDHtE4Zo3BuKch47Sms8P2hJ08gABxeJHg0ZgkIUy/Xf4nHbDCBJw T8tE8pWYWA2ECiPNo0TOCMVOueEzISUNKINfCuFHSbMQU39hgt3ofxODbAjOiO3e/iu1ptck AkuVBdtjOBP4tHRGxVrbf5EuAV5U5xtiSxMwMgojg0GIXZjnT/8uvWqcLqtJILRMmmu+WNvD oxuiJzcTJhDai9oujmxQwcpMvgrBB89KSTDyitO5XVjZqaR7Zxvvn3rM4bAms/lotv9+pTyh spazTIxb80u0ifJ6y1RxAkxQCfWwps1i3VbsM6OKX78aUyOf5V4ihXF57M37tOqPRwFvz6a+ AIIhUNMTLo2H+o6Vw9qbX8SUxPHPs6YpJ8lWQJ9OMWHE+SbaDFAi/D5hYRubABEBAAGJAiUE GAEIAA8FAldW8uACGwwFCQlmAYAACgkQKh17NCYnrDmk4Q/9Fuu0h5HvIiO3ieYA2StdE7hO vv2THuesjJDsj6aQUTgknaxKptJogNe3dDyIT+FHxXmCw0Nrbm9Q3ryl80z/G9utfFNO3Gwc q31QW3n3LJHnpqdrV3WsRzT5NwJMVtiIAGRrX8ZomtarWHT0PeEHC2xBdFzRrJtmkrwer0Wc 0nBzD7vk1XEXC9nODbmlgsesoHFgRwQBst3wClCbX1gv8aSfxQNpaf9UBC8DmyrQ621UXpBo PvcFEtWxV44vJfP0WOLCCN0Pzv2F2I66iKo7VMqbr5jlNAXJN9I1hXb7qwYJmBC9j5oeEoqv A9d44WWpxrdAr8qih4Nv89k9+9F6NoqORY3FGuVDKiW8CVhCmGT7bIvNeyicVBZFipXqPcKL VFduO2c5Ubc2npMWLUF1k9JJc9tH75l3+F/0RbYVTzGAZ+zSaudwR6h8YiCN2DBZGZkJEZbh 3X/l6jtijMN/W9sPHyyKvm/TmeEC27S3TqZPZ8PUQLxZC70V6gMbenh01JdSQsn5t8Ru0RNh Blt0g7IyZyIKCE9b+TyzbYpX6qgqEBUHia5b0vyPtQacWQlZ8uqnghAqNkLluEsy7Q/7xG6M wXUYEDsFOmB9dKOzcAOIhpxlVjSKu5mzXJ11sEtE8nyF5NJ/riCA7FGcjlki3zIpzQUNo9v7 vXl2h6Tivlk= X-Forwarded-Message-Id: Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2019 11:33:32 +0100 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.9.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------0520DB04C49CA5CA71365B26" Content-Language: fr X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.0 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, FREEMAIL_FROM, HTML_MESSAGE, RCVD_IN_DNSWL_NONE autolearn=ham version=3.3.1 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.1 (2010-03-16) on Subject: [bitcoin-dev] Fwd: node-Tor is now open source in clear (and modular) X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.12 Precedence: list List-Id: Bitcoin Protocol Discussion List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2019 10:33:34 -0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------0520DB04C49CA5CA71365B26 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit FYI, javascript implementation of the Tor protocol on server side and inside browsers Not related directly to bitcoin-dev but might be of some use one day to anonymize bitcoin apps (light wallets for example) -------- Message transféré -------- Sujet : node-Tor is now open source in clear (and modular) Date : Thu, 24 Oct 2019 18:02:42 +0200 De : Aymeric Vitte Pour : Please see and This is a javascript implementation of the Tor protocol on server side (nodejs) and inside browsers, please note that it is not intended to add nodes into the Tor network, neither to implement the Tor Browser features, it is intended to build projects using the Tor protocol from the browser and/or servers (most likely P2P projects), the Onion Proxy and Onion Router functions are available directly inside the browser which establishes circuits with other nodes understanding the Tor protocol (so it's not a "dumb" proxy), but it can of course establish circuits with the Tor network nodes (see and act as a Tor node It is financed by NLnet via EU Horizon 2020 Next Generation Internet Privacy & Trust Enhancing Technologies, now open source under a MIT license and we made it modular, it is fast (extensively tested when video streaming was there, especially with bittorrent or ORDB concept) and the total unminified code ( is only 1 MB (so ~600 kB minified) which is quite small for what it does, this is not a browser extension/module but pure js Possible next steps are to implement elliptic crypto and connections via WebRTC Snowflake (peersm2 above uses WebSockets a bit the way flashproxy was working, ie implementing the ws interface on bridges side), as well as integrating it with "Discover and move your coins by yourself" ( for anonymous blockchain search and anonymous sending of transactions from the browser -- Move your coins by yourself (browser version): Bitcoin transactions made simple: Zcash wallets made simple: Bitcoin wallets made simple: Get the torrent dynamic blocklist: Check the 10 M passwords list: Anti-spies and private torrents, dynamic blocklist: Peersm : torrent-live: node-Tor : GitHub : --------------0520DB04C49CA5CA71365B26 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

FYI, javascript implementation of the Tor protocol on server side and inside browsers

Not related directly to bitcoin-dev but might be of some use one day to anonymize bitcoin apps (light wallets for example)

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : node-Tor is now open source in clear (and modular)
Date : Thu, 24 Oct 2019 18:02:42 +0200
De : Aymeric Vitte <>
Pour :

Please see and

This is a javascript implementation of the Tor protocol on server side
(nodejs) and inside browsers, please note that it is not intended to add
nodes into the Tor network, neither to implement the Tor Browser
features, it is intended to build projects using the Tor protocol from
the browser and/or servers (most likely P2P projects), the Onion Proxy
and Onion Router functions are available directly inside the browser
which establishes circuits with other nodes understanding the Tor
protocol (so it's not a "dumb" proxy), but it can of course establish
circuits with the Tor network nodes (see and act as
a Tor node

It is financed by NLnet via EU Horizon 2020 Next Generation Internet
Privacy & Trust Enhancing Technologies, now open source under a MIT
license and we made it modular, it is fast (extensively tested when
video streaming was there, especially with bittorrent or ORDB concept)
and the total unminified code
( is only 1
MB (so ~600 kB minified) which is quite small for what it does, this is
not a browser extension/module but pure js

Possible next steps are to implement elliptic crypto and connections via
WebRTC Snowflake (peersm2 above uses WebSockets a bit the way flashproxy
was working, ie implementing the ws interface on bridges side), as well
as integrating it with "Discover and move your coins by yourself"
( for anonymous blockchain search and
anonymous sending of transactions from the browser

Move your coins by yourself (browser version):
Bitcoin transactions made simple:
Zcash wallets made simple:
Bitcoin wallets made simple:
Get the torrent dynamic blocklist:
Check the 10 M passwords list:
Anti-spies and private torrents, dynamic blocklist:
Peersm :
node-Tor :
GitHub :
