-- Package: Aspect -- Author: NW,JPB,CAL -- Created: Jeudi 22 Aout 1991 -- Updated: Vendredi 2 Octobre 1992 -- Mercredi 31 mars 1993 -- Lundi 16 janvier 1995 -- Reason : Traitement des Markers (G400) -- -- Copyright: MatraDatavision 1991,1992,1993 -- -- Purpose: Specifications definitives -- -- -- File: Aspect.cdl -- Created: Jeudi 22 Aout 1991 -- Author: NW,JPB,CAL -- Modified: 15/01/98 ; FMN : Ajout Hidden Line -- Modified: 07/07/98 ; DCB : Adding plotmode enum -- Modified: 07-07-98 by DCB (S3602 study) -- Adding plotmode enum -- Modified: 20-07-98 by DCB (S3602 study) -- Adding Plotter and PlotterConfigTool classes -- to plotters (PLO) -- Modified: 22-07-98 by DCB -- Adding DriverPtr, PlotterDriverPtr, WindowDriverPtr -- pointers. -- Modified: 24/08/98 ; CAL : S3892. Ajout grilles 3d. -- Modified: 16-09-98 by BGN (S3989) --- Adding TypeOfTriedronEcho, TypeOfTriedronPosition. -- Modified: 30-11-98 ; FMN : S4069. Textes always visible. -- Modified: 30/10/98 : DCB : S4046 -- Adding class PlotterParameter and changing the Plotter's class -- implementation according to new PLO specifications (S3604 ???) -- Also new classes : (H)Array1OfPlotterParameter -- New enumeration : TypeOfPlotterParameter. -- New exception : PlotterParameterError. -- Modified: 25-NOV-98 : DCB -- Removing all plotters specific implementation from Aspect. -- These classes and enums will now be located in PlotMgt. -- Modified: 17-NOV-99 : GG GER61351 -- Add TypeOfFacingModel enum -- Modified: 20-JAN-00 : GG -- Add GDM_None in enum GridDrawMode. -- Modified: 25-JAN-00 : VKH -- Add class PixMap -- Modified: 26-JAN-00 : EUG/GG G003 -- Add enum TypeOfDegenerateModel -- Modified: 23-FEB-00 : GG -- Returns format name in ValuesOfFOSP() internal method. -- Modified: 27-03-02 RIC120302 GG Add imported class -- Display, Drawable, RenderingContext, GraphicCallbackProc -- Modified: 22-03-04 OCC4895 SAN High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets -- Modified: 21-06-04 STV Added Aspect_ColorScale class ---Copyright: MatraDatavision 1991,1992,1993 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Aspect ---Version: ---Purpose: This package contains the group of graphic elements common -- to different types of visualisers. It allows the description -- of a screen background, a window, an edge, and groups of -- graphic attributes that can be used in describing 2D -- and 3D objects. ---Keywords: Window, Aspect, FillArea, Line, Marker, Edge -- Highlight, Hatch, Background, GradientBackground, Color map, -- Type map, Width map, Font map ---Warning: ---References: uses TCollection, TColStd, TShort, Quantity, TColQuantity, Resource, Viewer, MMgt is --------------------------- -- Category: Imported types --------------------------- imported FStream; -- waiting for RBA creating this class in Standard ... imported IFStream; -- G002A study imported CLayer2d; ---Purpose: Defines the C structure ---Category: Imported types imported RGBPixel; ---Purpose: primitive Handle; primitive Drawable; ---Purpose: -- To manage Drawable primitive Display; ---Purpose: -- To manage Display primitive RenderingContext; ---Purpose: -- To manage 2D or 3D graphic context imported GraphicCallbackProc; ---Purpose: -- To manage client post display -- 22-03-04 OCC4895 SAN High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets imported PolygonOffsetMode; ---Purpose: -- Enumeration for polygon offset modes --------------------- -- Category: Pointers --------------------- pointer DriverPtr to Driver from Aspect; pointer WindowDriverPtr to WindowDriver from Aspect; ---Category: Pointers ----------------------- -- Category: Exceptions ----------------------- exception AspectLineDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception AspectFillAreaDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception AspectMarkerDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception BadAccess inherits DomainError; ---Category: Exceptions exception ColorMapDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception EdgeDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception IdentDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception TypeMapDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception WidthMapDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception FontMapDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception MarkMapDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception WindowDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception WindowError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception PixmapDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception PixmapError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception DriverDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception DriverError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception GraphicDeviceDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: The exceptions exception LineStyleDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception LineWidthDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception PolyStyleDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception FontStyleDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception MarkerStyleDefinitionError inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions exception UndefinedMap inherits OutOfRange; ---Category: Exceptions ------------------------------ -- Category: Classes Color map ------------------------------ deferred class ColorMap; ---Purpose: Defines a color map. ---Category: Classes Color map class ColorCubeColorMap; ---Purpose: Associates a index and a color in the "ColorCube" space. ---Category: Classes Color map class ColorRampColorMap; ---Purpose: Associates a index and a color in the linear "ColorRamp" -- space. ---Category: Classes Color map class GenericColorMap; ---Purpose: Associates an index and a color. ---Category: Classes Color map class ColorMapEntry; ---Purpose: Defines an entry in the color map : -- an index and a color. ---Category: Classes Color map ------------------------------ -- Category: Classes Pixel ------------------------------ deferred class Pixel; ---Purpose: Defines a picture element. ---Category: Classes Pixel class IndexPixel; ---Purpose: ---Category: Classes Pixel class ColorPixel; ---Purpose: ---Category: Classes Pixel --------------------------- -- Category: Classes Aspect --------------------------- deferred class AspectLine; ---Purpose: Creates and updates a group of graphic attributes -- for primitives 'Line' ---Category: Classes Aspect deferred class AspectMarker; ---Purpose: Creates and updates a group of graphic attributes -- for primitives 'Marker'. ---Category: Classes Aspect deferred class AspectFillArea; ---Purpose: Creates and updates a group of graphic attributes -- for primitives 'Face'. ---Category: Classes Aspect -------------------- -- Category: Classes -------------------- class Background; ---Purpose: Defines a window background ---Category: Classes class GradientBackground; ---Purpose: Defines a window gradient background ---Category: Classes class Edge; ---Purpose: Defines an edge. ---Category: Classes class GenId; ---Purpose: Creates and controles all identifiers. ---Category: Classes deferred class GraphicDriver; ---Purpose: Defines a graphic driver (3d library) class FontStyle; ---Purpose: Defines a Font Style ---Category: The classes class FontMapEntry; ---Purpose: Defines an entry in the Font map : -- an index and a text Font. ---Category: Classes Font map class FontMap; ---Purpose: Associates an index and a text Font entry. ---Category: The classes class WidthMapEntry; ---Purpose: Defines an entry in the Width map : -- an index and a line Width. ---Category: Classes Width map class WidthMap; ---Purpose: Associates an index and a line width entry. ---Category: The classes class LineStyle; ---Purpose: Defines a Line Style ---Category: The classes class TypeMap; ---Purpose: Associates an index and a line type entry. ---Category: The classes class TypeMapEntry; ---Purpose: Defines an entry in the Type map : -- an index and a line style. ---Category: Classes Type map class MarkerStyle; ---Purpose: Defines a Marker Style ---Category: The classes class MarkMap; ---Purpose: Associates an index and a Marker entry. ---Category: The classes class MarkMapEntry; ---Purpose: Defines an entry in the Marker map : -- an index and a marker style. ---Category: Classes Mark map deferred class Window; ---Purpose: Defines a window. ---Category: Classes deferred class PixMap; ---Purpose: Defines a pixmap(bitmap) ---Category: Classes deferred class GraphicDevice; ---Purpose: Defines a physical graphic device allowing to -- shares graphical ressources. ---Category: Classes deferred class Driver; ---Purpose: Defines a virtual driver. ---Category: Classes deferred class WindowDriver; ---Purpose: Defines a virtual driver associated to a window. ---Category: Classes deferred class Grid; class RectangularGrid; class CircularGrid; deferred class ColorScale; ---Purpose: Defines a color scale for viewer. ------------------------- -- Category: Enumerations ------------------------- enumeration HatchStyle is HS_HORIZONTAL, HS_HORIZONTAL_WIDE, HS_VERTICAL, HS_VERTICAL_WIDE, HS_DIAGONAL_45, HS_DIAGONAL_45_WIDE, HS_DIAGONAL_135, HS_DIAGONAL_135_WIDE, HS_GRID, HS_GRID_WIDE, HS_GRID_DIAGONAL, HS_GRID_DIAGONAL_WIDE end HatchStyle; ---Purpose: Definition of all available hatch styles. -- -- HS_HORIZONTAL -- HS_HORIZONTAL_WIDE -- HS_VERTICAL -- HS_VERTICAL_WIDE -- HS_DIAGONAL_45 -- HS_DIAGONAL_45_WIDE -- HS_DIAGONAL_135 -- HS_DIAGONAL_135_WIDE -- HS_GRID -- HS_GRID_WIDE -- HS_GRID_DIAGONAL -- HS_GRID_DIAGONAL_WIDE -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration InteriorStyle is IS_EMPTY, IS_HOLLOW, IS_HATCH, IS_SOLID, IS_HIDDENLINE end InteriorStyle; ---Purpose: Definition of interior types for primitive -- faces. -- -- IS_EMPTY no interior. -- IS_HOLLOW display the boundaries of the surface. -- IS_HATCH display hatched with a hatch style. -- IS_SOLID display the interior entirely filled. -- IS_HIDDENLINE display in hidden lines removed. -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfColorMap is TOC_Generic, TOC_ColorCube, TOC_ColorRamp end TypeOfColorMap; ---Purpose: Definition of the color map types -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfConstraint is TOC_BOTTOM_LEFT, TOC_BOTTOM_RIGHT, TOC_TOP_LEFT, TOC_TOP_RIGHT end TypeOfConstraint; ---Purpose: Definition of the attachment for the layers -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfDrawMode is TODM_REPLACE, TODM_ERASE, TODM_XOR, TODM_XORLIGHT end TypeOfDrawMode; ---Purpose: Definition of the draw modes -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfEdge is TOE_VISIBLE, TOE_INVISIBLE end TypeOfEdge; ---Purpose: Definition of edge visibility -- -- TOE_VISIBLE Edge is displayed -- TOE_INVISIBLE Edge is not displayed -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfHighlightMethod is TOHM_COLOR, TOHM_BLINK, TOHM_BOUNDBOX end TypeOfHighlightMethod; ---Purpose: Definition of a highlight method -- -- TOHM_COLOR drawn in the highlight color -- (default white) -- TOHM_BLINK blinking -- TOHM_BOUNDBOX enclosed by the boundary box -- (default white) -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfLine is TOL_SOLID, TOL_DASH, TOL_DOT, TOL_DOTDASH, TOL_USERDEFINED end TypeOfLine; ---Purpose: Definition of line types -- -- TOL_SOLID continuous -- TOL_DASH dashed 2.0,1.0 (MM) -- TOL_DOT dotted 0.2,0.5 (MM) -- TOL_DOTDASH mixed 10.0,1.0,2.0,1.0 (MM) -- TOL_USERDEFINED defined by Users ---Category: Enumerations enumeration WidthOfLine is WOL_THIN, WOL_MEDIUM, WOL_THICK, WOL_VERYTHICK, WOL_USERDEFINED end WidthOfLine; ---Purpose: Definition of line types -- -- WOL_THIN thin line (1 pixel width) -- WOL_MEDIUM medium width of 0.5 MM -- WOL_THICK thick width of 0.7 MM -- WOL_VERYTHICK very thick width of 1.5 MM -- WOL_USERDEFINED defined by Users ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfFont is TOF_DEFAULT, TOF_COURIER, TOF_HELVETICA, TOF_TIMES, TOF_USERDEFINED end TypeOfFont; ---Purpose: Definition of line types -- -- TOF_DEFAULT Default system font -- TOF_COURIER -- TOF_HELVETICA -- TOF_USERDEFINED defined by Users ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfText is TOT_SOLID, TOT_OUTLINE end TypeOfText; ---Purpose: Definition of Text types -- -- TOF_SOLID Default text -- TOF_OUTLINE ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfStyleText is TOST_NORMAL, TOST_ANNOTATION end TypeOfStyleText; ---Purpose: Define the style of the text. -- -- TOST_NORMAL Default text. The text is displayed like any other graphic object. -- This text can be hidden by another object that is nearest from the -- point of view. -- TOST_ANNOTATION The text is always visible. The texte is displayed -- over the other object according to the priority. ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfDisplayText is TODT_NORMAL, TODT_SUBTITLE, TODT_DEKALE, TODT_BLEND end TypeOfDisplayText; ---Purpose: Define the display type of the text. -- -- TODT_NORMAL Default display. Text only. -- TODT_SUBTITLE There is a subtitle under the text. -- TODT_DEKALE The text is displayed with a 3D style. -- TODT_BLEND The text is displayed in XOR. ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfMarker is TOM_POINT, TOM_PLUS, TOM_STAR, TOM_O, TOM_X, TOM_O_POINT, TOM_O_PLUS, TOM_O_STAR, TOM_O_X, TOM_BALL, TOM_RING1, TOM_RING2, TOM_RING3, TOM_USERDEFINED end TypeOfMarker; ---Purpose: Definition of types of markers -- -- TOM_POINT point . -- TOM_PLUS plus + -- TOM_STAR star * -- TOM_O circle O -- TOM_X cross x -- TOM_O_POINT a point in a circle -- TOM_O_PLUS a plus in a circle -- TOM_O_STAR a star in a circle -- TOM_O_X a cross in a circle -- TOM_BALL a ball with 1 color and different saturations -- TOM_RING1 a large ring -- TOM_RING2 a medium ring -- TOM_RING3 a small ring -- TOM_USERDEFINED defined by Users -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfUpdate is TOU_ASAP, TOU_WAIT end TypeOfUpdate; ---Purpose: Definition of screen refresh mode -- -- TOU_ASAP as soon as possible -- TOU_WAIT on demand (Update) -- ---Category: Enumerations enumeration TypeOfDeflection is TOD_RELATIVE, TOD_ABSOLUTE end TypeOfDeflection; ---Purpose: Defines if the maximal chordial deflection used when -- drawing an object is absolute or relative to the size -- of the object. enumeration TypeOfResize is TOR_UNKNOWN, TOR_NO_BORDER, TOR_TOP_BORDER, TOR_RIGHT_BORDER, TOR_BOTTOM_BORDER, TOR_LEFT_BORDER, TOR_TOP_AND_RIGHT_BORDER, TOR_RIGHT_AND_BOTTOM_BORDER, TOR_BOTTOM_AND_LEFT_BORDER, TOR_LEFT_AND_TOP_BORDER end TypeOfResize; ---Purpose: Defines the type of Resize Window method applied -- by the user. enumeration CardinalPoints is CP_North, CP_NorthEast, CP_East, CP_SouthEast, CP_South, CP_SouthWest, CP_West, CP_NorthWest, CP_Center end CardinalPoints; enumeration TypeOfRenderingMode is TORM_IMMEDIAT, TORM_RETAIN, TORM_CLEAR_AND_RETAIN end TypeOfRenderingMode; ---Purpose: Definition of the rendering modes enumeration TypeOfColorSpace is TOCS_BlackAndWhite, TOCS_GreyScale, TOCS_RGB end TypeOfColorSpace; ---Purpose: enumeration FormatOfSheetPaper is FOSP_A0, -- 0.841 x 1.189 (M) FOSP_A1, -- 0.594 x 0.841 (M) FOSP_A2, -- 0.420 x 0.594 (M) FOSP_A3, -- 0.297 x 0.420 (M) FOSP_A4, -- 0.210 x 0.297 (M) FOSP_A5, -- 0.1485 x 0.210 (M) FOSP_K_LONG, -- 1.016 x 3.6322 (M) FOSP_K_SHORT, -- 1.016 x 1.397 (M) FOSP_J_LONG, -- 0.8636 x 4.4704 (M) FOSP_J_SHORT, -- 0.8636 x 1.397 (M) FOSP_H_LONG, -- 0.7112 x 3.6322 (M) FOSP_H_SHORT, -- 0.7112 x 1.1176 (M) FOSP_G_LONG, -- 0.2794 x 2.286 (M) FOSP_G_SHORT, -- 0.2794 x 0.5715 (M) FOSP_F, -- 0.7112 x 1.016 (M) FOSP_E, -- 0.8636 x 1.1176 (M) FOSP_D, -- 0.5588 x 0.8636 (M) FOSP_C, -- 0.4318 x 0.5588 (M) FOSP_B, -- 0.2794 x 0.4318 (M) FOSP_A, -- 0.2159 x 0.2794 (M) FOSP_UNKNOWN -- User defined end FormatOfSheetPaper; ---Purpose: enumeration TypeOfPrimitive is TOP_UNKNOWN, TOP_POLYLINE, TOP_POLYGON, TOP_SEGMENTS, TOP_ARCS, TOP_POLYARCS, TOP_POINTS, TOP_MARKERS end TypeOfPrimitive; ---Purpose: enumeration GridDrawMode is GDM_Lines, GDM_Points, GDM_None end GridDrawMode; ---Purpose: Defines the grid draw mode. The grid may be drawn -- by using lines or points. enumeration GridType is GT_Rectangular, GT_Circular end GridType; ---Purpose: Defines the grid type : Rectangular or Circular. --------- Start DCB modification ---------------------------------------- enumeration PlotMode is PM_DPLOTTER, PM_FILEONLY, PM_NPLOTTER end PlotMode; ---Purpose: Defines plot mode for plotter drivers derived from -- Aspect_PlotterDriver: -- 1) PM_DPLOTTER - send file to plotter and delete file -- 2) PM_FILEONLY - do not send file to the plotter -- 3) PM_NPLOTTER - send file to the plotter but not delete a file enumeration ListingType is LPID_DIRPLOT, LPID_DIRPARPLO, LPID_ALLDIRS end ListingType; ---Purpose: Defines where to search plotter files (PLO) enumeration PlotterOrigin is PO_CENTER, PO_BOTTOMLEFT, PO_TOPLEFT, PO_TOPRIGHT, PO_BOTTOMRIGHT, PO_UNKNOWN end PlotterOrigin; --------- Stop DCB modification ---------------------------------------- enumeration TypeOfTriedronEcho is TOTE_NONE, TOTE_ORIGIN, TOTE_AXIS_X, TOTE_AXIS_Y, TOTE_AXIS_Z, TOTE_TEXT_X, TOTE_TEXT_Y, TOTE_TEXT_Z, TOTE_01, TOTE_02, TOTE_03, TOTE_04, TOTE_05, TOTE_06, TOTE_07, TOTE_08, TOTE_09, TOTE_10 end TypeOfTriedronEcho; ---Purpose: Definition of the Triedron echo zone to highlight -- -- TOTE_NONE no echo zone -- TOTE_ORIGIN a box on origin of the Triedron -- TOTE_AXIS_X highlights the X axis -- TOTE_AXIS_Y highlights the Y axis -- TOTE_AXIS_Z highlights the Z axis -- TOTE_TEXT_X highlights the X character -- TOTE_TEXT_Y highlights the Y character -- TOTE_TEXT_Z highlights the Z character -- TOTE_01 to TOTE_10 not yet implemented. ---Category: The enumerations enumeration TypeOfTriedronPosition is TOTP_CENTER, TOTP_LEFT_LOWER, TOTP_LEFT_UPPER, TOTP_RIGHT_LOWER, TOTP_RIGHT_UPPER, TOTP_01, TOTP_02, TOTP_03, TOTP_04, TOTP_05, TOTP_06, TOTP_07, TOTP_08, TOTP_09, TOTP_10 end TypeOfTriedronPosition; ---Purpose: Definition of the Triedron position in the views -- -- TOTP_CENTER at the center of the view -- TOTP_LEFT_LOWER at the left lower corner -- TOTP_LEFT_UPPER at the left upper corner -- TOTP_RIGHT_LOWER at the right lower corner -- TOTP_RIGHT_UPPER at the right upper corner -- TOTP_01 to TOTP_10 not yet implemented. ---Category: The enumerations enumeration TypeOfLayer is TOL_OVERLAY, TOL_UNDERLAY end TypeOfLayer; ---Purpose: Modes of drawing for the objects in a layer -- -- TOL_OVERLAY, the graphic of the layer is draw -- after the 3d graphic. -- TOL_UNDERLAY, the graphic of the layer is draw -- before the 3d graphic. ---Category: The enumerations enumeration TypeOfFacingModel is TOFM_BOTH_SIDE, TOFM_BACK_SIDE, TOFM_FRONT_SIDE end TypeOfFacingModel; enumeration TypeOfDegenerateModel is TDM_NONE, TDM_TINY, TDM_WIREFRAME, TDM_MARKER, TDM_BBOX, TDM_AUTO end TypeOfDegenerateModel; ---Purpose: Defines type of degeneration model of the -- graphic structure. ---Category: The enumerations enumeration FillMethod is FM_NONE, FM_CENTERED, FM_TILED, FM_STRETCH end FillMethod; ---Purpose: Defines the fill methods to -- write bitmaps in a window. enumeration GradientFillMethod is GFM_NONE, GFM_HOR, GFM_VER, GFM_DIAG1, GFM_DIAG2, GFM_CORNER1, GFM_CORNER2, GFM_CORNER3, GFM_CORNER4 end GradientFillMethod; ---Purpose: Defines the fill methods to -- write gradient background in a window. enumeration TypeOfColorScaleData is TOCSD_AUTO, TOCSD_USER end TypeOfColorScaleData; ---Purpose: Defines the using type of colors and labels enumeration TypeOfColorScalePosition is TOCSP_NONE, TOCSP_LEFT, TOCSP_RIGHT, TOCSP_CENTER end TypeOfColorScalePosition; ---Purpose: Defines the type of position for color scale labels enumeration TypeOfColorScaleOrientation is TOCSO_NONE, TOCSO_LEFT, TOCSO_RIGHT, TOCSO_CENTER end TypeOfColorScaleOrientation; ---Purpose: Defines the type of color scale orientation enumeration PrintAlgo is PA_STRETCH, PA_TILE end PrintAlgo; ---Purpose: Defines print algorithm -- Aspect_PrintAlgo: -- 1) PA_STRETCH - Stretch offscreen printing frame -- if its dimensions are smaller than -- the printer's printing area dimensions; -- This algorithm is more reliable as it -- works on any hardware and is recommended -- to be used with average printing resolutions, -- as it more RAM memory dependent than PA_TILE; -- Stretching is performend using bicubic interpolation -- algorithm from FreeImage library if OCCT is built -- with FreeImage support, otherwise Windows API -- StretchBlt() function in STRETCH_HALFTONE mode -- is used; -- 2) PA_TILE - If the offscreen printing frame dimensions -- are smaller than the printer's printing -- area dimensions - use multiple printing -- frames to cover the whole printing area --------------------------------- -- Category: Instantiated classes --------------------------------- class Array1OfEdge instantiates Array1 from TCollection (Edge from Aspect); ---Category: Instantiated classes class SequenceOfColorMapEntry instantiates Sequence from TCollection (ColorMapEntry from Aspect); ---Category: Instantiated classes class SequenceOfTypeMapEntry instantiates Sequence from TCollection (TypeMapEntry from Aspect); ---Category: Instantiated classes class SequenceOfWidthMapEntry instantiates Sequence from TCollection (WidthMapEntry from Aspect); ---Category: Instantiated classes class SequenceOfFontMapEntry instantiates Sequence from TCollection (FontMapEntry from Aspect); ---Category: Instantiated classes class SequenceOfMarkMapEntry instantiates Sequence from TCollection (MarkMapEntry from Aspect); ---Category: Instantiated classes class SequenceOfColor instantiates Sequence from TCollection(Color from Quantity); ---------------------------- -- Category: Package methods ---------------------------- ValuesOfFOSP (aFOSP : FormatOfSheetPaper from Aspect; aWidth, aHeight : out Length from Quantity) returns CString from Standard; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns the format size according to the default -- LENGTH unit of the required format . -- Returns more the normalized format name. ---Category: Package methods ToCString (aString: ExtendedString from TCollection) returns CString from Standard; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Translates an ExtendedString to a CString -- depending of the local format. ---Category: Package methods Inverse ( aMat : Array2OfReal from TColStd; Inv : out Array2OfReal from TColStd ) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Inverses a 4x4 matrix. end Aspect;