-- File: Adaptor3d_Surface.cdl -- Created: Wed Mar 31 12:12:54 1993 -- Author: Bruno DUMORTIER -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 deferred class Surface from Adaptor3d ---Purpose: Root class for surfaces on which geometric algorithms work. -- An adapted surface is an interface between the -- services provided by a surface and those required of -- the surface by algorithms which use it. -- A derived concrete class is provided: -- GeomAdaptor_Surface for a surface from the Geom package. -- The Surface class describes the standard behaviour -- of a surface for generic algorithms. -- -- The Surface can be decomposed in intervals of any -- continuity in U and V using the method -- NbIntervals. A current interval can be set. Most -- of the methods apply to the current interval. -- Warning: All the methods are virtual and implemented with a -- raise to allow to redefined only the methods realy -- used. uses Array1OfReal from TColStd, Shape from GeomAbs, SurfaceType from GeomAbs, Vec from gp, Dir from gp, Pnt from gp, Pln from gp, Cone from gp, Cylinder from gp, Sphere from gp, Torus from gp, Ax1 from gp, BezierSurface from Geom, BSplineSurface from Geom, HSurface from Adaptor3d, HCurve from Adaptor3d raises OutOfRange from Standard, NoSuchObject from Standard, DomainError from Standard is -- -- Global methods - Apply to the whole surface. -- Delete(me:out) is virtual; ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT virtual ~Adaptor3d_Surface(){Delete();}" FirstUParameter(me) returns Real is virtual; LastUParameter(me) returns Real is virtual; FirstVParameter(me) returns Real is virtual; LastVParameter(me) returns Real is virtual; UContinuity(me) returns Shape from GeomAbs is virtual; VContinuity(me) returns Shape from GeomAbs is virtual; NbUIntervals(me; S : Shape from GeomAbs) returns Integer ---Purpose: Returns the number of U intervals for continuity -- . May be one if UContinuity(me) >= is virtual; NbVIntervals(me; S : Shape from GeomAbs) returns Integer ---Purpose: Returns the number of V intervals for continuity -- . May be one if VContinuity(me) >= is virtual; UIntervals(me; T : in out Array1OfReal from TColStd; S : Shape from GeomAbs ) ---Purpose: Returns the intervals with the requested continuity -- in the U direction. raises OutOfRange from Standard -- if the Length of the array does -- have enought slots to accomodate -- the result. is virtual; VIntervals(me; T : in out Array1OfReal from TColStd; S : Shape from GeomAbs ) ---Purpose: Returns the intervals with the requested continuity -- in the V direction. raises OutOfRange from Standard -- if the Length of the array does -- have enought slots to accomodate -- the result. is virtual; UTrim(me; First, Last, Tol : Real) returns HSurface from Adaptor3d ---Purpose: Returns a surface trimmed in the U direction -- equivalent of between -- parameters and . is used to -- test for 3d points confusion. raises OutOfRange from Standard ---Purpose: If >= is virtual ; VTrim(me; First, Last, Tol : Real) returns HSurface from Adaptor3d ---Purpose: Returns a surface trimmed in the V direction between -- parameters and . is used to -- test for 3d points confusion. raises OutOfRange from Standard ---Purpose: If >= is virtual ; IsUClosed(me) returns Boolean is virtual; IsVClosed(me) returns Boolean is virtual; IsUPeriodic(me) returns Boolean is virtual; UPeriod(me) returns Real raises DomainError from Standard -- if the curve is not periodic is virtual; IsVPeriodic(me) returns Boolean is virtual; VPeriod(me) returns Real raises DomainError from Standard -- if the curve is not periodic is virtual; Value (me; U, V : Real) returns Pnt from gp --- Purpose : Computes the point of parameters U,V on the surface. is virtual; D0 (me; U, V : Real; P : out Pnt from gp) --- Purpose : Computes the point of parameters U,V on the surface. is virtual; D1 (me; U, V : Real; P : out Pnt from gp; D1U, D1V : out Vec from gp) --- Purpose : Computes the point and the first derivatives on -- the surface. raises DomainError from Standard --- Purpose : Raised if the continuity of the current -- intervals is not C1. is virtual; D2 (me; U, V : Real; P : out Pnt from gp; D1U, D1V, D2U, D2V, D2UV : out Vec from gp) --- Purpose : Computes the point, the first and second -- derivatives on the surface. raises DomainError from Standard --- Purpose : Raised if the continuity of the current -- intervals is not C2. is virtual; D3 (me; U, V : Real; P : out Pnt from gp; D1U, D1V, D2U, D2V, D2UV, D3U, D3V, D3UUV, D3UVV : out Vec from gp) --- Purpose : Computes the point, the first, second and third -- derivatives on the surface. raises DomainError from Standard --- Purpose : Raised if the continuity of the current -- intervals is not C3. is virtual; DN (me; U, V : Real; Nu, Nv : Integer) returns Vec from gp --- Purpose : Computes the derivative of order Nu in the direction U and Nv -- in the direction V at the point P(U, V). raises DomainError from Standard, --- Purpose : Raised if the current U interval is not not CNu -- and the current V interval is not CNv. OutOfRange from Standard --- Purpose : Raised if Nu + Nv < 1 or Nu < 0 or Nv < 0. is virtual; UResolution(me; R3d : Real ) returns Real ---Purpose : Returns the parametric U resolution corresponding -- to the real space resolution . is virtual; VResolution(me; R3d : Real ) returns Real ---Purpose : Returns the parametric V resolution corresponding -- to the real space resolution . is virtual; GetType(me) returns SurfaceType from GeomAbs ---Purpose: Returns the type of the surface : Plane, Cylinder, -- Cone, Sphere, Torus, BezierSurface, -- BSplineSurface, SurfaceOfRevolution, -- SurfaceOfExtrusion, OtherSurface is virtual; -- -- The following methods must be called when GetType returned -- the corresponding type. -- Plane(me) returns Pln from gp raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; Cylinder(me) returns Cylinder from gp raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; Cone(me) returns Cone from gp raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; Sphere(me) returns Sphere from gp raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; Torus(me) returns Torus from gp raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; UDegree(me) returns Integer raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; NbUPoles(me) returns Integer raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; VDegree(me) returns Integer raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; NbVPoles(me) returns Integer raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; NbUKnots(me) returns Integer raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; NbVKnots(me) returns Integer raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; IsURational(me) returns Boolean raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; IsVRational(me) returns Boolean raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; Bezier(me) returns BezierSurface from Geom raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; BSpline(me) returns BSplineSurface from Geom raises NoSuchObject from Standard is virtual; AxeOfRevolution(me) returns Ax1 from gp raises NoSuchObject from Standard -- only for SurfaceOfRevolution is virtual; Direction(me) returns Dir from gp raises NoSuchObject from Standard -- only for SurfaceOfExtrusion is virtual; BasisCurve(me) returns HCurve from Adaptor3d raises NoSuchObject from Standard -- only for SurfaceOfExtrusion is virtual; BasisSurface(me) returns HSurface from Adaptor3d raises NoSuchObject from Standard -- only for Offset Surface is virtual; OffsetValue(me) returns Real from Standard raises NoSuchObject from Standard -- only for Offset Surface is virtual; end Surface;