// File math_Vector.lxx // lpa, le 29/10/91 #include inline Standard_OStream& operator<<(Standard_OStream& o, const math_Vector& vec) { vec.Dump(o); return o; } inline math_Vector operator* (const Standard_Real Left, const math_Vector& Right) { return Right.Multiplied(Left); } inline Standard_Integer math_Vector::Length() const { return UpperIndex - LowerIndex +1;} // length of a vector. inline Standard_Integer math_Vector::Lower() const { return LowerIndex;} // value of the lower index of a vector. inline Standard_Integer math_Vector::Upper() const {return UpperIndex;} // value of the Upper index of a vector. inline Standard_Real& math_Vector::Value(const Standard_Integer Num) const { Standard_RangeError_Raise_if(Num < LowerIndex || Num > UpperIndex, " "); return Array(Num); }