// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _StepData_StepReaderData_HeaderFile #define _StepData_StepReaderData_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_DefineHandle_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_StepData_StepReaderData_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _TColStd_Array1OfInteger_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Interface_IndexedMapOfAsciiString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Integer_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Interface_Check_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Interface_FileReaderData_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_CString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Interface_ParamType_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_StepData_PDescr_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Standard_Transient_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_StepData_SelectMember_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_StepData_ESDescr_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Real_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Standard_Type_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _StepData_Logical_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_TCollection_HAsciiString_HeaderFile #include #endif class Interface_Check; class TCollection_AsciiString; class TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString; class StepData_PDescr; class Standard_Transient; class StepData_SelectMember; class StepData_Field; class StepData_ESDescr; class StepData_FieldList; class Standard_Type; class StepData_SelectType; class TCollection_HAsciiString; class StepData_EnumTool; //! Specific FileReaderData for Step
//! Contains litteral description of entities (for each one : type
//! as a string, ident, parameter list)
//! provides references evaluation, plus access to litteral data
//! and specific access methods (Boolean, XY, XYZ)
class StepData_StepReaderData : public Interface_FileReaderData { public: //! creates StepReaderData correctly dimensionned (necessary at
//! creation time, because it contains arrays)
//! nbheader is nb of records for Header, nbtotal for Header+Data
//! and nbpar gives the total count of parameters
Standard_EXPORT StepData_StepReaderData(const Standard_Integer nbheader,const Standard_Integer nbtotal,const Standard_Integer nbpar); //! Fills the fields of a record
Standard_EXPORT void SetRecord(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_CString ident,const Standard_CString type,const Standard_Integer nbpar) ; //! Fills the fields of a parameter of a record. This is a variant
//! of AddParam, Adapted to STEP (optimized for specific values)
Standard_EXPORT void AddStepParam(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_CString aval,const Interface_ParamType atype,const Standard_Integer nument = 0) ; //! Returns Record Type
Standard_EXPORT const TCollection_AsciiString& RecordType(const Standard_Integer num) const; //! Returns Record Type as a CString
//! was C++ : return const
Standard_EXPORT Standard_CString CType(const Standard_Integer num) const; //! Returns record identifier (Positive number)
//! If returned ident is not positive : Sub-List or Scope mark
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer RecordIdent(const Standard_Integer num) const; //! Returns SubList numero designated by a parameter (nump) in a
//! record (num), or zero if the parameter does not exist or is
//! not a SubList address. Zero too If aslast is True and nump
//! is not for the last parameter
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer SubListNumber(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_Boolean aslast) const; //! Returns True if corresponds to a Complex Type Entity
//! (as can be defined by ANDOR Express clause)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsComplex(const Standard_Integer num) const; //! Returns the List of Types which correspond to a Complex Type
//! Entity. If not Complex, there is just one Type in it
//! For a SubList or a Scope mark, remains empty
Standard_EXPORT void ComplexType(const Standard_Integer num,TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString& types) const; //! Returns the Next "Componant" for a Complex Type Entity, of
//! which is already a Componant (the first one or a next one)
//! Returns 0 for a Simple Type or for the last Componant
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NextForComplex(const Standard_Integer num) const; //! Determines the first component which brings a given name, for
//! a Complex Type Entity
//! is the very first record of this entity
//! is given the last NextNamedForComplex, starts at zero
//! it is returned as the newly found number
//! Hence, in the normal case, NextNamedForComplex starts by num0
//! if is zero, else by NextForComplex(num)
//! If the alphabetic order is not respected, it restarts from
//! num0 and loops on NextForComplex until finding
//! In case of "non-alphabetic order", is filled with a
//! Warning for this name
//! In case of "not-found at all", is filled with a Fail,
//! and is returned as zero
//! Returns True if alphabetic order, False else
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean NamedForComplex(const Standard_CString name,const Standard_Integer num0,Standard_Integer& num,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const; //! Checks Count of Parameters of record to equate
//! If this Check is successful, returns True
//! Else, fills with an Error Message then returns False
//! is included in the Error message if given non empty
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckNbParams(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nbreq,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,const Standard_CString mess = "") const; //! reads parameter of record as a sub-list (may be
//! typed, see ReadTypedParameter in this case)
//! Returns True if OK. Else (not a LIST), returns false and
//! feeds Check with appropriate check
//! If is True and Param is not defined, returns True
//! with not filled and returned as 0
//! Works with SubListNumber with false (no specific case
//! for last parameter)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadSubList(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Standard_Integer& numsub,const Standard_Boolean optional = Standard_False,const Standard_Integer lenmin = 0,const Standard_Integer lenmax = 0) const; //! reads the content of a sub-list into a transient :
//! SelectNamed, or HArray1 of Integer,Real,String,Transient ...
//! recursive call if list of list ...
//! If a sub-list has mixed types, an HArray1OfTransient is
//! produced, it may contain SelectMember
//! Intended to be called by ReadField
//! The returned status is : negative if failed, 0 if empty.
//! Else the kind to be recorded in the field
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer ReadSub(const Standard_Integer numsub,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,const Handle(StepData_PDescr)& descr,Handle(Standard_Transient)& val) const; //! Reads parameter of record into a SelectMember,
//! self-sufficient (no Description needed)
//! If is already created, it will be filled, as possible
//! And if reading does not match its own description, the result
//! will be False
//! If is not it not yet created, it will be (SelectNamed)
//! Usefull if a field is defined as a SelectMember, directly
//! (SELECT with no Entity as member)
//! But SelectType also manages SelectMember (for SELECT with
//! some members as Entity, some other not)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadMember(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Handle(StepData_SelectMember)& val) const; //! reads parameter of record into a Field,
//! controlled by a Parameter Descriptor (PDescr), which controls
//! its allowed type(s) and value
//! is filled if the read parameter does not match its
//! description (but the field is read anyway)
//! If the description is not defined, no control is done
//! Returns True when done
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadField(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,const Handle(StepData_PDescr)& descr,StepData_Field& fild) const; //! reads a list of fields controlled by an ESDescr
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadList(const Standard_Integer num,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,const Handle(StepData_ESDescr)& descr,StepData_FieldList& list) const; //! Reads parameter of record into a Transient Value
//! according to the type of the parameter :
//! Named for Integer,Boolean,Logical,Enum,Real : SelectNamed
//! Immediate Integer,Boolean,Logical,Enum,Real : SelectInt/Real
//! Text : HAsciiString
//! Ident : the referenced Entity
//! Sub-List not processed, see ReadSub
//! This value is controlled by a Parameter Descriptor (PDescr),
//! which controls its allowed type and value
//! is filled if the read parameter does not match its
//! description (the select is nevertheless created if possible)
//! Warning : val is in out, hence it is possible to predefine a specific
//! SelectMember then to fill it. If is Null or if the
//! result is not a SelectMember, val itself is returned a new ref
//! For a Select with a Name, must then be a SelectNamed
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadAny(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,const Handle(StepData_PDescr)& descr,Handle(Standard_Transient)& val) const; //! reads parameter of record as a sub-list of
//! two Reals X,Y. Returns True if OK. Else, returns false and
//! feeds Check with appropriate Fails (parameter not a sub-list,
//! not two Reals in the sub-list) composed with "mess" which
//! gives the name of the parameter
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadXY(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Standard_Real& X,Standard_Real& Y) const; //! reads parameter of record as a sub-list of
//! three Reals X,Y,Z. Return value and Check managed as by
//! ReadXY (demands a sub-list of three Reals)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadXYZ(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Standard_Real& X,Standard_Real& Y,Standard_Real& Z) const; //! reads parameter of record as a single Real value.
//! Return value and Check managed as by ReadXY (demands a Real)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadReal(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Standard_Real& val) const; //! Reads parameter of record as a single Entity.
//! Return value and Check managed as by ReadReal (demands a
//! reference to an Entity). In Addition, demands read Entity
//! to be Kind of a required Type .
//! Remark that returned status is False and is Null if
//! parameter is not an Entity, remains Not Null is parameter
//! is an Entity but is not Kind of required type
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadEntity(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,const Handle(Standard_Type)& atype,Handle(Standard_Transient)& ent) const; //! Same as above, but a SelectType checks Type Matching, and
//! records the read Entity (see method Value from SelectType)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadEntity(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,StepData_SelectType& sel) const; //! reads parameter of record as a single Integer.
//! Return value & Check managed as by ReadXY (demands an Integer)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadInteger(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Standard_Integer& val) const; //! reads parameter of record as a Boolean
//! Return value and Check managed as by ReadReal (demands a
//! Boolean enum, i.e. text ".T." for True or ".F." for False)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadBoolean(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Standard_Boolean& flag) const; //! reads parameter of record as a Logical
//! Return value and Check managed as by ReadBoolean (demands a
//! Logical enum, i.e. text ".T.", ".F.", or ".U.")
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadLogical(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,StepData_Logical& flag) const; //! reads parameter of record as a String (text
//! between quotes, quotes are removed by the Read operation)
//! Return value and Check managed as by ReadXY (demands a String)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadString(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString)& val) const; Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadEnumParam(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Standard_CString& text) const; //! Fills a check with a fail message if enumeration value does
//! match parameter definition
//! Just a help to centralize message definitions
Standard_EXPORT void FailEnumValue(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const; //! Reads parameter of record as an Enumeration (text
//! between dots) and converts it to an integer value, by an
//! EnumTool. Returns True if OK, false if : this parameter is not
//! enumeration, or is not recognized by the EnumTool (with fail)
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadEnum(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,const StepData_EnumTool& enumtool,Standard_Integer& val) const; //! Resolves a parameter which can be enclosed in a type def., as
//! TYPE(val). The parameter must then be read normally according
//! its type. Parameter to be resolved is of record
//! True demands a typed parameter
//! False accepts a non-typed parameter as option
//! mess and ach as usual
//! , are the resolved record and parameter numbers
//! = num,nump if no type, else numrp=1
//! returns the recorded type, or empty string
//! Remark : a non-typed list is considered as "non-typed"
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ReadTypedParam(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_Boolean mustbetyped,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,Standard_Integer& numr,Standard_Integer& numrp,TCollection_AsciiString& typ) const; //! Checks if parameter of record is given as Derived
//! If this Check is successful (i.e. Param = "*"), returns True
//! Else, fills with a Message which contains and
//! returns False. According to , this message is Warning
//! if errstat is False (Default), Fail if errstat is True
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean CheckDerived(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer nump,const Standard_CString mess,Handle(Interface_Check)& ach,const Standard_Boolean errstat = Standard_False) const; //! Returns total count of Entities (including Header)
Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Integer NbEntities() const; //! determines the first suitable record following a given one
//! that is, skips SCOPE,ENDSCOPE and SUBLIST records
//! Note : skips Header records, which are accessed separately
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer FindNextRecord(const Standard_Integer num) const; //! determines reference numbers in EntityNumber fields
//! called by Prepare from StepReaderTool to prepare later using
//! by a StepModel. This method is attached to StepReaderData
//! because it needs a massive amount of data accesses to work
//! If is given False, the basic exploration algorithm
//! is activated, otherwise a map is used as far as it is possible
//! this option can be used only to test this algorithm
Standard_EXPORT void SetEntityNumbers(const Standard_Boolean withmap = Standard_True) ; //! determine first suitable record of Header
//! works as FindNextRecord, but treats only Header records
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer FindNextHeaderRecord(const Standard_Integer num) const; //! Works as SetEntityNumbers but for Header : more simple because
//! there are no Reference, only Sub-Lists
Standard_EXPORT void PrepareHeader() ; //! Returns the Global Check. It can record Fail messages about
//! Undefined References (detected by SetEntityNumbers)
Standard_EXPORT const Handle_Interface_Check GlobalCheck() const; DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(StepData_StepReaderData) protected: private: //! Searches for a Parameter of the record , which refers to
//! the Ident (form #nnn). [Used by SetEntityNumbers]
//! If found, returns its EntityNumber, else returns Zero.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer FindEntityNumber(const Standard_Integer num,const Standard_Integer id) const; TColStd_Array1OfInteger theidents; TColStd_Array1OfInteger thetypes; Interface_IndexedMapOfAsciiString thenametypes; TColStd_DataMapOfIntegerInteger themults; Standard_Integer thenbents; Standard_Integer thelastn; Standard_Integer thenbhead; Standard_Integer thenbscop; Handle_Interface_Check thecheck; }; // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) #endif