@echo off rem Set environment for building OCCT or derived projects (e.g. samples) rem (to be called before env.bat) rem Use first argument to specify version of Visual Studio (vc8, vc9, or vc10), rem second argument specifies architecture) (win32 or win64) rem Default is vc8 win32 set VCVER=vc8 set "VCVARS=%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" set "DevEnvDir=%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\IDE" if not "%1" == "" ( if /I "%1" == "vc8" ( set VCVER=vc8 set "VCVARS=%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" set "DevEnvDir=%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\IDE" ) else if /I "%1" == "vc9" ( set VCVER=vc9 set "VCVARS=%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" set "DevEnvDir=%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\IDE" ) else if /I "%1" == "vc10" ( set VCVER=vc10 set "VCVARS=%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" set "DevEnvDir=%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\IDE" ) else ( echo Error: first argument ^(%1^) should specify supported version of Visual C++, echo one of: vc8 ^(VS 2005 SP1^), vc9 ^(VS 2008 SP1^), or vc10 ^(VS 2010^) exit ) ) set ARCH=32 set TBBARCH=ia32 set VCARCH=x86 if not "%2" == "" ( if /I "%2" == "win32" ( set ARCH=32 set TBBARCH=ia32 set VCARCH=x86 ) else if /I "%2" == "win64" ( set ARCH=64 set TBBARCH=intel64 set VCARCH=amd64 ) else ( echo Error: second argument ^(%2^) should specify supported architecture, echo one of: win32 or win64 exit ) ) rem Use variable CSF_DEFINES to specify additional compiler macros if necessary rem (list separated by semicolons, or just semicolon if empty): rem HAVE_TBB - use if you want to build OCCT with Intel TBB rem HAVE_FREEIMAGE - use if you want to build OCCT with FreeImage rem HAVE_GL2PS - use if you want to build OCCT with gl2ps set CSF_DEFINES=HAVE_TBB;HAVE_FREEIMAGE;HAVE_GL2PS rem Modify the line below according to actual location of the third-party rem components installed with headers and lib files; also check the following rem settings. By default third-party tools are expected to be unpacked rem to subfolder 3rdparty from pre-built packages distributed with OCCT set "PRODUCTS_PATH=%~dp0..\3rdparty" set "TCLHOME=%PRODUCTS_PATH%\tcltk-85-%ARCH%" set "QTDIR=%PRODUCTS_PATH%\qt462-%VCVER%-%ARCH%" set "FTDIR=%PRODUCTS_PATH%\freetype-2.3.7-%VCVER%-%ARCH%" set "FTGLDIR=%PRODUCTS_PATH%\ftgl-2.1.2-%VCVER%-%ARCH%" set "GL2PSDIR=%PRODUCTS_PATH%\gl2ps-1.3.5-%VCVER%-%ARCH%" set "FREEIMAGEDIR=%PRODUCTS_PATH%\freeimage-%VCVER%-%ARCH%" set "TBBDIR=%PRODUCTS_PATH%\tbb30_018oss" set "TBBBIN=%TBBDIR%\bin\%TBBARCH%\%VCVER%" set "INCLUDE=%FREEIMAGEDIR%\include;%TBBDIR%\include;%TCLHOME%\include;%FTDIR%\include;%FTDIR%\include\freetype;%FTGLDIR%\include;%GL2PSDIR%\include;%QTDIR%\include\QtGui;%QTDIR%\include\QtCore;%QTDIR%\include\Qt;%QTDIR%\include;%INCLUDE%" set "LIB=%FREEIMAGEDIR%\lib;%TCLHOME%\lib;%FTGLDIR%\lib;%GL2PSDIR%\lib;%QTDIR%\lib;%TBBDIR%\lib\%TBBARCH%\%VCVER%;%LIB%" rem Call env.bat to set launch environment set "CASBIN=win%ARCH%\%VCVER%" call "%~dp0env.bat" rem Set standard environment for selected version of Visual C++ if exist "%VCVARS%" ( call "%VCVARS%" %VCARCH% ) else ( echo Error: could not find requested version of Visual C++ ^(%VCVER%^) installed! echo Check relevant environment variable ^(e.g. VS80COMNTOOLS for vc8^) ) rem Workaround for problems of building by VS2010 in 64 bit mode if /I "%VCVER%" == "vc10" ( if "%ARCH%" == "64" ( set "PATH=%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\bin\x86_amd64;%PATH%" ) echo Attention: If you get problem during compilation with embedding manifests echo ^(mt.exe^), try building ^(not rebuilding^) for the second time )