# Nf Screen designer for Tk toolkit # Copyright (C) 2004 Jeff Epler # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA namespace eval ::rb {} foreach b [bind Radiobutton] { bind ::rb::nicer_rb $b { after cancel ::rb::nicer_rb_update %W; after idle ::rb::nicer_rb_update %W } bind ::rb::nicer_rb_b $b [subst -nocommands { event generate [winfo parent %W] $b \ -button %b -state %s -time %t -x %x -y %y \ -rootx %X -rooty %Y }] } foreach b { } { bind ::rb::nicer_rb_b $b {} } bind ::rb::nicer_rb { after cancel ::rb::nicer_rb_configure %W; after idle ::rb::nicer_rb_configure %W } image create photo ::rb::radio.normal.0 -file $imagedir/rbn0.gif image create photo ::rb::radio.disabled.0 -file $imagedir/rbd0.gif image create photo ::rb::radio.active.0 -file $imagedir/rba0.gif image create photo ::rb::radio.normal.1 -file $imagedir/rbn1.gif image create photo ::rb::radio.disabled.1 -file $imagedir/rbd1.gif image create photo ::rb::radio.active.1 -file $imagedir/rba1.gif proc ::rb::nicer_rb_update {w args} { if {![winfo exists $w]} { return } set state [::rb::_$w cget -state] set var [::rb::_$w cget -variable] upvar \#0 $var val set is_on [expr {"[::rb::_$w cget -value]" == "$val"}] if {$state == "disabled"} { set bstate normal } else { set bstate $state } $w._button configure -image ::rb::radio.$state.$is_on -state $bstate } proc ::rb::nicer_rb {w} { set v [::rb::_$w cget -variable] upvar \#0 $v var trace variable var w [list ::rb::nicer_rb_update $w] button $w._button -bd 0 -highlightt 0 -takefocus 0 bind $w._button [list trace vdelete $v w [list ::rb::nicer_rb_update $w]] ::rb::nicer_rb_configure $w } proc ::rb::nicer_rb_configure {w} { if {![::rb::_$w cget -indicatoron]} { place forget $w._button; return } set anchor [::rb::_$w cget -anchor] if {[::rb::_$w cget -width] != 0 && $anchor != "w" && $anchor != "nw" && $anchor != "sw"} { ::rb::_$w configure -anchor w } set hasimage [expr {"[::rb::_$w cget -image]" != ""}] set loss [expr 2*[::rb::_$w cget -bd] - 2*[::rb::_$w cget -highlightt]] if {$hasimage} { set sz [winfo reqheight $w] } else { set sz [font metrics [::rb::_$w cget -font] -linespace] } set sz [expr $sz - $loss] set ofs [expr [winfo width $w] - [winfo reqwidth $w]] switch $anchor { center - n - s { set x [expr $ofs/2] } ne - e - se { set x $ofs } nw - w - sw { set x 0 } default { set x 0 } } set height [expr [winfo height $w]-2*[::rb::_$w cget -highlightthickness]-2] place $w._button -x $x -y 0 -width $sz -height $height if {[lsearch [bindtags $w] ::rb::nicer_rb] == -1} { bindtags $w [concat ::rb::nicer_rb [bindtags $w]] bindtags $w._button [list ::rb::nicer_rb_b [winfo toplevel $w] all] } ::rb::nicer_rb_update $w } # If there is an image, then the height of the button is the # reqheight of the widget. Otherwise, the height of the button # is the height of one line of text. The width is the same # as the height. (if there's an explicit width, we're fucked # because 'font measure' sucks) # # If the anchor is center, n, or s then the left-hand side # of the button is at ([winfo width $w]-[winfo reqwidth $w])/2 # If the anchor is w, nw, or sw, then the left-hand side of the # button is at 0 # If the anchor is e, ne, or se, then the left-hand side of the # button is at [winfo width $w]-[winfo reqwidth $w] proc ::rb::install {} { if {$::tk_version >= "8.5"} { return } rename ::radiobutton ::rb::real_radiobutton proc ::radiobutton { path args } { eval [concat ::rb::real_radiobutton $path $args] rename $path ::rb::_$path proc $path { args } [subst -nocommands { set ret [eval [concat ::rb::_$path \$args]] ::rb::nicer_rb_configure $path set ret }] ::rb::nicer_rb $path set path } }