#!/usr/bin/env python # Notes: # 1) ini file items: # NGCGUI_PREAMBLE # NGCGUI_SUBFILE # NGCGUI_POSTAMBLE # NGCGUI_OPTIONS # nonew disallow new tabs # noremove disallow removal of tabs # noauto don't automatically send result file # noexpand (ngcgui used, not supported pyngcgui) # nom2 (no m2 terminator (use %)) # 2) To make pyngcgui embedded fit in small screen: # Try: # max_parms=10|20|30 (will reject otherwise valid subfiles) # image_width=240 # reduce subroutine parm name lengths and/or comment string length #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright: 2013-4 # Author: Dewey Garrett # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ python classes to implement an ngcgui-like application These ini file items are compatible with ngcgui.tcl: [DISPLAY]NGCGUI_PREAMBLE single specifier [DISPLAY]NGCGUI_POSTAMBLE single specifier [DISPLAY]NGCGUI_SUBFILE multiples allowed, use "" for Custom tab [DISPLAY]NGCGUI_OPTIONS noremove disallow tabpage removal nonew disallow tabpage creation noiframe don't show image in tabpage noauto don't automatically send result file [DISPLAY]PROGRAM_PREFIX subroutine path: start [RS274NGC]SUBROUTINE_PATH subroutine path: middle [WIZARD]WIZARD_ROOT subroutine path: end [DISPLAY]NGCGUI_FONT not used [DISPLAY]TKPKG not applicable """ from types import * # IntType etc import os import sys import re import gtk import getopt import datetime import subprocess import linuxcnc import hashlib import gobject import glob import shutil import popupkeyboard import exceptions # for debug printing import traceback # for debug printing import hal # notused except for debug from gladevcp import hal_actions g_ui_dir = linuxcnc.SHARE + "/linuxcnc" # determine if glade interface designer is running # in order to prevent connection of most signals g_is_glade = False if ( ('glade' in sys.argv[0]) and ('gladevcp' not in sys.argv[0])): for d in os.environ['PATH'].split(':'): f = os.path.join(d,sys.argv[0]) if ( os.path.isfile(f) and os.access(f, os.X_OK)): g_is_glade = True break g_alive = not g_is_glade import gettext LOCALEDIR = linuxcnc.SHARE + "/locale" gettext.install("linuxcnc", localedir=LOCALEDIR, unicode=True) try: import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') except ImportError,msg: print('import pygtk failed: %s',msg) pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ g_debug = False g_verbose = False g_nom2 = False # True for no m2 terminator (use %) g_strict = False # enforce additional subfile formatting requirements g_tmode = 0 # for development g_entry_height = 20 # default parm entry height # (override for popupkeyboard) g_big_height = 35 # increased parm entry height value g_image_width = 320 # image size g_image_height = 240 # image size g_check_interval = 2 # periodic check (seconds) g_label_id = 0 # subroutine labels modifier when expanding in place g_progname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] g_dtfmt = "%y%m%d:%H.%M.%S" g_stat = None # linuxcnc.stat object g_popkbd = None # PopupKeyboard object g_candidate_files = None # CandidateFiles object g_send_function = None # function object f(fname) return True for success g_tab_controls_loc ='top' # 'top' | 'bottom' g_keyboardfile = os.path.join(g_ui_dir,'popupkeyboard.ui') g_control_font = None g_font_users = [] g_auto_file_ct = 1 INTERP_SUB_PARAMS = 30 # (1-based) conform to: # src/emc/rs274ngc/interp_internal.hh:#define INTERP_SUB_PARAMS 30 g_max_parm = INTERP_SUB_PARAMS g_max_msg_len = 500 # limit popup msg len for errant gcmc input g_gcmc_exe = None g_gcmc_funcname = 'tmpgcmc' g_gcmc_id = 0 black_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('black') white_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('white') error_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('red') green_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('green') blue_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('blue') yellow_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('yellow') purple_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('purple') feature_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('lightslategray') label_normal_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('lightsteelblue2') label_active_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('ivory2') base_entry_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('azure1') fg_created_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('palegreen') fg_multiple_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('cyan') fg_normal_color = black_color bg_dvalue_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('darkseagreen2') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def exception_show(ename,detail,src=''): print('\n%s:' % src ) print('Exception: %s' % ename ) print(' detail: %s' % detail ) if type(detail) == exceptions.ValueError: for x in detail: if type(x) in (StringType, UnicodeType): print('detail(s):',x) else: for y in x: print('detail(d):',y,) elif type(detail) == StringType: print('detail(s):',detail) elif type(detail) == ListType: for x in detail: print('detail(l):',x) else: print(ename,detail) if g_debug: #print(sys.exc_info()) print( traceback.format_exc()) def save_a_copy(fname,archive_dir='/tmp/old_ngc'): if fname is None: return try: if not os.path.exists(archive_dir): os.mkdir(archive_dir) shutil.copyfile(fname ,os.path.join(archive_dir,dt() + '_' + os.path.basename(fname))) except IOError,msg: print(_('save_a_copy: IOError copying file to %s') % archive_dir) print(msg) except Exception, detail: exception_show(Exception,detail,src='save_a_copy') print(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1) def get_linuxcnc_ini_file(): # example pgrep -lf output: # 22224 linuxcncsvr -ini /path_to/somefile.ini s = subprocess.Popen(['pgrep','-lf','linuxcncsvr'] ,stdout=subprocess.PIPE ,stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) p,e = s.communicate() if s.returncode: print(_('get_linuxcnc_ini_file: stdout= %s') % p) print(_('get_linuxcnc_ini_file: stderr= %s') % e) return None ans = p.split()[p.split().index('-ini')+1] return ans def dummy_send(filename): return False # always fail def default_send(filename): import gladevcp.hal_filechooser try: s = linuxcnc.stat().poll() except: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title=_('linuxcnc not running') ,msg = _('cannot send, linuxcnc not running')) return False try: fchooser = gladevcp.hal_filechooser.EMC_Action_Open() fchooser._hal_init() fchooser._load_file(filename) return True except: return False def send_to_axis(filename): # return True for success # NB: file with errors may hang in axis gui s = subprocess.Popen(['axis-remote',filename] ,stdout=subprocess.PIPE ,stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) p,e = s.communicate() if s.returncode: print(_('%s:send_to_axis: stdout= %s') % (g_progname,p)) print(_('%s:send_to_axis: stderr= %s') % (g_progname,e)) return False if p: print(_('%s:send_to_axis: stdout= %s') % (g_progname,p)) if e: print(_('%s:send_to_axis: stderr= %s') % (g_progname,e)) return True def file_save(fname,title_message='Save File'): start_dir = os.path.dirname(fname) if start_dir == '': start_dir = os.path.curdir fc = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=title_message ,parent=None ,action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE ,buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL ,gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK ) ,backend=None ) fc.set_current_folder(start_dir) fc.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name('NGC files') filter.add_pattern('*.ngc') filter.add_pattern('*.NGC') filter.add_pattern('*.nc') filter.add_pattern('*.NC') filter.add_pattern('*.gcmc') filter.add_pattern('*.GCMC') fc.add_filter(filter) fc.set_current_name(os.path.basename(fname)) # suggest name (for save) fname = None ans = fc.run() if ans == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: fname = fc.get_filename() elif ans == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: print(_('file_save:canceled')) elif ans == gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT: # window close print(_('file_save:window closed')) else: raise IOError,_('file_save:unexpected') fc.destroy() return(fname) def is_comment(s): if s[0] == ';': return bool(1) # ;xxx elif s[0] == '(': if s[-2] == ')': return bool(1) # (yyy) else: return bool(1) # (yyy)zzz maybe bogus return bool(0) def get_info_item(line): # expect line as unaltered line with whitespace l = line.translate(None,' \t').lower() r = re.search(r'^\(info:(.*)\)',l) if r: r = re.search(r'.*info:(.*)\)',line) if r: return r.group(1) return None def check_sub_start(s): r = re.search(r'^o<(.*)>sub.*',s) if r: #print('check_sub_start:g0:',r.group(0)) #print('check_sub_start:g1:',r.group(1)) return r.group(1) return None def check_sub_end(s): r = re.search(r'^o<(.*)>endsub.*',s) if r: #print('check_sub_end:g0:',r.group(0)) #print('check_sub_end:g1:',r.group(1)) return r.group(1) return None def check_for_label(s): r = re.search(r'^o<(.*?)> *(sub|endsub).*',s) if r: return 'ignoreme' # do not include on expand r = re.search(r'^o<(.*?)> *(call).*',s) if r: return None # do not mod label on expand r = re.search(r'^o<(.*?)>.*',s) if r: return r.group(1) # make label unique on expand return None def check_positional_parm_range(s,min,max): r = re.search(r'#([0-9]+)',s) if r: pnum = int(r.group(1)) # here check is against system limit; g_max_parm applied elsewhere if r and (pnum <= INTERP_SUB_PARAMS): if pnum < min: min = pnum if pnum > max: max = pnum return pnum,min,max return None,None,None def find_positional_parms(s): # requires original line (mixed case with whitespace) # find special association lines for positional parameters # The '*', '+', and '?' qualifiers are all greedy. # Greedy <.*> matches all of


# NonGreedy <.*?> matches the only first

# case1 #=#n (=defaultvalue comment_text) # case2 #=#n (=defaultvalue) # case3 #=#n (comment_text) # case4 #=#n name = None pnum = None dvalue = None comment = None s = s.expandtabs() # tabs to spaces r = re.search( r' *# *<([a-z0-9_-]+)> *= *#([0-9]+) *\(= *([0-9.+-]+[0-9.]*?) *(.*)\)' ,s,re.I) #case1 1name 2pnum 3dvalue 4comment if r is None: r=re.search( r' *# *<([a-z0-9_-]+)> *= *#([0-9]+) *\( *([0-9.+-]+)\)',s,re.I) #case2 1name 2pnum 3dvalue if r is None: r=re.search( r' *# *<([a-z0-9_-]+)> *= *#([0-9]+) *\((.*)\)',s,re.I) #case3 1name 2pnum 3comment if r is None: r=re.search( r' *# *<([a-z0-9_-]+)> *= *#([0-9]+) *$',s,re.I) #case4 1name 2pnum # if r: # for i in range(0,1+len(r.groups())): # print('PARSE groups',len(r.groups()),i,r.group(i)) if r: n = len(r.groups()) if r and n >= 2: name = comment = r.group(1) # use name as comment if not specified pnum = int(r.group(2)) # here check is against system limit; g_max_parm applied elsewhere if pnum > INTERP_SUB_PARAMS: return None,None,None,None if n == 3: if r.group(3)[0] == '=': dvalue = r.group(3)[1:] else: comment = r.group(3)[:] if n == 4: dvalue = r.group(3) if dvalue.find('.') >= 0: dvalue = float(dvalue) else: dvalue = int(dvalue) if r.group(4): comment = r.group(4) if n > 4: print('find_positional_parametrs unexpected n>4',s,) comment = r.group(4) if comment is None: print('find_positional_parameters:NOCOMMENT') # can't happen comment = '' return name,pnum,dvalue,comment def user_message(title="" ,mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO ,flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,msg=None): if msg is None: return(None) if type(msg) == ListType: txt = "".join(msg) else: txt = msg vprint('USER_MESSAGE:\n%s' % txt) popup = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = None ,flags=flags ,type=mtype ,buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK ,message_format = txt ) popup.set_title(title) result = popup.run() popup.destroy() return(result) def dt(): return(datetime.datetime.now().strftime(g_dtfmt)) def md5sum(fname): if not fname: return None return(hashlib.md5(open(fname, 'r').read()).hexdigest()) def find_image(fname): found = False for suffix in ('png','gif','jpg','pgm'): name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] dir = os.path.dirname(fname) ifile = os.path.join(dir,name + '.' + suffix) if os.path.isfile(ifile): found = True break if not found: return None return ifile def sized_image(ifile): twidth = g_image_width theight = g_image_height img = gtk.Image() img.set_from_file(ifile) pixbuf = img.get_pixbuf() iwidth = pixbuf.get_width() # image size iheight = pixbuf.get_height() scale = min(float(twidth)/iwidth, float(theight)/iheight) #print('iw,ih %d,%d tw,th=%d,%d, scale=%f' % ( # iwidth,iheight,twidth,theight,scale)) new_width = int(scale*iwidth) new_height = int(scale*iheight) pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(new_width,new_height ,gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) img.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) return(img) def show_dir(x,tag=''): l = [] for name in sorted(dir(x)): if name[0:2] == '__': continue item = getattr(x,name) ty = type(item) if ty == MethodType: l.append('%-8s %s()' % ('0 Meth',name)) elif ty == ListType: i = 0 for v in item: try: vnonewline = v[:-1] if v.endswith('\n') else v l.append('%-8s %s[%2s] = %s' % ('2 List',name,i,vnonewline)) i += 1 except: l.append('xxx %s %s' % (name,str(item))) elif ty == DictionaryType: for k in sorted(item): l.append('%-8s %s[%2s] = %s' % ('3 Dict',name,k,item[k])) elif ty == BooleanType: l.append('%-8s %s = %s' % ('4 Bool',name,str(item))) elif ty == IntType: l.append('%-8s %s = %s' % ('5 Int',name,str(item))) elif ty == FloatType: l.append('%-8s %s = %s' % ('6 Float',name,str(item))) elif ty == StringType: l.append('%-8s %s = %s' % ('7 Str',name,item)) else: s = str(item).split(' ')[0] + '>' s=item l.append('%-8s %s = %s' % ('1 Obj',name,s)) print('\n') print('%s----------------------------------------------------------' % tag) for i in sorted(l): print(i) print('%s==========================================================' % tag) def dprint(txt): if g_debug: print(':' + txt) def vprint(txt): if g_verbose: print('::' + txt) def spath_from_inifile(fname): if not fname: return [] ini = linuxcnc.ini(fname) homedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(fname)) # http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/config/ini_config.html l = [] p = ini.find('DISPLAY','PROGRAM_PREFIX') if p: l = [p] p = ini.find('RS274NGC','SUBROUTINE_PATH') if p: newdirs = p.split(':') for dir in newdirs: # dont add duplicates if dir not in l: l.append(dir) p = ini.find('WIZARD','WIZARD_ROOT') if p: l.extend(p.split(':')) lfull = [] for d in l: d = os.path.expanduser(d) if os.path.isabs(d): lfull.append(d) else: # relative path implies cwd is correct d2 = os.path.join(homedir,d) lfull.append(os.path.abspath(d2)) if lfull: return lfull return [] def mpath_from_inifile(fname): if not fname: return None ini = linuxcnc.ini(ifname) homedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fname)) l = [] p = ini.find('DISPLAY','PROGRAM_PREFIX') if p: l = [p] else: l = 'nc_files' p = ini.find('RS274NGC','USER_M_PATH') if p: l.extend(p.split(':')) lfull = [] for d in l: if os.path.isabs(d): lfull.append(d) else: d2 = os.path.join(homedir,d) lfull.append(os.path.abspath(d2)) if lfull: return lfull return None def spath_from_files(pre_file,sub_files,pst_file): # when there is no ini file for path because # linuxcnc not running # and # no ini specifed on cmd line l = [] slist = [] if type(sub_files) == StringType and sub_files: slist.append(sub_files) else: slist = sub_files for sub_file in slist: dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sub_file)) if dir not in l: l.append(dir) if pre_file: dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pre_file)) if dir not in l: l.append(dir) if pst_file: dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pst_file)) if dir not in l: l.append(dir) if l: return l return [] def long_name(name): if name == 'pre': return 'Preamble' elif name == 'sub': return 'Subroutine' elif name == 'pst': return 'Postamble' else: return 'Unknown' def show_parent(w,ct=0): if w is None: print('show_parent: None') return print('show_parent:',ct,w) if w.is_toplevel(): print('TOP\n') return else: show_parent(w.get_parent(),ct+1) def all_coords(iterable): ans = '' for t in iterable: ans = ans + '%7.3f' % t return ans def show_position(): g_stat.poll() print('POSITION-----------------------------------------------------') print(' ap',all_coords(g_stat.actual_position)) print(' p',all_coords(g_stat.position)) l = [] p = g_stat.actual_position for i in range(9): l.append(p[i] - g_stat.g5x_offset[i] - g_stat.tool_offset[i] ) print('offset ap',all_coords(l)) l = [] p = g_stat.position for i in range(9): l.append(p[i] - g_stat.g5x_offset[i] - g_stat.tool_offset[i] ) print('offset p',all_coords(l)) print('POSITION=====================================================') def coord_value(char): # offset calc from emc_interface.py (touchy et al) # char = 'x' | 'y' | ... # 'd' is for diameter c = char.lower() g_stat.poll() p = g_stat.position # tuple: (xvalue, yvalue, ... if (c == 'd'): if (1 & g_stat.axis_mask): # diam = 2 * x return (p[0] - g_stat.g5x_offset[0] - g_stat.tool_offset[0])* 2 else: return 'xxx' # return a string that will convert with float() axno = 'xyzabcuvw'.find(c) if not ( (1 << axno) & g_stat.axis_mask ): return 'xxx' # return a string that will convert with float() return p[axno] - g_stat.g5x_offset[axno] - g_stat.tool_offset[axno] def make_g_styles(): dummylabel = gtk.Label() global g_lbl_style_default g_lbl_style_default = dummylabel.get_style().copy() g_lbl_style_default.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = label_normal_color g_lbl_style_default.bg[gtk.STATE_ACTIVE] = label_active_color global g_lbl_style_created g_lbl_style_created = dummylabel.get_style().copy() global g_lbl_style_multiple g_lbl_style_multiple = dummylabel.get_style().copy() g_lbl_style_multiple.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = feature_color g_lbl_style_multiple.bg[gtk.STATE_ACTIVE] = feature_color g_lbl_style_created.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = feature_color g_lbl_style_created.bg[gtk.STATE_ACTIVE] = feature_color del dummylabel dummyentry = gtk.Entry() global g_ent_style_normal g_ent_style_normal = dummyentry.get_style().copy() global g_ent_style_default g_ent_style_default = dummyentry.get_style().copy() global g_ent_style_error g_ent_style_error = dummyentry.get_style().copy() g_ent_style_normal.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = base_entry_color g_ent_style_default.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = bg_dvalue_color g_ent_style_error.text[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = error_color g_ent_style_error.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = base_entry_color del dummyentry def mod_font_by_category(obj,mode='control'): # currently mode = control (only) # touchy has 4 font categories: control,dro,error,listing if mode == 'control': font = g_control_font else: print('mod_font_by_category:unknown mode %s' % mode) return targetobj = None if type(obj) == type(gtk.Label()): targetobj = obj elif type(obj) == type(gtk.Entry()): targetobj = obj elif type(obj) == type(gtk.Button()): #gtk.Alignment object if isinstance(obj.child, gtk.Label): targetobj = obj.child elif isinstance(obj.child, gtk.Alignment): pass elif hasattr(obj,'modify_font'): targetobj = obj else: raise ValueError,'mod_font_by_category: no child' return else: raise ValueError,'mod_font_by_category: unsupported:',type(obj) return if targetobj is None: return if font is None: #print('mod_font_by_category:nofont available for %s' % mode) return # silently targetobj.modify_font(g_control_font) global g_font_users if targetobj not in g_font_users: g_font_users.append(targetobj) def update_fonts(fontname): global g_control_font g_control_font = fontname for obj in g_font_users: mod_font_by_category(obj) def clean_tmpgcmc(odir): if odir == "": odir = g_searchpath[0] savedir = os.path.join("/tmp", g_gcmc_funcname) # typ /tmp/tmpgcmc if not os.path.isdir(savedir): os.mkdir(savedir,0755) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(odir,g_gcmc_funcname + "*.ngc")): # rename ng across file systems shutil.move(f,os.path.join(savedir,os.path.basename(f))) def find_gcmc(): global g_gcmc_exe # find on first request if g_gcmc_exe == "NOTFOUND": return False # earlier search failed if g_gcmc_exe is not None: return True # already found for dir in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe = os.path.join(dir,'gcmc') if os.path.isfile(exe): if os.access(exe,os.X_OK): clean_tmpgcmc("") # clean on first find_gcmc g_gcmc_exe = exe return True # success g_gcmc_exe = "NOTFOUND" user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title=_('Error for:') ,msg = _('gcmc executable not available:' + '\nCheck path and permissions')) return False # fail #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- make_g_styles() class CandidateDialog(): """CandidateDialog: dialog with a treeview in a scrollwindow""" def __init__(self,ftype=''): self.ftype = ftype lname = long_name(self.ftype) title = "Choose %s file" % lname btns=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT ,gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) if ( (self.ftype == 'pre') or (self.ftype == 'pst') ): # RESPONSE_NO used to allow 'nofile' for 'pre','pst' btns = btns + ('No %s File' % lname, gtk.RESPONSE_NO) self.fdialog = gtk.Dialog(title=title ,parent=None ,flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,buttons=btns ) self.fdialog.set_size_request(600,600) scrollw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrollw.set_border_width(5) scrollw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS) scrollw.show() box = self.fdialog.get_content_area() box.pack_start(scrollw, True, True, 0) global g_candidate_files self.canfiles = g_candidate_files self.canfiles.refresh() self.treestore = g_candidate_files.treestore self.treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.treestore) if g_alive: self.treeview.connect('row-activated',self.row_activated) column0 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Subroutine Directories') self.treeview.append_column(column0) cell0 = gtk.CellRendererText() column0.pack_start(cell0, True) column0.add_attribute(cell0, 'text', 0) column1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Hint') self.treeview.append_column(column1) cell1 = gtk.CellRendererText() column1.pack_start(cell1, True) column1.add_attribute(cell1, 'text', 1) column2 = gtk.TreeViewColumn('mtime') self.treeview.append_column(column2) cell2 = gtk.CellRendererText() column2.pack_start(cell2, True) column2.add_attribute(cell2, 'text', 2) scrollw.add_with_viewport(self.treeview) scrollw.show_all() def get_file_result(self): # return: (name,errmsg) try: (model,iter) = self.treeview.get_selection().get_selected() except AttributeError: return(None,'') # nothing selected if not iter: return(None,'') fname,status,mtime = self.canfiles.get_tree_data(iter) if os.path.isdir(fname): return(None,'') # cannot use a selected dir ok = True # contradict this if (self.ftype == 'pre') or (self.ftype == 'pst'): if status.find('not_a_subfile') >= 0: ok = True if status.find('Preempted') >= 0: ok = False else: if status.find('not_a_subfile') >= 0: ok = False if status.find('not_allowed') >= 0: ok = False if status.find('Preempted') >= 0: ok = False if ok: return (fname,'') emsg = (_('The selected file is not usable\n' 'as a %s file\n' '(%s)') % (long_name(self.ftype),status) ) return('TRYAGAIN',emsg) def row_activated(self,tview,iter,column): self.fdialog.response(gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) pass def run(self): return(self.fdialog.run()) def destroy(self): self.fdialog.destroy() class CandidateFiles(): """CandidateFiles treestore for candidate files""" def __init__(self,dirlist): self.dirlist=dirlist self.treestore = gtk.TreeStore(str,str,str) self.tdict = {} self.make_tree() def refresh(self): # currently, just do over # potential to reread only files with modified mtimes self.__init__(self.dirlist) def make_tree(self): didx = 0 flist = [] for dir in self.dirlist: self.tdict[didx,] = dir # row must be a tuple or list containing as many items # as the number of columns try: mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(dir)) except OSError,detail: print(_('%s:make_tree:%s' % (g_progname,detail) )) continue # try to skip this dir with message mtime = mtime.strftime(g_dtfmt) # truncate fractional seconds iter = self.treestore.append(None, [dir,"Directory",mtime]) fidx = 0 for f in ( sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir,"*.ngc"))) + sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir,"*.NGC"))) + sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir,"*.gcmc"))) + sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir,"*.GCMC"))) ): fname = os.path.basename(f) self.tdict[didx,fidx] = fname stat = "" fd = open(f) ftxt = fd.read() fd.close() if os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] in ['.gcmc','.GCMC']: stat = '%sgcmc:ok' % stat if ftxt.find('not_a_subfile') >= 0: stat = '%snot_a_subfile ' % stat if ftxt.find('(info:') >= 0: stat = '%sngcgui-ok ' % stat if fname in flist: stat = '%sPreempted ' % stat if ftxt.find('FEATURE') >= 0: stat = '%snot_allowed ' % stat if stat == "": stat = "?" if stat.find("Preempted") >= 0: stat = "Preempted" # suppress ok flist.append(fname) mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(f)) mtime = mtime.strftime(g_dtfmt) # truncate fractional seconds self.treestore.append(iter, [fname,stat,mtime]) fidx += 1 didx += 1 def get_tree_data(self,iter): path = self.treestore.get_path(iter) if len(path) > 1: row,col = path dir = self.tdict[row,] fname = self.treestore.get_value(iter,0) status = self.treestore.get_value(iter,1) mtime = self.treestore.get_value(iter,2) else: dir = self.tdict[path] fname = '' status = '' mtime = '' return os.path.join(dir,fname),status,mtime class LinuxcncInterface(): """LinuxcncInterface: ini file and running linuxcnc data""" def __init__(self,cmdline_ini_file=''): self.lrunning = False self.ini_data = None self.subroutine_path = [] self.user_m_path = None self.ini_file = None self.ngcgui_options = [] self.editor = os.environ.get("VISUAL") use_ini_file = None l_ini_file = '' stat = linuxcnc.stat() try: global g_stat g_stat = linuxcnc.stat() g_stat.poll() # poll faults if linuxcnc not running self.lrunning = True l_ini_file = get_linuxcnc_ini_file() except linuxcnc.error,msg: g_stat = None print('INTFC:err:',msg) print('INTFC:' + _('Warning: linuxcnc not running')) print('%s:INTFC:linuxcnc running=%d' % (g_progname,self.lrunning)) print('%s:INTFC:ini_file=<%s>' % (g_progname,l_ini_file)) # cmdline_ini_file can be specified on cmdline and from intfc: # if neither ok: if no cmdline subfile, make custom page # if cmdonly ok # if runonly ok # if both ok: warn message and continue if cmdline_ini_file: cmdline_spath = spath_from_inifile(cmdline_ini_file) if l_ini_file: l_spath = spath_from_inifile(l_ini_file) if not cmdline_ini_file and not l_ini_file: ini_file = None spath = [] #print('NEITHER') if not cmdline_ini_file and l_ini_file: ini_file = l_ini_file spath = l_spath #print("OK running only <,",cmdline_ini_file,l_ini_file,">") if cmdline_ini_file and not l_ini_file: ini_file = cmdline_ini_file spath = cmdline_spath #print('OK cmdline only') if cmdline_ini_file and l_ini_file: #print("BOTH ini file on both cmdline and running linuxcnc") msg = "" if os.path.abspath(cmdline_ini_file) != l_ini_file: ini_file = l_ini_file msg = (_('The ini file specified on cmdline') + ':\n' + os.path.abspath(cmdline_ini_file) + '\n\n' + _('is different from the one used by the running linuxcnc') + ':\n' + l_ini_file + '\n\n' ) if cmdline_spath == l_spath: ini_file = cmdline_ini_file spath = cmdline_spath msg = msg + _('Using cmd line ini file (same paths)') else: ini_file = l_ini_file spath = l_spath msg = msg + _('Ignoring cmd line ini file (different paths)') user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING ,title=_('Warning') ,msg=msg ) if ini_file: self.ini_file = ini_file self.ini_data = linuxcnc.ini(self.ini_file) # get it again to avoid (unlikely) race self.subroutine_path = spath_from_inifile(ini_file) self.ngcgui_options = self.ini_data.find('DISPLAY','NGCGUI_OPTIONS') self.editor = ( self.editor or self.ini_data.find('DISPLAY','EDITOR')) # create at startup, refresh as required global g_candidate_files g_candidate_files = CandidateFiles(self.get_subroutine_path()) def addto_spath(self,pathtoadd): if type(pathtoadd) != ListType: raise ValueError,( 'addto_spath: List required not: %s %s' % (pathtoadd,type(pathtoadd)) ) # dont add duplicates if pathtoadd not in self.subroutine_path: self.subroutine_path.extend(pathtoadd) def get_editor(self): return self.editor or 'gedit' def get_ini_file(self): return(self.ini_file) def get_subroutine_path(self): return(self.subroutine_path) def get_user_m_path(self): return(self.user_m_path) def find_file_in_path(self,fname): # return tuple: # '', 'NULLFILE' if fname None or '' # fname, 'NOPATH' no path defined (eg no inifile) # foundfilename, 'FOUND' found in path # fname, 'NOTFOUND' not in path (may exist) if not fname: return('','NULLFILE') if not self.subroutine_path: return(fname,'NOPATH') bname = os.path.basename(fname) # only basename used foundlist = [] foundfilename = None for p in self.subroutine_path: f = os.path.join(p,bname) if os.path.isfile(f): if not foundfilename: foundfilename = f #first one wins foundlist.append(f) if len(foundlist) > 1: print(_('find_file_in_path:Multiple Results: %s') % foundlist) print(_(' Search path: %s') % self.subroutine_path) if foundfilename: vprint('find_file_in_path:%s' % foundfilename) return(foundfilename,'FOUND') print('find_file_in_path<%s> NOTFOUND' % fname) return(fname,'NOTFOUND') def get_subfiles(self): if self.ini_data: #returns list return(self.ini_data.findall('DISPLAY','NGCGUI_SUBFILE')) else: return(None) def get_preamble(self): if self.ini_data: return(self.ini_data.find('DISPLAY','NGCGUI_PREAMBLE')) else: return(None) def get_postamble(self): if self.ini_data: return(self.ini_data.find('DISPLAY','NGCGUI_POSTAMBLE')) else: return(None) def get_font(self): if self.ini_data: return(self.ini_data.find('DISPLAY','NGCGUI_FONT')) else: return(None) def get_ngcgui_options(self): return(self.ngcgui_options or []) def get_gcmc_include_path(self): dirs = (self.ini_data.find('DISPLAY','GCMC_INCLUDE_PATH')) return(dirs) def get_program_prefix(self): if self.ini_data: dir = self.ini_data.find('DISPLAY','PROGRAM_PREFIX') dir = os.path.expanduser(dir) if not os.path.isabs(dir): # relative, base on inidir dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.ini_file),dir) return(dir) else: return(None) class PreFile(): """PreFile: preamble file data""" def __init__(self,thefile): self.pre_file = thefile self.read() def clear(self): self.pre_file = '' self.inputlines=[] def read(self): #print('PreFile read') self.md5 = None self.mtime = None self.inputlines = [] if self.pre_file == "": return self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.pre_file) f = open(self.pre_file) for l in f.readlines(): # dont include not_a_subfile lines if (l.find('not_a_subfile') < 0) and (l.strip() != ''): self.inputlines.append(l) f.close() self.md5 = md5sum(self.pre_file) class PstFile(): """PstFile: postamble file data""" def __init__(self,thefile): self.pst_file = thefile self.read() def clear(self): self.pst_file = '' self.inputlines = [] def read(self): #print('PstFile read') self.md5 = None self.mtime = None self.inputlines = [] if self.pst_file == "": return self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.pst_file) f = open(self.pst_file) for l in f.readlines(): # dont include not_a_subfile lines if (l.find('not_a_subfile') < 0) and (l.strip() != ''): self.inputlines.append(l) f.close() self.md5 = md5sum(self.pst_file) class SubFile(): """SubFile: subfile data""" def __init__(self,thefile): self.sub_file = thefile self.min_num = sys.maxint self.max_num = 0 self.pdict = {} # named items: pdict[keyword] = value self.ndict = {} # ordinal items: ndict[idx] = (name,dvalue,comment) self.ldict = {} # label items: ldict[lno] = thelabel self.pdict['info'] = '' self.pdict['lastparm'] = 0 self.pdict['subname'] = '' self.inputlines = [] self.errlist=[] self.md5 = None self.mtime = None if self.sub_file == '': return self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.sub_file) self.md5 = md5sum(self.sub_file) if os.path.splitext(self.sub_file)[-1] in ['.ngc','.NGC','.nc','.NC']: self.read_ngc() elif os.path.splitext(self.sub_file)[-1] in ['.gcmc','.GCMC']: self.read_gcmc() else: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title=_('Unknown file suffix') ,msg = _('Unknown suffix for: %s:') % os.path.basename(self.sub_file) ) return def clear(self): self.sub_file = '' self.pdict = {} self.ndict = {} self.ldict = {} self.inputlines = [] def flagerror(self,e): # accumulate erors from read() so entire file can be processed self.errlist.append(e) def specialcomments_ngc(self,s): if s.find(' FEATURE ') >= 0 : self.flagerror( "Disallowed use of ngcgui generated file as Subfile") if s.find('not_a_subfile') >= 0 : self.flagerror( "marked (not_a_subfile)\nNot intended for use as a subfile") def re_read(self): if self.pdict.has_key('isgcmc'): self.read_gcmc() else: self.read_ngc() def read_ngc(self): thesubname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.sub_file))[0] f = open(self.sub_file) self.inputlines = [] # in case rereading for l in f.readlines(): self.specialcomments_ngc(l) # for compat, check on unaltered line self.inputlines.append(l) idx = 1 # 1 based for labels ldict nextparm = 0 subname = None endsubname = None for line in self.inputlines: # rs274: no whitespace, simplify with lowercase info = get_info_item(line) # check on unaltered line l = line.translate(None,' \t').lower() lineiscomment = is_comment(l) if info is not None: self.pdict['info'] = info sname = check_sub_start(l) if subname is not None and sname is not None: self.flagerror("Multiple subroutines in file not allowed") if subname is None and sname is not None: subname = sname if subname is not None and subname != thesubname: self.flagerror("sub label " "%s does not match subroutine file name" % thesubname) if endsubname is not None: if lineiscomment or (l.strip() == ''): pass elif l.find('m2') >= 0: # linuxcnc ignores m2 after endsub in # single-file subroutines # mark as ignored here for use with expandsub option self.inputlines[-1] = (';' + g_progname + ' ignoring: ' + self.inputlines[-1]) pass else: self.flagerror('file contains lines after subend:\n' '%s' % l) ename = check_sub_end(l) if subname is None and ename is not None: self.flagerror("endsub before sub %s" % ename) if subname is not None and ename is not None: endsubname = ename if endsubname != subname: self.flagerror("endsubname different from subname") label = check_for_label(l) if label: self.ldict[idx] = label if ( subname is not None and endsubname is None and (not lineiscomment)): pparm,min,max= check_positional_parm_range(l ,self.min_num,self.max_num) if pparm > g_max_parm: self.flagerror( _('parm #%s exceeds config limit on no. of parms= %d\n') % (pparm,g_max_parm)) if pparm: self.min_num = min self.max_num = max # blanks required for this, use line not l name,pnum,dvalue,comment = find_positional_parms(line) if name: self.ndict[pnum] = (name,dvalue,comment) # require parms in sequence to minimize user errors nextparm = nextparm + 1 if g_strict: if pnum != nextparm: self.flagerror( _('out of sequence positional parameter' '%d expected: %d') % (pnum, nextparm)) while pnum > nextparm: makename = "#"+str(nextparm) self.ndict[nextparm] = makename,"",makename nextparm = nextparm + 1 self.pdict['lastparm'] = pnum idx = idx + 1 f.close() if subname is None: self.flagerror(_('no sub found in file\n')) if endsubname is None: self.flagerror(_('no endsub found in file\n')) if g_strict: if nextparm == 0: self.flagerror(_('no subroutine parms found\n')) self.pdict['subname'] = subname if self.pdict['info'] == '': self.pdict['info'] = 'sub: '+str(subname) if self.errlist: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title=_('Error for: %s ') % os.path.basename(self.sub_file) ,msg = self.errlist) self.errlist.append('SUBERROR') raise ValueError,self.errlist def read_gcmc(self): self.gcmc_opts = [] # list of options for gcmc pnum = 0 f = open(self.sub_file) for l in f.readlines(): rinfo = re.search(r'^ *\/\/ *ngcgui *: *info: *(.*)' ,l) if rinfo: #print 'info read_gcmc:g1:',rinfo.group(1) self.pdict['info'] = rinfo.group(1) # last one wins continue ropt = re.search(r'^ *\/\/ *ngcgui *: *(-.*)$' ,l) if ropt: gopt = ropt.group(1) gopt = gopt.split("//")[0] ;# trailing comment gopt = gopt.split(";")[0] ;# convenience gopt = gopt.strip() ;# leading/trailing spaces self.gcmc_opts.append(gopt) continue name = None dvalue = None comment = '' r3 = re.search(r'^ *\/\/ *ngcgui *: *(.*?) *= *(.*?) *\, *(.*?) *$', l) r2 = re.search(r'^ *\/\/ *ngcgui *: *(.*?) *= *(.*?) *$', l) r1 = re.search(r'^ *\\/\\/ *ngcgui *: *\(.*?\) *$', l) if r3: name = r3.group(1) dvalue = r3.group(2) comment = r3.group(3) elif r2: name = r2.group(1) dvalue = r2.group(2) elif r1: print 'r1-1 opt read_gcmc:g1:',r1.group(1) name = r1.group(1) if dvalue: # this is a convenience to make it simple to edit to # add a var without removing the semicolon # xstart = 10; # //ngcgui: xstart = 10; dvalue = dvalue.split(";")[0] # ignore all past a ; else: dvalue = '' if name: if comment is '': comment = name pnum += 1 self.ndict[pnum] = (name,dvalue,comment) self.pdict['isgcmc'] = True self.pdict['lastparm'] = pnum self.pdict['subname'] = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.sub_file))[0] if self.pdict['info'] == '': self.pdict['info'] = 'gcmc: '+ self.pdict['subname'] f.close() return True # ok class FileSet(): """FileSet: set of preamble,subfile,postamble files""" def __init__(self,pre_file ,sub_file ,pst_file ): # sub_file=='' is not an error, opens Custom self.pre_data = PreFile(pre_file) self.sub_data = SubFile(sub_file) self.pst_data = PstFile(pst_file) class OneParmEntry(): """OneParmEntry: one parameter labels and entry box""" def __init__(self,ltxt='ltxt' ,etxt='etxt' ,rtxt='rtxt'): self.box = gtk.HBox() self.ll = gtk.Label() self.en = gtk.Entry() self.lr = gtk.Label() self.dv = None ww = -1 hh = g_entry_height self.ll.set_label(ltxt) self.ll.set_width_chars(2) self.ll.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_RIGHT) self.ll.set_alignment(xalign=.90,yalign=0.5) # right aligned self.ll.set_size_request(ww,hh) self.en.set_text(etxt) self.en.set_width_chars(6) self.en.set_alignment(xalign=.90) # right aligned self.en.set_size_request(ww,hh) self.en.hide() #self.en.connect("button-press-event",self.grabit) if g_popkbd is not None: if g_alive: self.en.connect("button-press-event",self.popkeyboard) if g_alive: self.en.connect('changed', self.entry_changed) #-->w + txt self.lr.set_label(rtxt) self.lr.set_width_chars(0) # allow any width for compat with ngcgui self.lr.set_justify(gtk.JUSTIFY_LEFT) self.lr.set_alignment(xalign=0.2,yalign=0.5) # left aligned self.lr.set_size_request(ww,hh) self.lr.hide() mod_font_by_category(self.lr,'control') self.tbtns = gtk.HBox(homogeneous=0,spacing=2) self.tbtns.set_border_width(0) self.box.pack_start(self.tbtns, expand=0, fill=0, padding=0) self.tbtns.pack_start(self.ll, expand=0, fill=0, padding=0) self.tbtns.pack_start(self.en, expand=0, fill=0, padding=0) self.tbtns.pack_start(self.lr, expand=0, fill=0, padding=0) def grabit(self,*args,**kwargs): #print 'grabit',self,args,kwargs print '\ngrabit:can_get_focus:',self.en.get_can_focus() self.en.grab_focus() print 'grabit:has_focus',self.en.has_focus() print 'grabit: is_focus',self.en.is_focus() def popkeyboard(self,widget,v): origtxt = self.en.get_text() title = '#%s, <%s> %s' % (self.ll.get_text() ,self.en.get_text() ,self.lr.get_text() ) self.en.set_text('') if g_popkbd.run(initial_value='',title=title): self.en.set_text(g_popkbd.get_result()) else: # user canceled self.en.set_text(origtxt) def entry_changed(self,w): v = w.get_text().lower() if g_stat: r = re.search('[xyzabcuvwd]',v) if r: char = r.group(0) try: w.set_text("%.4f" % coord_value(char)) except TypeError: pass except Exception, detail: exception_show(Exception,detail,'entry_changed') pass if v == '': w.set_style(g_ent_style_normal) return else: try: float(v) w.set_style(g_ent_style_normal) except ValueError: w.set_style(g_ent_style_error) return try: if ( (self.dv is not None) and (float(v) == float(self.dv)) ): w.set_style(g_ent_style_default) return except ValueError: pass w.set_style(g_ent_style_normal) return def getentry(self): return(self.en.get_text()) def setentry(self,v): self.en.set_text(v) def clear_pentry(self): self.ll.set_text('') self.en.set_text('') self.lr.set_text('') self.ll.hide() self.en.hide() self.lr.hide() def make_pentry(self,ll,dvalue,lr,emode='initial'): # modes 'initial' # 'keep' self.dv = dvalue if dvalue is None: en = '' else: en = dvalue if ll is None: ll='' if lr is None: lr='' self.ll.set_text(str(ll)) if emode == 'initial': self.en.set_text(str(en)) # on reread, may be new parms with no text so use default # if (emode == 'keep') and (not self.en.get_text()): if (emode == 'keep') and (self.en.get_text() is None): self.en.set_text(str(en)) self.lr.set_text(str(lr)) if dvalue is None or dvalue == '': self.en.set_style(g_ent_style_normal) # normal (not a dvalue) else: self.en.set_style(g_ent_style_default) # a dvalue self.ll.show() self.en.show() self.lr.show() self.entry_changed(self.en) class EntryFields(): """EntryFields: Positional Parameters entry fields in a frame """ def __init__(self,nparms=INTERP_SUB_PARAMS): if nparms > g_max_parm: raise ValueError,(_( 'EntryFields:nparms=%d g_max_parm=%d') % (nparms,g_max_parm)) self.ebox = gtk.Frame() self.ebox.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) self.ebox.set_border_width(2) efbox = gtk.VBox() evb = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=0,spacing=2) xpositionalp = gtk.Label('Positional Parameters') xpositionalp.set_alignment(xalign=0.0,yalign=0.5) # left aligned epositionalp = gtk.EventBox() epositionalp.add(xpositionalp) epositionalp.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,label_normal_color) lpositionalp = gtk.Frame() lpositionalp.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) lpositionalp.set_border_width(0) lpositionalp.add(epositionalp) self.boxofcolumns = gtk.HBox(homogeneous=0,spacing=2) evb.pack_start(lpositionalp,expand=0,fill=1,padding=0) evb.pack_start(self.boxofcolumns, expand=1,fill=1,padding=4) efbox.pack_start(evb, expand=1,fill=1,padding=0) self.ebox.add(efbox) self.make_entryfields(nparms) # initialize for EntryFields def make_entryfields(self,nparms): self.no_of_entries = nparms # make VBoxes as required to accomodate entries # destroy them when starting over -- this occurs # when a OnePg is reused for a different subfile try: type(self.columnbox) # test for existence # destroy prior VBoxes packed in self.boxofcolumns for c in self.boxofcolumns.children(): self.boxofcolumns.remove(c) c.destroy() del(c) except AttributeError: # first-time: create initial VBox for entries self.columnbox = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=0,spacing=2) self.boxofcolumns.pack_start(self.columnbox) # try to use minimum height if less than 3 columns if nparms > 20: rowmax = 10 else: rowmax = int(nparms/2 + 0.5) self.pentries = {} row = 0 idx = 1 # 1-based to agree with parm no.s for i in range(0,nparms): if row >= rowmax: row = 0 # make a new VBox for next column of entries self.columnbox = gtk.VBox(homogeneous=0,spacing=2) self.boxofcolumns.pack_start(self.columnbox) self.pentries[idx] = OneParmEntry('','','') self.columnbox.pack_start(self.pentries[idx].box ,expand=0,fill=0,padding=0) row += 1 idx += 1 self.boxofcolumns.show_all() def getentry_byidx(self,idx): return(self.pentries[idx].getentry()) def clear_pentry_byidx(self,idx): self.pentries[idx].clear_pentry() def make_pentry_byidx(self,idx,ll,en,lr,emode='initial'): self.pentries[idx].make_pentry(ll,en,lr,emode) def getstuff_byidx(self,idx): print("1getstuff idx=",idx) self.pentries[idx].getstuff() def get_box(self): return self.ebox def clear_parm_entries(self): for pidx in range(1,self.no_of_entries+1): self.clear_pentry_byidx(pidx) def set_parm_entries(self,parms,emode='initial'): lastpidx = 0 for pidx in sorted(parms.sub_data.ndict): name,dvalue,comment = parms.sub_data.ndict[pidx] self.make_pentry_byidx(pidx ,str(pidx) ,dvalue ,comment ,emode ) lastpidx = pidx class TestButtons(): """TestButtons: debugging buttons""" def __init__(self,mypg): self.box = gtk.HBox() self.mypg = mypg lbl = gtk.Label('Debug:') lbl.set_alignment(xalign=0.9,yalign=0.5) # rt aligned self.box.pack_start(lbl,expand=0,fill=0,padding=2) for item in ('info' ,'intfc' ,'nset' ,'nb' ,'page' ,'fset' ,'pre' ,'sub' ,'pst' ,'ent' ,'cp' ,'lcnc' ,'hal' ,'pos' ,'glo' ,'loc' ,'tst' ): button = gtk.Button(item) if g_alive: button.connect("clicked", self.btest, item) button.show_all() self.box.pack_start(button,expand=0,fill=0,padding=2) bclose = gtk.Button('Close') if g_alive: bclose.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.delete()) self.box.pack_start(bclose,expand=0,fill=0,padding=2) def btest(self,widget,v): m = self.mypg if v == 'info': p = m.nset print('INFO--------------------------------------------------') print(' sys.argv = %s' % sys.argv) print(' cwd = %s' % os.getcwd()) print(' sys.path = %s' % sys.path) print(' ini_file = %s' % p.intfc.get_ini_file()) print(' auto_file = %s' % p.auto_file) print('subroutine_path = %s' % p.intfc.get_subroutine_path()) print(' user_m_path = %s' % p.intfc.get_user_m_path()) print(' pre_file = %s' % p.intfc.get_preamble()) print(' sublist = %s' % p.intfc.get_subfiles()) print(' pst_file = %s' % p.intfc.get_postamble()) print(' startpage_idx = %s' % p.startpage_idx) print('') print(' __file__ = %s' % __file__) print('g_send_function = %s' % g_send_function) print(' g_popkbd = %s' % g_popkbd) print(' g_stat = %s' % g_stat) print(' g_progname = %s' % g_progname) print(' g_verbose = %s' % g_verbose) print(' g_debug = %s' % g_debug) print(' g_tmode = %s' % g_tmode) print(' g_label_id = %s' % g_label_id) elif v == 'ent': print('ENTRIES--------------------------------------------------') x = m.efields.pentries pmax = m.fset.sub_data.pdict['lastparm'] print('efields.pentries[]') for pidx in range(1,pmax+1): print("%2d: %4s %-8s %-20s" % (pidx ,x[pidx].ll.get_text() ,x[pidx].en.get_text() ,x[pidx].lr.get_text() )) print('ENTRIES==================================================') elif v == 'intfc': d = m.nset.intfc; show_dir(d,tag='intfc') elif v == 'page': d = m; show_dir(d,tag='mypg') x=self.mypg.efields.pentries[1].en print 'x=',x print ' has_focus:',x.has_focus() print ' is_focus:',x.is_focus() print ' get_can_focus:',x.get_can_focus() elif v == 'pre': d = m.fset.pre_data; show_dir(d,tag='pre_data') elif v == 'sub': d = m.fset.sub_data; show_dir(d,tag='sub_data') elif v == 'pst': d = m.fset.pst_data; show_dir(d,tag='pst_data') elif v == 'fset': d = m.fset; show_dir(d,tag='fset') elif v == 'nset': d = m.nset; show_dir(d,tag='nset') elif v == 'cp': d = m.cpanel; show_dir(d,tag='cpanel') elif v == 'loc': show_dir(locals(),tag='locals') elif v == 'glo': show_dir(globals(),tag='globals') elif v == 'lcnc': show_dir(linuxcnc,tag='lcnc') elif v == 'hal': show_dir(hal,tag='hal') elif v == 'pos': show_position() elif v == 'tst': print('cpanel size:',m.cpanel.box.size_request()) print('mtable size:',m.mtable.size_request()) elif v == 'nb': print('NB--------------------------------------------------') for pno in range(m.nset.startpage_idx ,m.mynb.get_n_pages()): npage = m.mynb.get_nth_page(pno) pg = m.nset.pg_for_npage[npage] ltxt = pg.the_lbl.get_text() print('%10s %s' % (ltxt,pg)) print('NB==================================================') else: print('btest unknown:',v) def delete(self): gtk.main_quit() return False class ControlPanel(): """ControlPanel: Controls and image display""" def __init__(self ,mypg ,pre_file='' ,sub_file='' ,pst_file='' ): self.mypg = mypg frame = gtk.Frame() frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN) frame.set_border_width(2) self.box = frame cpbox = gtk.VBox() # fixed width so it doesn't change when switching tabs # fixed height to allow room for buttons below image #cpbox.set_size_request(g_image_width,g_image_height) bw = 1 bpre = gtk.Button(_('Preamble')) bpre.set_border_width(bw) mod_font_by_category(bpre) bsub = gtk.Button(_('Subfile')) bsub.set_border_width(bw) mod_font_by_category(bsub) bpst = gtk.Button(_('Postamble')) bpst.set_border_width(bw) mod_font_by_category(bpst) self.pre_entry = gtk.Entry() self.pre_entry.set_state(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE) self.sub_entry = gtk.Entry() self.sub_entry.set_state(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE) self.pst_entry = gtk.Entry() self.pst_entry.set_state(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE) chars=10 self.pre_entry.set_width_chars(chars) self.pre_entry.set_alignment(xalign=0.1) self.pre_entry.set_text(os.path.basename(pre_file)) if g_alive: self.pre_entry.connect("activate", self.file_choose, 'pre') self.sub_entry.set_width_chars(chars) self.sub_entry.set_alignment(xalign=0.1) self.sub_entry.set_text(os.path.basename(sub_file)) if g_alive: self.sub_entry.connect("activate", self.file_choose, 'sub') self.pst_entry.set_width_chars(chars) self.pst_entry.set_alignment(xalign=0.1) self.pst_entry.set_text(os.path.basename(pst_file)) if g_alive: self.pst_entry.connect("activate", self.file_choose, 'pst') xcontrol = gtk.Label('Controls') xcontrol.set_alignment(xalign=0.0,yalign=0.5) # left aligned econtrol = gtk.EventBox() econtrol.add(xcontrol) econtrol.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,label_normal_color) lcontrol= gtk.Frame() lcontrol.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) lcontrol.set_border_width(0) lcontrol.add(econtrol) tfiles = gtk.Table(rows=3, columns=2, homogeneous=0) bx = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND; by = 0 tfiles.attach(bpre,0,1,0,1,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tfiles.attach(bsub,0,1,1,2,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tfiles.attach(bpst,0,1,2,3,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tfiles.attach(self.pre_entry,1,2,0,1,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tfiles.attach(self.sub_entry,1,2,1,2,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tfiles.attach(self.pst_entry,1,2,2,3,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) if g_alive: bpre.connect("clicked", self.file_choose, 'pre') if g_alive: bsub.connect("clicked", self.file_choose, 'sub') if g_alive: bpst.connect("clicked", self.file_choose, 'pst') #bretain = gtk.CheckButton('Retain values on Subfile read') self.bexpand = gtk.CheckButton('Expand Subroutine') self.bexpand.set_active(self.mypg.expandsub) if g_alive: self.bexpand.connect("toggled", self.toggle_expandsub) self.bautosend = gtk.CheckButton('Autosend') self.bautosend.set_active(self.mypg.autosend) if g_alive: self.bautosend.connect("toggled", self.toggle_autosend) tchkbs = gtk.Table(rows=3, columns=1, homogeneous=0) bx = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND; by = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND #tchkbs.attach(bretain, 0,1,0,1,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tchkbs.attach(self.bexpand, 0,1,1,2,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) nopts = self.mypg.nset.intfc.get_ngcgui_options() if (nopts is None) or ('noauto' not in nopts): tchkbs.attach(self.bautosend,0,1,2,3,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) bw = 1 bcreate = gtk.Button(_('Create Feature')) bcreate.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: bcreate.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.create_feature()) mod_font_by_category(bcreate) bfinalize = gtk.Button(_('Finalize')) bfinalize.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: bfinalize.connect("clicked" ,lambda x: self.finalize_features()) mod_font_by_category(bfinalize) self.lfct = gtk.Label(str(mypg.feature_ct)) self.lfct.set_alignment(xalign=0.9,yalign=0.5) # right aligned mod_font_by_category(self.lfct) lfctf = gtk.Frame() lfctf.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) lfctf.set_border_width(2) lfctf.add(self.lfct) self.breread = gtk.Button(_('Reread')) self.breread.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: self.breread.connect("clicked" ,lambda x: self.reread_files()) mod_font_by_category(self.breread) brestart = gtk.Button(_('Restart')) brestart.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: brestart.connect("clicked" ,lambda x: self.restart_features()) mod_font_by_category(brestart) self.lmsg = gtk.Label(_('Ctrl-k for key shortcuts')) self.lmsg.set_alignment(xalign=0.05,yalign=0.5) # left aligned lmsgf = gtk.Frame() lmsgf.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) lmsgf.set_border_width(2) lmsgf.add(self.lmsg) tactions = gtk.Table(rows=3, columns=3, homogeneous=1) bx = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND; by = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND tactions.attach(bcreate, 0,2,0,1,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tactions.attach(bfinalize,2,3,0,1,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) # only if image (see below) # tactions.attach(self.breread ,0,1,1,2,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tactions.attach(brestart, 2,3,1,2,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) bx = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND; by = 0 #tactions.attach(self.lmsg,0,3,2,3,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tactions.attach(lmsgf,0,3,2,3,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) nopts = self.mypg.nset.intfc.get_ngcgui_options() image_file = find_image(sub_file) if image_file: img = sized_image(image_file) if ( (not image_file) or (nopts is not None and 'noiframe' in nopts) or mypg.imageoffpage ): # show all controls bx = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND; by = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND tactions.attach(self.breread, 0,1,1,2,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tactions.attach(lfctf, 1,2,1,2,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) cpbox.pack_start(lcontrol,expand=0,fill=0,padding=0) cpbox.pack_start(tfiles, expand=0,fill=0,padding=0) cpbox.pack_start(tchkbs, expand=0,fill=0,padding=0) if image_file: self.separate_image(img,sub_file,show=False) mypg.imageoffpage = True else: bx = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND; by = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND tactions.attach(lfctf, 0,2,1,2,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) # show image instead of controls if image_file: cpbox.pack_start(img,expand=0,fill=0,padding=0) mypg.imageoffpage = False cpbox.pack_start(tactions,expand=1,fill=1,padding=0) cpbox.show() frame.add(cpbox) def separate_image(self,img,fname='',show=True): self.mypg.imgw = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) w = self.mypg.imgw w.hide() w.iconify() w.set_title(os.path.basename(fname)) w.add(img) if g_alive: w.connect("destroy",self.wdestroy) if show: w.show_all() w.deiconify() def wdestroy(self,widget): del self.mypg.imgw def set_message(self,msg): self.lmsg.set_label(msg) def reread_files(self): vprint('REREAD') # user can edit file and use button to reread it if self.mypg.sub_file == '': vprint('reread_files NULL subfile') return False self.mypg.fset.pre_data.read() self.mypg.fset.sub_data.re_read() # handle ngc or gcmc self.mypg.fset.pst_data.read() self.mypg.update_onepage('pre',self.mypg.pre_file) self.mypg.update_onepage('sub',self.mypg.sub_file) self.mypg.update_onepage('pst',self.mypg.pst_file) self.set_message(_('Reread files')) return True # success def restart_features(self): try: type(self.mypg.savesec) # test for existence self.mypg.savesec = [] except AttributeError: pass self.mypg.feature_ct = 0 self.lfct.set_label(str(self.mypg.feature_ct)) self.mypg.savesec = [] self.mypg.update_tab_label('default') self.set_message(_('Restart')) def toggle_autosend(self, widget): self.mypg.autosend = (0,1)[widget.get_active()] self.set_message(_('Toggle autosend %s ') % str(self.mypg.autosend)) def toggle_expandsub(self, widget): self.mypg.expandsub = (0,1)[widget.get_active()] self.set_message(_('Toggle expandsub %s') % str(self.mypg.expandsub)) def checkb_toggle(self, widget, var): print('1T',var,type(var)) var = (0,1)[widget.get_active()] print('2T',var,type(var)) def create_feature(self): m=self.mypg p=self.mypg.fset fpre,fprestat = m.nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(m.pre_file) fsub,fsubstat = m.nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(m.sub_file) fpst,fpststat = m.nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(m.pst_file) if fsubstat == 'NULLFILE': vprint('create_feature: NULLFILE') return # the test for NOPATH is for special cases if ( (fpre != p.pre_data.pre_file) and fprestat != 'NOPATH' or (fsub != p.sub_data.sub_file) and fsubstat != 'NOPATH' or (fpst != p.pst_data.pst_file) and fpststat != 'NOPATH' ): print('\nUSER changed filename entry without loading\n') try: type(self.mypg.savesec) # test for existence except AttributeError: self.mypg.savesec = [] self.set_message(_('Create feature')) # update for current entry filenames p.pre_data = PreFile(m.pre_file) # may be '' p.sub_data = SubFile(m.sub_file) # error for '' p.pst_data = PstFile(m.pst_file) # may be '' if p.sub_data.pdict.has_key('isgcmc'): stat = self.savesection_gcmc() else: stat = self.savesection_ngc() if stat: if m.feature_ct > 0: self.mypg.update_tab_label('multiple') else: self.mypg.update_tab_label('created') m.feature_ct = m.feature_ct + 1 self.lfct.set_label(str(m.feature_ct)) self.set_message(_('Created Feature #%d') % m.feature_ct) else: #print "savesection fail" pass def savesection_ngc(self): m=self.mypg p=self.mypg.fset force_expand = False # if file not in path and got this far, force expand fname,stat = m.nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(m.sub_file) if stat == 'NOTFOUND': force_expand = True user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO ,title=_('Expand Subroutine') ,msg=_('The selected file') + ':\n\n' + '%s\n\n' + _('is not in the linuxcnc path\n' 'Expanding in place.\n\n' 'Note: linuxcnc will fail if it calls\n' 'subfiles that are not in path\n') % fname) try: self.mypg.savesec.append( SaveSection(mypg = self.mypg ,pre_info = p.pre_data ,sub_info = p.sub_data ,pst_info = p.pst_data ,force_expand = force_expand ) ) except ValueError: dprint('SAVESECTION_ngc: failed') return True # success def savesection_gcmc(self): m=self.mypg p=self.mypg.fset intfc = self.mypg.nset.intfc global g_gcmc_exe xcmd = [] xcmd.append(g_gcmc_exe) global g_gcmc_funcname global g_gcmc_id g_gcmc_id += 1 # gcmc chars in funcname: (allowed: [a-z0-9_-]) funcname = "%s_%02d"%(g_gcmc_funcname,g_gcmc_id) p.sub_data.pdict['subname'] = funcname include_path = intfc.get_gcmc_include_path() if include_path is not None: for dir in include_path.split(":"): xcmd.append("--include") xcmd.append(os.path.expanduser(dir)) # maybe: xcmd.append("--include") # maybe: xcmd.append(os.path.dirname(m.sub_file)) # note: gcmc also adds the current directory # to the search path as last entry. outdir = g_searchpath[0] # first in path ofile = os.path.join(outdir,funcname) + ".ngc" xcmd.append("--output") xcmd.append(ofile) xcmd.append('--gcode-function') xcmd.append(funcname) for opt in p.sub_data.gcmc_opts: splitopts = opt.split(' ') xcmd.append(str(splitopts[0])) if len(splitopts) > 1: xcmd.append(str(splitopts[1])) # presumes only one token for k in p.sub_data.ndict.keys(): #print 'k=',k,p.sub_data.ndict[k] name,dvalue,comment = p.sub_data.ndict[k] # make all entry box values explicitly floating point try: fvalue = str(float(m.efields.pentries[k].getentry())) except ValueError: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title='gcmc input ERROR' ,msg=_('<%s> must be a number' % m.efields.pentries[k].getentry()) ) return False ;# fail xcmd.append('--define=' + name + '=' + fvalue) xcmd.append(m.sub_file) print "xcmd=",xcmd e_message = ".*Runtime message\(\): *(.*)" e_warning = ".*Runtime warning\(\): *(.*)" e_error = ".*Runtime error\(\): *(.*)" s = subprocess.Popen(xcmd ,stdout=subprocess.PIPE ,stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) sout,eout = s.communicate() m_txt = "" w_txt = "" e_txt = "" compile_txt = "" if eout: if (len(eout) > g_max_msg_len): # limit overlong, errant msgs eout = eout[0:g_max_msg_len] + "..." for line in eout.split("\n"): r_message = re.search(e_message,line) r_warning = re.search(e_warning,line) r_error = re.search(e_error,line) if r_message: m_txt += r_message.group(1) + "\n" elif r_warning: w_txt += r_warning.group(1) + "\n" elif r_error: e_txt += r_error.group(1) + "\n" else: compile_txt += line if m_txt != "": user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO ,title='gcmc INFO' ,msg="gcmc File:\n%s\n\n%s"%(m.sub_file,m_txt) ) if w_txt != "": user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING ,title='gcmc WARNING' ,msg="gcmc File:\n%s\n\n%s"%(m.sub_file,w_txt) ) if e_txt != "": user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title='gcmc ERROR' ,msg="gcmc File:\n%s\n\n%s"%(m.sub_file,e_txt) ) if compile_txt != "": user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title='gcmc Compile ERROR' ,msg="gcmc File:%s"%(compile_txt) ) if s.returncode: return False ;# fail self.mypg.savesec.append( SaveSection(mypg = self.mypg ,pre_info = p.pre_data ,sub_info = p.sub_data ,pst_info = p.pst_data ,force_expand = False # never for gcmc ) ) return True # success def finalize_features(self): mypg = self.mypg nb = self.mypg.mynb nset = self.mypg.nset if mypg.feature_ct <= 0: msg = _('No features specified on this page') self.set_message(msg) user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING ,title='No Features' ,msg=msg) return if len(mypg.savesec) == 0: msg = 'finalize_features: Unexpected: No features' self.set_message(_('No features')) raise ValueError,msg return txt = '' plist = [] sequence = "" # these are in left-to-right order for pno in range(nset.startpage_idx,nb.get_n_pages()): npage = nb.get_nth_page(pno) #Using EventBox for tabpage labels: dont use get_tab_label_text() pg = nset.pg_for_npage[npage] ltxt = pg.the_lbl.get_text() howmany = len(pg.savesec) if howmany > 0: plist.append(pg) sequence = sequence + " " + ltxt txt = txt + "%s has %d features\n" % (ltxt,howmany) vprint(txt) if len(plist) > 1: msg = (_('Finalize all Tabs?\n\n' 'No: Current page only\n' 'Yes: All pages\n' 'Cancel: Nevermind\n\n' 'Order:' ) + '\n<' + sequence + '>\n\n' 'You can Cancel and change the order with the\n' 'Forward and Back buttons\n' ) popup = gtk.Dialog(title='Page Selection' ,parent=None ,flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT ,buttons=(gtk.STOCK_NO, gtk.RESPONSE_NO ,gtk.STOCK_YES, gtk.RESPONSE_YES ,gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL ) ) finbox = popup.get_content_area() l = gtk.Label(msg) finbox.pack_start(l) popup.show_all() ans = popup.run() popup.destroy() if ans == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: pass # use plist for all pages elif ans == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: pno = self.mypg.mynb.get_current_page() npage = nb.get_nth_page(pno) plist = [nset.pg_for_npage[npage]] elif ( ans == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL or ans == gtk.REXPONSE_DELETE_EVENT): # window close return # do nothing else: raise ValueError, 'finalize_features:unknown ans<%d>'%ans # make a unique filename # (avoids problems with gremlin ignoring new file with same name) global g_auto_file_ct autoname = nset.auto_file dirname = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(autoname)) basename = str(g_auto_file_ct) + "." + os.path.basename(autoname) tmpname = os.path.join(dirname,basename) if os.path.exists(tmpname): os.remove(tmpname) # hack: alternate names (0,1) to force gremlin file loading # and touchy filechooser updates g_auto_file_ct = (g_auto_file_ct + 1)%2 basename = str(g_auto_file_ct) + "." + os.path.basename(autoname) tmpname = os.path.join(dirname,basename) self.mypg.nset.last_file = tmpname savename = None f = open(tmpname,'w') nopts = self.mypg.nset.intfc.get_ngcgui_options() if (('nom2' in nopts) or g_nom2): f.write("%\n") f.write("(%s: nom2 option)\n" % g_progname) featurect = 0 for pg in plist: ct = self.write_to_file(f,pg,featurect) featurect += ct pg.feature_ct = 0 self.lfct.set_label(str(pg.feature_ct)) pg.savesec = [] if (('nom2' in nopts) or g_nom2): f.write("%\n") else: f.write("(%s: m2 line added) m2 (g54 activated)\n" % g_progname) f.close() user_must_save = True # disprove with send_function title_message = '' if self.mypg.autosend: if g_send_function(tmpname): user_must_save = False self.set_message(_('Finalize: Sent file')) save_a_copy(tmpname) print('%s:SENT: %s' % (g_progname,tmpname)) print('%s:SENT:using: %s' % (g_progname,g_send_function.__name__)) else: title_message = ( _('Sending file failed using function: <%s>, user must save') % g_send_function.__name__) self.set_message(_('Finalize: Sent file failed')) print('%s:SAVEDFILE: after send failed: %s' % (g_progname,tmpname)) if user_must_save: fname = os.path.abspath(nset.auto_file) if self.mypg.nset.last_file is not None: fname = self.mypg.nset.last_file # last user choice savename = file_save(fname,title_message) # user may change name if savename is not None: shutil.move(tmpname,savename) save_a_copy(savename) self.mypg.nset.last_file = savename for pg in plist: pg.cpanel.restart_features() pg.update_tab_label('default') global g_label_id g_label_id = 0 # reinitialize return def write_to_file(self,file,pg,featurect): ct = 0 for i in range(0,len(pg.savesec) ): ct += 1 for l in pg.savesec[i].sdata: if l.find("#<_feature:>") == 0: l = "(%s: feature line added) #<_feature:> = %d\n" \ % (g_progname,featurect) featurect += 1 file.write(l) return(ct) def file_choose(self,widget,ftype): mydiag = CandidateDialog(ftype=ftype) while True: response = mydiag.run() fname,errmsg = mydiag.get_file_result() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: vprint('file_choose: ACCEPT') self.mypg.cpanel.set_message(_('file_choose ACCEPT')) pass elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT: self.mypg.cpanel.set_message(_('file_choose REJECT')) vprint('file_choose: REJECT') mydiag.destroy() return None elif response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: self.mypg.cpanel.set_message(_('No File')) fname = 'nofile' # allow pre,pst nofile vprint('file_choose: No File') else: self.mypg.cpanel.set_message(_('file_choose OTHER')) mydiag.destroy() raise ValueError,_('file_choose OTHER %s') % str(response) return None if fname == 'TRYAGAIN': user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO ,title=_('Try Again') ,msg=errmsg ) continue break mydiag.destroy() if ftype == 'pre': self.mypg.fset.pre_file = fname elif ftype == 'sub': self.mypg.fset.sub_file = fname elif ftype == 'pst': self.mypg.fset.pst_file = fname else: raise ValueError,"file_choose ftype?",ftype # None for no file selected, null out field could be useful if not fname: self.mypg.cpanel.set_message(_('file_choose no file?')) return None if ftype == 'pre': if fname == 'nofile': fname = '' self.pre_entry.set_text(os.path.basename(fname)) self.mypg.update_onepage('pre',fname) elif ftype == 'sub': image_file = find_image(fname) if image_file: img = sized_image(image_file) self.separate_image(img,fname,show=True) self.mypg.imageoffpage = True if self.mypg.update_onepage('sub',fname): self.sub_entry.set_text(os.path.basename(fname)) elif ftype == 'pst': if fname == 'nofile': fname = '' self.pst_entry.set_text(os.path.basename(fname)) self.mypg.update_onepage('pst',fname) else: raise ValueError,'file_choose:Unexpected ftype <%s>' %ftype self.mypg.cpanel.set_message(_('Read %s') % os.path.basename(fname)) return class OnePg(): """OnePg: ngcgui info for one tab page""" def __init__(self ,pre_file ,sub_file ,pst_file ,mynb ,nset ,imageoffpage=False ): self.imageoffpage = imageoffpage # for clone of Custom pages self.garbagecollect = False self.key_enable = False self.pre_file,stat = nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(pre_file) self.sub_file,stat = nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(sub_file) self.pst_file,stat = nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(pst_file) self.nset = nset self.mynb = mynb self.autosend = nset.autosend self.expandsub = nset.expandsub self.feature_ct = 0 self.savesec = [] self.cpanel = ControlPanel(mypg=self ,pre_file=self.pre_file ,sub_file=self.sub_file ,pst_file=self.pst_file ) bw = 1 #bremove = gtk.Button(_('Remove')) bremove = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_DELETE) bremove.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: bremove.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.remove_page()) #bclone = gtk.Button(_('Clone')) bclone = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_ADD) bclone.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: bclone.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.clone_page()) #bnew = gtk.Button(_('New')) bnew = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_NEW) bnew.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: bnew.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.new_empty_page()) #bmoveleft = gtk.Button(_('<==Move')) bmoveleft = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK,label='') bmoveleft.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: bmoveleft.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.move_left()) #bmoveright = gtk.Button(_('Move==>')) bmoveright = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD,label='') bmoveright.set_border_width(bw) if g_alive: bmoveright.connect("clicked", lambda x: self.move_right()) # stock buttons notwork with mod_font_by_category #mod_font_by_category(bremove) #mod_font_by_category(bclone) #mod_font_by_category(bnew) #mod_font_by_category(bmoveleft) #mod_font_by_category(bmoveright) tabarrange_buttons = gtk.HBox() # main buttons self.mtable = gtk.Table(rows=1, columns=2, homogeneous=0) bx = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND; by = 0 no_of_parms = g_max_parm self.make_fileset() no_of_parms = self.fset.sub_data.pdict['lastparm'] self.efields = EntryFields(no_of_parms) # uses MultipleParmEntries item self.fill_entrypage(emode='initial') bx = 0; by = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND self.mtable.attach(self.cpanel.box, 0,1,0,1,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) bx = gtk.FILL; by = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND bx = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND ; by = gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND entrystuff = self.efields.get_box() self.mtable.attach(entrystuff, 1,2,0,1,xoptions=bx,yoptions=by) tbtns = TestButtons(mypg=self) # TestButtons nopts = nset.intfc.get_ngcgui_options() if (nopts is None) or ('noremove' not in nopts): tabarrange_buttons.pack_start(bremove) if (nopts is None) or ('nonew' not in nopts): tabarrange_buttons.pack_start(bclone) tabarrange_buttons.pack_start(bnew) tabarrange_buttons.pack_start(bmoveleft) tabarrange_buttons.pack_start(bmoveright) op_box = gtk.VBox() if g_tab_controls_loc == 'top': op_box.pack_start(tabarrange_buttons,expand=0,fill=0,padding=0) elif g_tab_controls_loc == 'bottom': op_box.pack_end(tabarrange_buttons,expand=0,fill=0,padding=0) else: raise ValueError,(g_progname + ' unknown tab_controls_loc %s' % g_tab_controls_loc) op_box.pack_start(self.linfof, expand=0,fill=0,padding=0) op_box.pack_start(self.mtable, expand=1,fill=1,padding=0) if g_debug: op_box.pack_end(tbtns.box, expand=0,fill=0,padding=5) op_box.show_all() self.pgbox = gtk.EventBox() self.pgbox.add(op_box) self.pgbox.show_all() if g_alive: self.pgbox.connect('event',self.any_event) # establish size with max no of entries ww,hh = self.mtable.size_request() #print('size for mtable:',ww,hh) #self.mtable.set_size_request(ww,hh) lastpidx = self.fset.sub_data.pdict['lastparm'] gobject.timeout_add_seconds(g_check_interval,self.periodic_check) def periodic_check(self): try: for i in ('pre','sub','pst'): o_entry = getattr(self.cpanel,i + '_entry') if o_entry.get_text().strip() == '': continue o_file = getattr(self, i + '_file') o_data = getattr(self.fset, i + '_data') o_md5 = getattr(o_data, 'md5') o_mtime = getattr(o_data, 'mtime') if ( (o_mtime != None) and (o_mtime == os.path.getmtime(o_file))): state = o_entry.get_state() o_entry.modify_text(state,black_color) continue if (o_md5 != md5sum(o_file)): #print('%s,%s>' % (o_md5,md5sum(o_file))) #print(i,'CHANGED md5',o_file,o_md5) state = o_entry.get_state() o_entry.modify_text(state,purple_color) else: #print(i,'SAME md5',o_file,o_md5) o_entry.modify_text(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,black_color) except OSError, detail: print(_('%s:periodic_check:OSError:%s') % detail) pass # continue without checks after showing message except Exception, detail: exception_show(Exception,detail,'periodic_check') raise Exception, detail # reraise if self.garbagecollect: return False # False to norepeat (respond to del for self) return True # True to repeat def any_event(self,widget,event): if event.type == gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFY: #widget.set_can_focus(True) self.key_enable = True #print('ENTER enable') return elif event.type == gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY: #print "LEAVE can, is",widget.is_focus(),widget.get_can_focus(),'\n' if widget.get_can_focus(): #widget.set_can_focus(False) self.key_enable = False #print('LEAVE disable') return elif event.type == gtk.gdk.EXPOSE: widget.grab_focus() return elif event.type == gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS: if not self.key_enable: #print('IGNORE') return keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) kl = keyname.lower() # ignore special keys (until they modify) if kl in ['alt_r','alt_l'] : return if kl in ['control_r','control_l'] : return if kl in ['shift_r','shift_l'] : return pre = '' if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: pre = "Control-" elif event.state & gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: pre = "Alt-" elif event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: pre = "Shift-" k = pre + keyname #print("%10s (%03d=%#2X)" % (k, event.keyval,event.keyval)) self.handle_key(k) return False # allow other handlers def handle_key(self,k): if k == 'Control-d': self.make_fileset() self.fill_entrypage(emode='initial') if k == 'Control-a': self.cpanel.bautosend.clicked() if k == 'Control-#': self.cpanel.bexpand.clicked() if k == 'Control-k': self.show_special_keys() if k == 'Control-r': # was ctrl-p,P,r in ngcgui self.cpanel.breread.clicked() if k == 'Control-e': self.edit_any_file(self.nset.last_file,'last') if k == 'Control-E': self.cpanel.bexpand.clicked() if k == 'Control-u': self.edit_std_file('sub') if k == 'Control-U': self.edit_std_file('pre') #else: # print('handle_key: k=',k) return False # False: allow more handlers def edit_any_file(self,fname,ftype=''): if not fname: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title=_('No file') ,msg=_('No %s file specified') % ftype ) return subprocess.Popen([self.nset.intfc.editor, fname]) def edit_std_file(self,which): o_file = getattr(self, which + '_file') self.edit_any_file(o_file,which) #NB some key bindings are claimed on touchy def show_special_keys(self): msg = [] msg.append('Control-a ' + _('Toggle autosend') + '\n') msg.append('Control-e ' + _('Edit last result file') + '\n') msg.append('Control-E ' + _('Toggle expandsubroutines') + '\n') msg.append('Control-d ' + _('Set Entry defaults') + '\n') msg.append('Control-k ' + _('Show keys (this)') + '\n') msg.append('Control-r ' + _('Reread files') + '\n') msg.append('Control-u ' + _('Edit sub file') + '\n') msg.append('Control-U ' + _('Edit preamble file') + '\n') user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO ,title=_('Special Keys') ,flags=0 #still MODAL ?? ,msg=msg) def set_page_label(self,lbl): self.lbl = lbl def save_onepage_tablabel(self,eb_lbl,the_lbl): self.eb_lbl = eb_lbl self.the_lbl = the_lbl def update_tab_label(self,umode): if umode == 'created': newcolor = fg_created_color newstyle = g_lbl_style_created elif umode == 'multiple': newcolor = fg_multiple_color newstyle = g_lbl_style_multiple elif umode == 'default': newcolor = fg_normal_color newstyle = g_lbl_style_default else: newstyle = g_lbl_style_default newcolor = fg_normal_color self.eb_lbl.set_style(newstyle) self.the_lbl.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, newcolor) self.the_lbl.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, newcolor) def make_fileset(self): try: self.fset = FileSet(pre_file=self.pre_file ,sub_file=self.sub_file ,pst_file=self.pst_file ) except OSError,detail: print(_('%s:make_fileset:%s' % (g_progname,detail) )) raise OSError,detail # reraise def fill_entrypage(self,emode='initial'): self.efields.set_parm_entries(self.fset,emode) try: type(self.info_label) # test for existence except AttributeError: self.info_label = gtk.Label() self.linfof = gtk.Frame() self.linfof.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) self.linfof.set_border_width(2) self.linfof.add(self.info_label) self.info_label.set_label(self.fset.sub_data.pdict['info']) self.info_label.set_alignment(xalign=0.0,yalign=0.5) # left aligned self.cpanel.set_message(_('Set Entry defaults')) def clear_entrypage(self): self.efields.clear_parm_entries() self.info_label.set_label('') def update_onepage(self,type,fname): vprint('UPDATE_PAGE %s file=%s' % (type,fname)) if type == 'pre': foundname,stat = self.nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(fname) if stat == 'NOTFOUND': self.clear_entries('pre') return self.pre_file = foundname self.fset.pre_data = PreFile(self.pre_file) elif type == 'sub': foundname,stat = self.nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(fname) if stat == 'NOTFOUND': self.clear_entries('sub') return self.sub_file = foundname try: self.make_fileset() lastparm = self.fset.sub_data.pdict['lastparm'] self.efields.make_entryfields(lastparm) # update_onepage self.fill_entrypage() self.info_label.set_label(self.fset.sub_data.pdict['info']) lbltxt = self.fset.sub_data.pdict['subname'] lbltxt = self.nset.make_unique_tab_name(lbltxt) self.the_lbl.set_text(lbltxt) return True except Exception, detail: exception_show(Exception,detail,'update_onepage') return False elif type == 'pst': foundname,stat = self.nset.intfc.find_file_in_path(fname) if stat == 'NOTFOUND': self.clear_entries('pst') return self.pst_file = foundname self.fset.pst_data = PstFile(self.pst_file) else: raise ValueError,'update_onepage unexpected type <%s>' % type return def clear_entries(self,fmode): if fmode == 'pre': self.pre_file = '' self.cpanel.pre_entry.set_text('') self.fset.pre_data.clear() elif fmode == 'sub': self.sub_file = '' self.cpanel.sub_entry.set_text('') self.clear_entrypage() self.fset.sub_data.clear() elif fmode == 'pst': self.pst_file = '' self.cpanel.pst_entry.set_text('') self.fset.pst_data.clear() else: raise ValueError,'clear_entries:unexpected fmode= %s' % fmode def move_left(self): page_idx = self.mynb.get_current_page() page_ct = self.mynb.get_n_pages() page = self.mynb.get_nth_page(page_idx) new_pg_idx = page_idx - 1 if new_pg_idx < self.nset.startpage_idx: new_pg_idx = page_ct -1 self.mynb.reorder_child(page,new_pg_idx%page_ct) def move_right(self): page_idx = self.mynb.get_current_page() page_ct = self.mynb.get_n_pages() page = self.mynb.get_nth_page(page_idx) new_pg_idx = (page_idx + 1)%page_ct if new_pg_idx < self.nset.startpage_idx: new_pg_idx = self.nset.startpage_idx self.mynb.reorder_child(page,new_pg_idx%page_ct) def clone_page(self): newpage = self.nset.add_page(self.pre_file ,self.sub_file ,self.pst_file ,self.imageoffpage #preserve for clone ) for idx in self.efields.pentries: ev = self.efields.pentries[idx].getentry() newpage.efields.pentries[idx].setentry(ev) def new_empty_page(self): self.nset.add_page('','','') def remove_page(self): page_ct = self.mynb.get_n_pages() if page_ct - self.nset.startpage_idx == 1: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO ,title=_('Remove not allowed') ,msg=_('One tabpage must remain') ) else: current_pno = self.mynb.get_current_page() npage = self.mynb.get_nth_page(current_pno) self.mynb.remove_page(current_pno) thispg = self.nset.pg_for_npage[npage] thispg.garbagecollect = True del thispg del npage class NgcGui(): """NgcGui: set of ngcgui OnePg items""" # make a set of pages in parent that depends on type(w) def __init__(self,w=None ,verbose=False ,debug=False ,noauto=False ,keyboardfile='' # None | ['default'|'yes'] | fullfilename ,tmode=0 ,send_function=default_send # prototype: (fname) ,ini_file='' ,auto_file='' ,pre_file='' ,sub_files='' ,pst_file='' ,tab_controls_loc='top' # option for touchy ,control_font=None # option for touchy ,gtk_theme_name=None # option for touchy ,max_parm=None # for small display, reject some subs ,image_width=None # for small display ): global g_send_function; g_send_function = send_function global g_tmode; g_tmode = tmode global g_verbose; g_verbose = verbose global g_debug; g_debug = debug global g_tab_controls_loc; g_tab_controls_loc = tab_controls_loc global g_control_font; g_control_font = control_font try: type(g_send_function) # test existence if g_send_function == None: g_send_function = dummy_send except AttributeError: print 'INVALID send_function, using dummy' g_send_function = dummy_send if max_parm is not None: global g_max_parm g_max_parm = max_parm if image_width is not None: global g_image_width if image_width > g_image_width: raise ValueError,(_('NgcGui image_width=%d too big, max=%d') % (image_width,g_image_width)) g_image_width = image_width if g_max_parm > INTERP_SUB_PARAMS: raise ValueError,(_('max_parms=%d exceeds INTERP_SUB_PARAMS=%d') % (g_max_parm,INTERP_SUB_PARAMS) ) ct_of_pages = 0 try: import popupkeyboard import glib # for glib.GError if keyboardfile is not None: global g_popkbd if (keyboardfile in ('default','yes') ): keyboardfile = g_keyboardfile g_popkbd = popupkeyboard.PopupKeyboard(glade_file=keyboardfile ,use_coord_buttons=True ) global g_entry_height g_entry_height = g_big_height # bigger for popupkeyboard except ImportError, msg: print('\nImportError:\n%s', msg) print('keyboardfile=%s' % keyboardfile) print('popup keyboard unavailable\n') except glib.GError, msg: # can occur for toohigh version in ui file print('\nglib.GError:\n%s' % msg) print('keyboardfile=%s' % keyboardfile) print('popup keyboard unavailable\n') self.last_file = None self.nb = None self.autosend = not noauto self.expandsub = False self.nextpage_idx = 0 self.startpage_idx = 0 self.pg_for_npage = {} if w is None: # standalone operation self.nb = gtk.Notebook() w = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) if g_alive: w.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) w.set_title(sys.argv[0]) w.add(self.nb) self.nb.show() w.show() elif type(w) == gtk.Frame: # demo -- embed as a notebook in a provider's frame self.nb = gtk.Notebook() w.add(self.nb) self.nb.show() w.show() elif type(w) == gtk.Notebook: # demo -- embed as additional pages in a provider's notebook self.nb = w self.startpage_idx = self.nb.get_n_pages() else: raise ValueError,'NgcGui:bogus w= %s' % type(w) self.nb.set_scrollable(True) self.set_theme(w,tname=gtk_theme_name) self.intfc = LinuxcncInterface(ini_file) if len(self.intfc.subroutine_path) == 0: self.intfc.addto_spath( spath_from_files(pre_file,sub_files,pst_file)) if len(self.intfc.subroutine_path) != 0: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING ,title=_('Simulated subroutine path') ,msg=_('No subroutine path available.\n' 'Simulating subroutine path:\n\n') + str(self.intfc.subroutine_path) + '\n' + _('Generated results may not be usable with linuxcnc') ) if len(self.intfc.subroutine_path) == 0: if g_alive: # no message if glade designer is running: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title=_('No Subroutine Paths') ,msg='\n' + _('No paths available!\n' 'Make sure there is a valid\n' ' [RS274]SUBROUTINE_PATH\n\n' ' 1) Start linuxcnc\n' 'or\n' ' 2) Specify an ini file\n' 'or\n' ' 3) Specify at least one subfile\n' '\n') ) sys.exit(1) global g_searchpath; g_searchpath = self.intfc.subroutine_path # multiple pages can be specified with __init__() initsublist= [] if type(sub_files) == StringType and sub_files: initsublist.append(sub_files) else: initsublist = sub_files nogo_l = [] for sub_file in initsublist: if not g_alive: continue if os.path.dirname(sub_file) in self.intfc.subroutine_path: self.add_page(pre_file,sub_file,pst_file) ct_of_pages += 1 else: nogo_l.append(sub_file) if nogo_l: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO ,title=_('Cannot use files not in subroutine path') ,msg=_('Files not in subroutine path:\n') + str(nogo_l) + '\n\n' + _('Subroutine path is:\n') + str(self.intfc.subroutine_path) ) nogo_l = [] # multiple pages can be specified with an ini_file sublist = self.intfc.get_subfiles() #returns list pre_file = self.intfc.get_preamble() pst_file = self.intfc.get_postamble() # auto_file directory: # if specified, verify in path, give message if not # if nil # if PROGRAM_PREFIX put there # else put in cwd if auto_file: dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(auto_file)) spath = self.intfc.get_subroutine_path() try: spath.index(dir) # check that auto_file dir is in path # auto_file ok except ValueError: # it's called autofile in --help pass #user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING # ,title=_('Warning: autofile not in path') # ,msg=_('autofile==%s is not in linuxcnc\n' # 'subroutine search path:\n' # ' %s\n') % (auto_file,spath) # ) self.auto_file = auto_file else: pprefix = self.intfc.get_program_prefix() if pprefix: self.auto_file = os.path.join(pprefix,'auto.ngc') else: self.auto_file = os.path.join(os.path.curdir,'auto.ngc') dprint('input for auto_file=%s\nfinal auto_file=%s' % (auto_file,self.auto_file)) if pre_file is None: pre_file = '' if pst_file is None: pst_file = '' # vprint('SAVE_FILE: %s' % self.auto_file) if sublist and g_alive: for sub_file in sublist: if sub_file == '""': #beware code for custom is '""' sub_file = '' try: self.add_page(pre_file,sub_file,pst_file) ct_of_pages += 1 except Exception,detail: exception_show(Exception,detail,src='NgcGui init') print(_('CONTINUING without %s') % sub_file) else: if not sub_files: vprint('NgcGui: no ini_file with sublist ' 'and no cmdline sub_file:' 'making Custom page') self.add_page('','','') ct_of_pages += 1 pass self.current_page = None # self.nb.set_current_page(self.startpage_idx) # start at page 0 to respect caller's ordering self.nb.set_current_page(0) if g_alive: self.nb.connect('switch-page', self.page_switched) w.show_all() if ct_of_pages == 0: usage() print(_('No valid subfiles specified')) sys.exit(1) return def update_fonts(self,fontname): update_fonts(fontname) def set_theme(self,w,tname=None): screen = w.get_screen() settings = gtk.settings_get_for_screen(screen) if (tname is None) or (tname == "") or (tname == "Follow System Theme"): tname = settings.get_property("gtk-theme-name") settings.set_string_property('gtk-theme-name',tname,"") def page_switched(self,notebook,npage,pno): if self.current_page: curpage = self.current_page if hasattr(curpage,'imgw'): w = getattr(curpage,'imgw') w.iconify() try: mypg = self.pg_for_npage[self.nb.get_nth_page(pno)] if hasattr(mypg,'imgw'): w = getattr(mypg,'imgw') w.deiconify() w.show_all() self.current_page = mypg except KeyError,msg: # can occur when embedded in providers notebook # print('page_switched: Caught KeyError') pass def add_page(self,pre_file,sub_file,pst_file,imageoffpage=False): # look for gcmc on first request for .gcmc file: if os.path.splitext(sub_file)[-1] in ['.gcmc','.GCMC']: if not find_gcmc(): return None self.nextpage_idx = self.nextpage_idx + 1 opage = OnePg(pre_file=pre_file ,sub_file=sub_file ,pst_file=pst_file ,mynb=self.nb ,nset=self # an NgcGui set of pages ,imageoffpage=imageoffpage ) if opage.fset.sub_data.pdict['subname'] == '': ltxt = 'Custom' else: ltxt = opage.fset.sub_data.pdict['subname'] ltxt = self.make_unique_tab_name(ltxt) eb_lbl = gtk.EventBox() mylbl = gtk.Label(ltxt) if g_popkbd is not None: mylbl.set_size_request(-1,g_big_height) eb_lbl.add(mylbl) mylbl.show() eb_lbl.set_style(g_lbl_style_default) pno = self.nb.append_page(opage.pgbox,eb_lbl) if g_control_font is not None: mod_font_by_category(mylbl) # An EventBox is needed to change bg of tabpage label # When using EventBox: # don't use get_tab_label_text() opage.save_onepage_tablabel(eb_lbl,mylbl) self.pg_for_npage[self.nb.get_nth_page(pno)] = opage self.nb.set_current_page(pno) # move to the new page return opage def make_unique_tab_name(self,name): l = [] if not name: return None for pno in range(self.startpage_idx,self.nb.get_n_pages()): npage = self.nb.get_nth_page(pno) pg = self.pg_for_npage[npage] # using EventBox for label, dont use get_tab_label_text() ltxt = pg.the_lbl.get_text() if ltxt.find(name) == 0: l.append(ltxt) if len(l) == 0: return(name) if len(l) == 1: return(name + '-1') last = l[-1] idx = last.find('-') return(name + '-' + str(int(last[idx+1:]) + 1) ) class SaveSection(): """SaveSection: lines ready for result file""" def __init__(self,mypg,pre_info,sub_info,pst_info,force_expand=False): global g_label_id g_label_id += 1 self.sdata=[] self.sdata.append("(%s: FEATURE %s)\n"% (g_progname,dt() )) self.sdata.append("(%s: files: <%s,%s,%s>)\n" % (g_progname ,pre_info.pre_file ,sub_info.sub_file ,pst_info.pst_file ) ) # note: this line will be replaced on file output with a count # that can span multiple pages self.sdata.append("#<_feature:> = 0\n") self.sdata.append("(%s: preamble file: %s)\n" % ( g_progname,pre_info.pre_file)) self.sdata.extend(pre_info.inputlines) emsg = '' # accumulate errors for emsg calltxt = 'o<%s> call ' % sub_info.pdict['subname'] parmlist = [] tmpsdata = [] for idx in sub_info.ndict: name,dvalue,comment = sub_info.ndict[idx] value=mypg.efields.getentry_byidx(idx) try: v = float(value) except ValueError: emsg = emsg + ( _('Entry for parm %2d is not a number\n <%s>\n') % (int(idx),value)) #note: e formats not accepted by linuxcnc (like 1e2) # but using float(value) --->mmm.nnnnn everywhere # makes long call line # so try to send entry value, but if it has e, use float if 'e' in value: value = str(float(value.lower() )) parmlist.append(value) if sub_info.pdict.has_key('isgcmc'): # just print value of gcmc parm embedded in gcmc result # the call requires no parms pass else: calltxt = calltxt + '[%s]' % value # these appear only for not-expandsub tmpsdata.append("(%11s = %12s = %12s)\n" % ( '#'+str(idx),name,value)) if emsg: user_message(mtype=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR ,title=_('SaveSection Error') ,msg=emsg) mypg.cpanel.set_message(_('Failed to create feature')) raise ValueError calltxt = calltxt + '\n' # expandsub not honored for gcmc if (mypg.expandsub and sub_info.pdict.has_key('isgcmc')): print(_('expandsub not honored for gcmc file: %s')% os.path.basename(sub_info.sub_file)) mypg.expandsub = 0 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not mypg.expandsub) and (not force_expand): self.sdata.append("(%s: call subroutine file: %s)\n" % ( g_progname,sub_info.sub_file) ) self.sdata.append("(%s: positional parameters:)\n"% g_progname) self.sdata.extend(tmpsdata) self.sdata.append(calltxt) # call the subroutine else: # expand the subroutine in place with unique labels self.sdata.append('(Positional parameters for %s)\n' % mypg.sub_file) for i in range(0,idx): self.sdata.append(' #%d = %s\n' % (i+1,parmlist[i])) self.sdata.append('(expanded file: %s)\n' % mypg.sub_file) blank = '' idx = 0 for line in sub_info.inputlines: idx += 1 if line.strip() == '': continue if idx in sub_info.ldict: modlabel = sub_info.ldict[idx] if modlabel == 'ignoreme': continue modlabel = 'o<%03d%s>' % (g_label_id,modlabel) r = re.search(r'^o<(.*?)>(.*)',line) if r: modline = r.group(2) + '\n' else: print('SaveSection__init__:unexpected:',line) self.sdata.append('%11s %s' % (modlabel,modline)) else: theline = '%11s %s' % (blank,line) # hack: try to reduce long line length so linuxcnc wont # choke on files that work otherwise but fail # when expanded here # example: 246 chars observed for # qpex --> the call to qpocket uses many named parms # hardcoded for # config.h.in #define LINELEN 255 # hardcoded 252 empiracally determined if len(theline) >= 252: theline = line self.sdata.append(theline) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if pst_info.inputlines: self.sdata.append("(%s: postamble file: %s)\n" % ( g_progname,pst_info.pst_file)) self.sdata.extend(pst_info.inputlines) #for line in self.sdata: # print('line:',line,) def usage(): print(""" Usage: %s [Options] [sub_filename] Options requiring values: [-d | --demo] [0|1|2] (0: DEMO standalone toplevel) (1: DEMO embed new notebook) (2: DEMO embed within existing notebook) [-S | --subfile sub_filename] [-p | --preamble preamble_filename] [-P | --postamble postamble_filename] [-i | --ini inifile_name] [-a | --autofile autoauto_filename] [-t | --test testno] [-H | --height height_of_entry widget] (typ 20-40) [-K | --keyboardfile glade_file] (use custom popupkeyboard glade file) Solo Options: [-v | --verbose] [-D | --debug] [-N | --nom2] (no m2 terminator (use %%)) [-n | --noauto] (save but do not automatically send result) [-k | --keyboard] (use default popupkeybaord) [-s | --sendtoaxis] (send generated ngc file to axis gui) Notes: A set of files is comprised of a preamble, subfile, postamble. The preamble and postamble are optional. One set of files can be specified from cmdline. Multiple sets of files can be specified from an inifile. If --ini is NOT specified: search for a running linuxcnc and use it's inifile """ % g_progname) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standalone (and demo) usage: def standalone_pyngcgui(): # make widgets for test cases: top = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) top.set_title('top') hbox = gtk.HBox() top.add(hbox) l1 = gtk.Label('LABEL') hbox.pack_start(l1,expand=0,fill=0) e1 = gtk.Entry() hbox.pack_start(e1,expand=0,fill=0) e1.set_width_chars(4) f1 = gtk.Frame() hbox.pack_start(f1,expand=0,fill=0) f2 = gtk.Frame() hbox.pack_start(f2,expand=0,fill=0) n = gtk.Notebook() n.set_scrollable(True) b1 = gtk.Button('b1-filler') b2 = gtk.Button('b2-filler') n.append_page(b1,gtk.Label('Mb1-filler')) n.append_page(b2,gtk.Label('Mb2-filler')) f1.add(n) top.show_all() demo = 0 # 0 ==> standalone operation subfilenames = '' prefilename = '' pstfilename = '' vbose = False dbg = False noauto = False keyboard = False keyboardfile = 'default' ini_file = '' auto_file = '' tmode = 0 send_f = default_send try: options,remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:] ,'a:Dd:hi:kK:Nnp:P:sS:t:v' , ['autofile' ,'demo=' ,'debug' ,'help' ,'ini=' ,'keyboard' ,'keyboardfile=' ,'noauto' ,'preamble=' ,'postamble=' ,'subfile=' ,'verbose' ,'sendtoaxis' ,'nom2' ] ) except getopt.GetoptError,msg: usage() print('\nGetoptError:%s' % msg) sys.exit(1) except Exception, detail: exception_show(Exception,detail,'__main__') sys.exit(1) for opt,arg in options: #print('#opt=%s arg=%s' % (opt,arg)) if opt in ('-h','--help'): usage(),sys.exit(0) if opt in ('-d','--demo'): demo = arg if opt in ('-i','--ini'): ini_file = arg if opt in ('-a','--autofile'): auto_file = arg if opt in ('-p','--preamble'): prefilename=arg if opt in ('-P','--postamble'): pstfilename=arg if opt in ('-S','--subfile'): subfilenames=arg if opt in ('-t','--test'): tmode=arg if opt in ('-k','--keyboard'): keyboard=True if opt in ('-K','--keyboardfile'): keyboard=True keyboardfile=arg if opt in ('-N','--nom2'): dbg = g_nom2 = True if opt in ('-D','--debug'): dbg = True if opt in ('-n','--noauto'): noauto = True if opt in ('-v','--verbose'): vbose = True continue if opt in ('-s','--sendtoaxis'): send_f = send_to_axis continue if remainder: subfilenames = remainder # ok for shell glob e.g., *.ngc demo = int(demo) if not keyboard: keyboardfile=None if (dbg): print(g_progname + ' BEGIN-----------------------------------------------') print(' __file__= %s' % __file__) print(' ini_file= %s' % ini_file) print(' sys.argv= %s' % sys.argv) print(' os.getcwd= %s' % os.getcwd()) print(' sys.path= %s' % sys.path) print(' demo= %s' % demo) print(' prefilename= %s' % prefilename) print('subfilenames= %s' % subfilenames) print(' pstfilename= %s' % pstfilename) print(' keyboard= %s, keyboardfile= <%s>' % (keyboard,keyboardfile)) try: if demo == 0: top.hide() NgcGui(w=None ,verbose=vbose,debug=dbg,noauto=noauto ,keyboardfile=keyboardfile ,tmode=tmode ,send_function=send_f # prototype: (fname) ,ini_file=ini_file,auto_file=auto_file ,pre_file=prefilename,sub_files=subfilenames,pst_file=pstfilename ) elif demo == 1: NgcGui(w=f2 ,verbose=vbose,debug=dbg,noauto=noauto ,keyboardfile=keyboardfile ,tmode=tmode ,send_function=send_f # prototype: (fname) ,ini_file=ini_file,auto_file=auto_file ,pre_file=prefilename,sub_files=subfilenames,pst_file=pstfilename ) top.set_title('Create OnePg inside a new frame') elif demo == 2: NgcGui(w=n ,verbose=vbose,debug=dbg,noauto=noauto ,keyboardfile=keyboardfile ,tmode=tmode ,send_function=send_f # prototype: (fname) ,ini_file=ini_file,auto_file=auto_file ,pre_file=prefilename,sub_files=subfilenames,pst_file=pstfilename ) top.set_title('Create OnePg inside an existing notebook') else: print('unknown demo',demo) usage() sys.exit(1) except Exception, detail: exception_show(Exception,detail,'__main__') print('in main()') sys.exit(11) try: gtk.main() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) # vim: sts=4 sw=4 et