Probe: a linuxcnc interaction example Files: probe.ini config file probe.ui gladevcp file probe.hal gladevcp file gladevcp file probe.ngc gcode subroutine probe.tcl start gladevcp and simulate_probe probe.txt (this) generated for probing ----------------------- Old instructions for running independently: This needs a running LinuxCNC, for instance Axis - it does 'menu-based probing' It does run fine in simulator mode - just fake a probe contact with the 'Simulated probe contact' button Make sure LinuxCNC can find the probe.ngc G-code file in this directory. run like so: $ export INI_FILE_NAME=/home/mah/linuxcnc2/configs/sim/axis_mm_mah.ini $ gladevcp -u -H probe.hal probe.ui or to get a lot of debug output what gladevcp and are doing: $ gladevcp -d -d -u -U debug=3 -H probe.hal probe.ui