haxwiki a wiki for pokémon gen1/gen2 hacking. # Editing this wiki [Register to edit here](http://diyhpl.us/piny-commands/newuser/) and [see other commands](http://diyhpl.us/piny-commands/). You can also clone this wiki with git and push changes back: git clone git://wiki.iimarck.us/haxwiki.git Note to push changes you must push with your registered account: git push username@wiki.iimarck.us:/srv/git/haxwiki.git master You can make this easier by updating the remotes: git remote add origin username@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/haxwiki.git master Now "git push" should work without debilitating complaint. [browse wiki history on cgit](https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/haxwiki) # What this wiki is not * A replacement for [TCRF](http://tcrf.net/) (beta stuff is neat but TCRF is probably better at it) * A place to talk about your hacks (this place is for info on game internals) # List of pages * [[GameFreak Dev]] ## RGBY * [[RGBY/Battle Animations]] * [[RGBY/Flags]] * [[RGBY/Scripting Reference]] ## GSC * [[GSC/Level-up Moves and Evolutions]] * [[GSC/Flags]] * [[GSC/Trainers]] # Community * [Message board](http://hax.iimarck.us/) * [[Chat Room]] * Wiki: You Are Here