Framing and addressing the ethical issues raised by hgp-write: Anticipate, understand and influence Jeantine Lunshof, University Medical Center, Groningen We want to understand cerebral organoids. Synthetic human entities with embryo-like features (SHEEFs). Recoding. When something is new and shocking, it doesn't necessarily mean we will have a problem. These are not ethical problems-- there are going to be ethical problems, though. # Cerebral organoids The first example is cerebral organoid. Many labs are working on it. When you work on a cerebral organoid, you have a human origin, in this case it is from... so ... how can you ethically do that? Well, we take inspiration from the personal genome project where they had an open consent policy. Augment cerebrovascular organoids with additional cell ypes like glia, pericytes, etc. Refine hiPSC differentiation and protocols to better match brain-specific ... # Synthetic human entities with embryo-like features Self-organizing cells on the micropatterned hiPSC... shwing structure that resemble primitive steak? paper: Addressing the ethical issues raised by synthetic human entities with embryo-like features # Recoding RNA recoding as adaptive process-- coleoid cephalopods. Sythetic: non-standard amino acids, recoded organisms, recoded cell lines. Augmenting nature? Conceptual and normative relevance? Likely yes in some parts. # Pilot project goals Build a model to deepen analysis while keeping pace with the dynamics of the science. My field is provisionally really slow. George has 3 ideas per week, though. People often say that labs should have more philosophers and humanities majors; sure, okay. Well currently it's not on the agenda of administrators, though. Provide education and training for students in particular. * Kevin Esvelt * John Min * Cody Gilleland * Devora Najar * Joanna Buchtahai * John Aach * Eswar Iyer * Nili Ostrov * Yingleon Chan * Elaine Lim * Mike Chou * Cory Smith * Stan Wang * David Thompson * Sebaid Verkujil * & all of Church Lab