I am representing ARC in Houston, Texas. We operate out of TX/RC. The majority ofu s are ... Cody is a C programmer, Forrest is a Ruby programmer, I just graduated so I don't know what I am. Kevin is a neuroscience grad student, and a lot of people walk in and out, there's usually around 10 to 20 people at the hackerspace at all time. My side project is Alzheimer's specifically around brain-derived neurotrophin factors. They are already pretty clear about how to produce and synthesize them. There's entirely pinned down and with any model organism you can think of so we're trying to think of how to produce it synthetically using the unpatented method. So we also produce Citizen Science Quarterly, so maybe you guys have some articles or want to get any articles out. This is a good way to do it. Forrest developed a $5 transcranial direct current stimulation thing, it's a 9 volt that you strap to your head. We got these for some other projects; to make and study colony collapse. Joe is working on an open source wheat, so you can just drag and drop what trace you want in your wheat. So for education outreach, this last fall, we held a trip for molecular techniques over a month. We covered transforming ecoli, we also covered RNA interference in C. elegans which people really liked, also genotyping and bioinformatics. Then we started brainstorming sessions and everyone from the community, and everyone would come up with a problem, we would take a problem out of the hat and just brainstorm. There were no bad ideas. So then we got some press coverage from a journalist in Austin that did a radio report on this class. But the report aired in Oregon instead. Future goals - continue to do science. Any questions? How does tdcs work? "It resets your brain I guess? I don't really know. Ask Forrest."