Unless otherwise specified, chemical concentrations are as follows: * Acetone: concentrated * H2O2: 3% solution in water * HCl: 37% solution in water * HF: 3% solution in water * NaOH: 1% solution in water * KOH: 30% solution in water # metals ## Aluminum (evaporated) Copper etches should work but etch rates will be slightly different ## Chromium (evaporated) Copper etches should work but etch rates will be slightly different # Other materials
Material Etch Suggested masks Temperature Approximate etch rate
Copper (evaporated) 1 HCl : 6 H2O2 photoresist room temperature 3500-4000 nm/min
Copper (evaporated) 1 HCl : 5 H2O2 : 50 H2O photoresist room temperature 350-400 nm/min
Silicon (\<100\> plane) KOH thermal SiO2 (slowly attacked), Ta2O5 (deep etches) 80C TODO
Silicon (\<110\> plane) KOH thermal SiO2 (slowly attacked), Ta2O5 (deep etches) 80C TODO
Silicon dioxide (thermal) 1 HF : 5 H2O photoresist room temperature TODO
Silicon dioxide (sol-gel) 1 HF : 5 H2O photoresist room temperature 1200 - 1800 nm/min
Tantalum oxide (sol-gel) HF Cu with Cr adhesion layer 80C 5-20 nm/min (rough number)
# missing * silicon (isotropic)