17:22 < kanzure> rules: (1) no specific story (2) outdoor maps are 20x20 (3) commit, push and pull request regularly (4) bonus points for adding jython tests for changes you submit (5) source code must be included (no binary blobs for asm; never lz files) (6) all work must be based on pokecrystal.git (7) code must compile, and ideally not cause the game to crash 17:23 < NovaSquirrel> lol is this to boost work on pokecrystal because you need to reverse engineer more stuff to make it cooler than the other guy 17:24 < kanzure> no it's not about reverse engineering 17:24 < kanzure> it's to make a rom hack 17:25 < kanzure> (8) anyone is allowed to participate, but nobody is required to provide help on setting up the toolchain during the event (so either do this before, or do it on your own, etc.) 19:54 <&iimarckus> wait it's not about reverse engineering 19:55 <&iimarckus> i thought we would just be working on pokecrystal 21:57 < kanzure> iimarckus: does that mean you are not interested in participating? 22:05 <&iimarckus> not necessarily, but what exactly would i do 22:05 <&iimarckus> i have a lack of ideas 22:06 < kanzure> well, we would probably just feed you ideas 22:07 < kanzure> one, we will probably (though not certainly) strip out the title sequence, copyright sequence, animation thing, and possibly intro 22:08 < kanzure> although i don't think that's really important, it's certainly something that i wouldn't scoff at someone doing 22:09 < kanzure> my motivation when i suggested the hackathon was to answer the question of how much of a hack could be made in a single day, either in terms of content or any other modifications.. so if all else fails, mapping/map events i guess? 22:10 < kanzure> the reason isn't to complete a /particular/ story-hack but rather to demonstrate that team collaboration is an actual possible thing, fun, and produces a fun playable product 22:26 <+Sanqui> anyway kanzure I agree, both map and interesting engine stuff should be in there 22:27 <+Sanqui> (because I totally have some in mind) 22:35 < kanzure> sure we would be happy to use your variable width font 22:36 <+Sanqui> oh, yeah, I'll port it 22:50 < kanzure> iimarckus: also, while it might sound trivial, showing how to map a town and script everything (using the scripting macros in .asm rather than hex) is a useful thing to do because it adds playable content, plus it demonstrates to others that scripting is not that hard. 22:50 < kanzure> i think scripting an entire town should be doable in <1 hour, but we'll see how it actually turns out 22:50 < padz> scripting is really really easy with labels 22:51 < kanzure> yeah, but nobody has demonstrated how "fast" it can be 22:51 < padz> i think you could do a town's worth in 20 minutes 22:51 < kanzure> well, i was also estimating in time for having to fuck with events/warps :\ 22:53 < kanzure> anyway if 20 minutes is true then it should be possible to do 288 maps in 24 hours with everyone doing mapping (of course, not everyone will) 22:54 < kanzure> oh also i meant the scripts for npcs in buildings inside towns.. dunno if that was obvious. 22:58 < padz> we should probably choose a direction to map out into 22:58 < kanzure> huh? 22:58 < padz> like i go west youre north and so on 22:58 < padz> at least at the beginning 22:59 < padz> i have no expectations for coordination 22:59 < padz> unless were on skype or some shit 23:00 < kanzure> could just be random un-connected areas, and then someone can add routes as they please to connect things, right? or do you think direction coordination is important? 23:01 <+Sanqui> maybe a town map should be drawn up first 23:01 < padz> rule #9: no routes 23:01 < padz> rule #10: draw the town map as we go 23:01 <+Sanqui> then people can just claim areas without having to modify them later... 23:02 < kanzure> rule #11: no town map 23:02 < padz> vetoed 23:02 < kanzure> what 23:02 < kanzure> you like town maps? 23:02 <+Sanqui> we got the pokégear 23:03 <+Sanqui> although I'd probably nuke it from the menu and add a regular town map 23:06 <+Sanqui> we can draw one in paint and implement it on our own 23:06 <+Sanqui> without markers etc 23:07 < padz> well my thinking was each tile on the town map would be a 20x20 map 23:07 < padz> and youd just fill in everything 23:12 < kanzure> what do you want instead of routes? 23:12 < kanzure> better-named things? 23:13 < padz> 'overworld' 23:13 < padz> and names i guess 23:14 < kanzure> whole game will just be a long route 23:14 < kanzure> you start at route 1 and walk until you reach route 1043 23:14 < kanzure> 20 map banks, 255 each, right? 23:14 < padz> 254 23:14 < padz> $ff makes it think its in an elevator 23:14 < kanzure> whole game will be elevators? 23:21 < padz> pokecenters 00:04 <+Sanqui> can I veto pokécenters 00:04 <+Sanqui> can we make something more interesting 00:04 <+Sanqui> even healing springs or something stupid like that would be better 00:09 < kanzure> do whatever you want 00:09 < kanzure> but i'm probably not going to want to go through all the maps and do healing springs, but you might 01:00 <+Sanqui> it can be something unique each time