#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This script is called on the final sorted, de-spammed revision # XML file. # # It doesn't currently check for no-op revisions... I believe # that git-fast-load will dutifully load them even though nothing # happened. I don't care to solve this by adding a file cache # to this script. You can run iki-diff-next.rb to highlight any # empty revisions that need to be removed. # # This turns each node into an equivalent file. # It does not convert spaces to underscores in file names. # This would break wikilinks. # I suppose you could fix this with mod_speling or mod_rewrite. # # It replaces nodes in the Image: namespace with the files themselves. require 'rubygems' require './node-callback' require 'time' require 'ostruct' # pipe is the stream to receive the git-fast-import commands # putfrom is true if this branch has existing commits on it, false if not. def format_git_commit(pipe, f) # Need to escape backslashes and double-quotes for git? # No, git breaks when I do this. # For the filename "path with \\", git sez: bad default revision 'HEAD' # filename = '"' + filename.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\').gsub('"', '\\"') + '"' # In the calls below, length must be the size in bytes!! # TODO: I haven't figured out how this works in the land of UTF8 and Ruby 1.9. pipe.puts "commit #{f.branch}" pipe.puts "committer #{f.username} <#{f.email}> #{f.timestamp.rfc2822}" pipe.puts "data #{f.message.length}\n#{f.message}\n" pipe.puts "from #{f.branch}^0" if f.putfrom pipe.puts "M 644 inline #{f.filename}" pipe.puts "data #{f.content.length}\n#{f.content}\n" pipe.puts end # This just prints the revisions in a human-readable format. def add_git_commit_dump(pipe, f) pipe.puts "filename: #{fields.filename}" pipe.puts "timestamp: #{fields.timestamp.rfc2822}" pipe.puts "message: #{fields.message}" pipe.puts "content size: #{fields.content.length}" pipe.puts end def read_file(title) puts "Reading file #{title}" mystring = '' File.open(title, "r") { |f| mystring = f.read } return mystring end def imgurl(file) # If you want to store all files in another dir, uncomment this line: return "images/" + file # By default we store all files in the root directory. #return file end # Reads a Mediawiki commit, converts it into an Ikiwiki commit. # # An example of what we're parsing: # # Main Page # 1 # 2006-06-15T16:37:31Z # # Mediawiki default # # # '''Mediawiki has been successfully installed.''' # # Consult the [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Configuration_settings configuration settings list] and the [http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_User%27s_Guide User's Guide] for information on customising and using the wiki software. # # # Here are the fields that can appear in contributors: # Mediawiki default # # Bronson2 def parse_revision(node, basedir) elements = node.elements title = elements["title"].text elements = elements["revision"].elements text = elements["text"].text if not text text = "" end timestamp = Time.parse(elements["timestamp"].text) # we'll ignore Mediawiki's minor flag; it seems to be useless. if true # Enable this to show the node we're processing puts "\n\n############" puts title puts timestamp end # ikiwiki uses two commit message formats: # Known username? "web commit by USERNAME: COMMENT" (we drop user id) # Unknown username? "web commit from IPADDR: COMMENT" # Mediawiki Engine? "web commit from Mediawiki default: COMMENT" # Of course, it also uses the free-form commit of anybody who # whacked stuff into the git repo directly. contributor = elements["contributor"] message = "web commit " if contributor.elements["ip"] message += "by " + contributor.elements["ip"].text elsif contributor.elements["username"] message += "from " + contributor.elements["username"].text else raise "Could not discover author from " + contributor end # This appears to be a limitation of the ikiwiki commit message format # (it uses a colon to denote the start of the commit message). throw "User can't contain a colon: #{message}" if message =~ /:/ message += (elements["comment"] ? ": " + elements["comment"].text : "") # Fix up the Image namespace. if title =~ /^(Image|File|Media):(.*)$/ # Load the file directly into this commit rather than just referring to it. title = imgurl($2) text = read_file("#{basedir}/images/#{title.gsub(' ', '_')}") else # Fix the Image namespace text.gsub!('[[File:', '[['+imgurl("")) text.gsub!('[[Image:', '[['+imgurl("")) text.gsub!('[[Media:', '[['+imgurl("")) # And warn if we see any other weird namespaces in here. text.scan(/\[\[([^:\]]*:[^\]]*)\]\]/) do |link| $stderr.puts "Warning: unknown namespace in link \"#{link}\" on page \"#{title}\"" end # And add the ".mediawiki" extension to all mediawiki-formatted files. title = title + ".mediawiki" end # ikiwiki doesn't handle files with spaces in the names. :( title.gsub!(" ", "_") return OpenStruct.new({ :filename => title, :message => message, :content => text, :timestamp => timestamp }) end throw "You must supply the name of the file to read!" unless infile = ARGV[0] throw "You must supply the name of the repo to fill!" unless repo = ARGV[1] # stupid libxml sax parser can't parse from a filehandle # so we need to make all our paths absolute before chdiring. infile = File.expand_path(infile) basedir = File.expand_path('.') Dir.chdir(repo) or throw "Could not chdir to #{repo}: #{$!}" # Create a new git repo if one doesn't already exist unless File.exists?('.git') system("git init") or raise "Could not run git init" end #branch = "refs/head/master" branch = `git symbolic-ref HEAD`.chomp raise "Could not run git-symbolic-ref HEAD??" if branch.strip == "" # git-fast-import requires us to use the from command if we're importing # into a pre-existing branch. git-rev-parse will tell us if the branch exists. putfrom = system("git rev-parse #{branch} >/dev/null 2>&1") username = `git config user.name`.chomp raise "You must set your user name. See git config." if username.strip == "" email = `git config user.email`.chomp raise "You must set your email address. See git config." if email.strip == "" IO.popen("git fast-import --date-format=rfc2822 --quiet", "w") do |pipe| nodeproc = proc { |node| fields = parse_revision(node, basedir) puts "importing #{fields.filename} at #{fields.timestamp}" fields.putfrom = putfrom # We only want putfrom to be true for the first commit we pass to gfi. # If we leave it true then only the last commit will be stored in git. putfrom = false fields.branch = branch fields.username = username fields.email = email format_git_commit(pipe, fields) } parse_node(infile, 'mediawiki/page', nodeproc, {:compress_whitespace => %w{revision contributor}}) end # git-fast-import doesn't update the working directory. # This is good but we must manually update it when we're done. system("git checkout")