Nanoengineer-1 dependencies * PyQt4 aptitude install python-qt4 * Numpy aptitude install python-numpy * Numeric PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/geometry/", line 23, in import Numeric ImportError: No module named Numeric >2/1/06 UPDATE A new, master module, named NumPy has been released that is touted as a replacement for Numeric and Numarray. SOLUTION: #import Numeric import numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/model/", line 97, in __init__ if (bondvectors): ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() SOLUTION: if (bondvectors != None): # number of distinct bonds to different other atoms (a # double bond is counted as 1) self.numbonds = len(bondvectors) s = bondvectors[0] self.base = s for v in bondvectors[1:]: self.quats += [Q(s,v)] else: self.numbonds = 0 if (bondvectors != None): self.bondvectors = bondvectors else: self.bondvectors = [] PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/model/", line 74, in import Numeric # for sqrt ImportError: No module named Numeric SOLUTION: #import Numeric import numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/model/", line 90, in from OpenGL.GL import glPushMatrix ImportError: No module named OpenGL.GL SOLUTION: sudo aptitude install python-opengl PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/graphics/drawing/", line 28, in import Numeric ImportError: No module named Numeric SOLUTION: Replaced Numeric with numpy.oldnumeric in ./cad/src/files/dpb_trajectory/ Numeric import array, Int8 ./cad/src/protein/model/ from Numeric import dot ./cad/src/protein/commands/InsertPeptide/ Numeric import zeros, sqrt, pi, sin, cos, Float ./cad/src/foundation/ from Numeric import array, PyObject ./cad/src/foundation/ from Numeric import array ./cad/src/temporary_commands/ Numeric import exp ./cad/src/temporary_commands/ Numeric import dot ./cad/src/temporary_commands/ Numeric import dot ./cad/src/cnt/model/ Numeric import dot, argmax, argmin, sqrt ./cad/src/cnt/commands/EditNanotube/ Numeric import dot .... ~80 more files PROBLEM: ./cad/src/atombasehelp.c:8:#include "Numeric/arrayobject.h" ./cad/src/samevalshelp.c:12:#include "Numeric/arrayobject.h" ???SOLUTION PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/foundation/", line 1405, in from idlelib.Delegator import Delegator ImportError: No module named idlelib.Delegator SOLUTION: sudo aptitude install idle PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/geometry/", line 26, in from LinearAlgebra import solve_linear_equations, eigenvectors ImportError: No module named LinearAlgebra SOLUTION: #from LinearAlgebra import solve_linear_equations, eigenvectors from numpy.linalg import solve as solve_linear_equations from numpy.linalg import eig as eigenvectors PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/geometry/", line 619, in cat if not a: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() SOLUTION: if not a.any(): if (_DEBUG_QUATS or debug_flags.atom_debug): print "_DEBUG_QUATS: cat(a, b) with false a -- is it right?", a return b if not b.any(): if (_DEBUG_QUATS or debug_flags.atom_debug): print "_DEBUG_QUATS: cat(a, b) with false b -- is it right?", b return a PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/graphics/widgets/", line 20, in from PyQt4.QtOpenGL import QGLWidget ImportError: No module named QtOpenGL SOLUTION: aptitude install python-qt4-gl PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/geometry/", line 383, in __eq__ return not (self.vec != other.vec) # assumes all quats have .vec; true except for bugs ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() SOLUTION: def __eq__(self, other): #bruce 070227 revised this try: if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return False except AttributeError: # some objects have no __class__ (e.g. Numeric arrays) return False return not (self.vec.any() != other.vec.any()) # assumes all quats have .vec; true except for bugs #bruce 070227 fixed "Numeric array == bug" encountered by this line (when it said "self.vec == other.vec"), # which made Q(1, 0, 0, 0) == Q(0.877583, 0.287655, 0.38354, 0) (since they're equal in at least one component)!! # Apparently it was my own bug, since it says above that I wrote this method on 060209. pass PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/graphics/drawing/", line 78, in __init__ _draw_compass_geometry() File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/graphics/drawing/", line 193, in _draw_compass_geometry [r1,r2,r3,r4,0,0]) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/OpenGL/", line 45, in __call__ return self._finalCall( *args, **named ) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/OpenGL/", line 573, in wrapperCall result = self.wrappedOperation( *cArguments ) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/OpenGL/platform/", line 340, in __call__ self.__name__, self.__name__, OpenGL.error.NullFunctionError: Attempt to call an undefined function glePolyCone, check for bool(glePolyCone) before calling SOLUTION: sudo aptitude install libgle3 PROBLEM: File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/graphics/widgets/", line 122, in _init_GLPane_rendering_methods self.compass = Compass(self) #bruce 081015 refactored this File "/home/user/Desktop/kanzure-nanoengineer/cad/src/graphics/drawing/", line 77, in __init__ glNewList(self._compass_dl, GL_COMPILE) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/OpenGL/", line 208, in glCheckError baseOperation = baseOperation, OpenGL.error.GLError: GLError( err = 1282, description = 'invalid operation', baseOperation = glNewList, cArguments = (17L, GL_COMPILE) ) ???SOLUTION